RDF-star WG biweekly meeting

18 April 2024


AZ, Dominik_T, draggett, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, niklasl, olaf, ora, Souri, TallTed, tl
darndt, efranconi, fsasaki
gkellogg, pchampin

Meeting minutes

Approval of minutes from the last two meetings: 1 , 2

<ktk> Comments by az: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Apr/0110.html

ora: any comments on the minutes?

ktk: we have a comment by AZ on the mailing list, link above

ktk: maybe the people mentioned in this email can tell pchampin which changes to make

TallTed: the minutes are not a meticulous transcription; "gibberish" and "poetry" happen.

ora: we might still address points if they are very unclear

<AZ> I agree that nothing I mentioned is critical

pchampin: do we want to set a deadline for addressing this issues?

TallTed: the bare "+1"s are the scribe scribing

gkellogg: the phantom issue is still there

ora: let's give people until next Monday to suggest fixes; can we do a conditional approval in the meantime?

pchampin: I think we can

<TallTed> pchampin -- if you can change `does this there is mean the specs are still still` to `does this mean the specs are still`, that will fix the poetry

<ktk> PROPOSAL: Accept last week's and two week's ago minutes, given additional feedback by next Monday (22.4.24). https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-rdf-star-minutes.html and https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html

<AZ> If no feedback is given, I'd be happy to approve the minutes as they are

<ora> +1

<ktk> +1

<pchampin> +1

<olaf> +1

<niklasl> +1

<gkellogg> +1

<AZ> +1

<tl> +1

<Dominik_T> +0.5 (I was not present on April 04, 2024)

<Souri> +1

<TallTed> +1

<TallTed> s| PROPOSAL: Accept last week's and two week's ago minutes, given additional feedback by next Monday (22.4.24). https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-rdf-star-minutes.html and https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html||

RESOLUTION: Accept last week's and two week's ago minutes, given additional feedback by next Monday (22.4.24). https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-rdf-star-minutes.html and https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html

Proposal for next week's discussion 3

<tl> Page Not Found

<TallTed> s|PROPOSAL: Accept last week's and two week's ago minutes, given additional feedback by next Monday (22.4.24). https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-rdf-star-minutes.html and https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html ||

ktk: the discussions were super interesting; I have no idea how we are going to finish them.
… I'm a bit confused who is in which camp.
… Some positions are very clear, others are not so clear.
… Maybe we need to make a straw poll.

<tl> that link - https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/0a6aa6e3-635c-42c2-baba-938c76b6ef01/20240418T120000/TBD - doesn't work for me, so what is the proposal for next weeks discussion?

ora: for the sake of trying to solve this, I'm hoping that we only have two camps.
… I think we want to reach consensus, avoid an impasse.
… Hopefully we need to find consensus.

pchampin: like the other time, I think we should come to the next meeting with thoughts on "what I can live with" rather than "how can I convince the other camp".
… and set ourselves the goal to end the next meeting with a decision, which makes everyone equally (un)happy.

ora: I like this proposal.

gkellogg: apologies, I will not be here the next two weeks.
… I think there are really 3 positions, not 2. If we consider the possibly entailed triple terms, this leads to several triple terms for a single reifier.
… We need to consider ways to fix our decision if we need to.

ora: what kind of entailment are you thinking of? sameAs?

gkellogg: there is also cases of equality with numeric literals.

Souri: maybe we need to think about what we can live with, but also what we absolutely can not have.
… It's good to have arguments for both.

tl: a Best Practices document would be a good place to explain what can be done.
… I understand that niklasl was working on such a document. I would like to know the status.

niklasl: it's hard to say. It is not ready yet, but maybe it can already be shared.

AndyS: Can we have material for the next meeting several hours before the meeting, please.
… It is hard to catch up with material just before the meeting.

ora: agree. What about setting the limit to the previous day?

Review of open actions, available at 4

gkellogg: I have updated all the specs to be "updatable".
… They have been merged, but not published, because of a bug with the github action.

<gkellogg> close w3c/rdf-star-wg#113

<gb> Closed issue #113

pchampin: there was indeed a bug in the GH action that we are using; it was fixed in the meantime, so rerunning the actions should fix the problem.

Review of pull requests, available at 5

ora: I guess there is nothing we can do about these either.
… How can we solve this rdf:JSON issue? pfps is not here.
… The term is here. The question is a matter of taste on how we define the value space.
… I can't speak for pfps.
… I think we need a focused meeting to discuss this issue.

ora: from your experience with JSON-LD, how would you solve it?

gkellogg: in JSON-LD we relied on JCS canonicalization, even though JCS was not an RFC.
… I interpret pfps' feedback as considering that JCS is inadequate -- it can be lossy in some cases.
… If we were to create a new canonicalization scheme, using XML-Schema canonicalization, this would solve this problem.
… But that would be yet another JSON C14N algorithm...
… But the difference between the two would not have any practical impact in my opinion.

<pchampin> +1

ora: we should soon have a discussion about this, so that we can put it behind us.

Issue Triage, available at 6

<gkellogg> w3c/rdf-star-wg#114

<gb> Issue 114 How will RDF 1.2 affect RDF Canonicalization? (by niklasl) [needs discussion]

gkellogg: in my opinion, we need to define a transformation from graph using triple-terms to graphs without triple-terms,
… ideally a round-trip-able transformation,

<niklasl> +1

gkellogg: and define that the canonicalization of RDF 1.2 as the canonicalization of that transformation.
… There was a lot of work put in the C14N to prove its good properties from a cryptographical point of view.
… Any change to include the triple-terms would change it radically.

ora: I understand we don't want to open that long discussion again.
… Do we need to dedicate one of the focused meeting on this?

gkellogg: I would like to hear someone with a different view. We need to discuss the technical means to define this transformation?

pchampin: I agree with gkellogg's proposal, although I would frame it clearly as a workaround, pending a new version of RDFC.

AndyS: I don't have a different opinion either. About round-trip, I don't think we need an RDF 1.1 -> RDF 1.2 -> RDF 1.1 roundtrip.

niklasl: I agree with the other remarks.
… [something about triple-term identifiers]

ora: any other issues that someone wants to discuss?

<gkellogg> I was thinking of round-tripping RDF 1.2 Full to RDF 1.2 Classic.

ora: I suggest every one takes a look at the list every so often.

Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting

ora: who is going to the Knowledge Graph conference? https://www.knowledgegraph.tech/
… I am. It's in NYC in 3 weeks.

niklasl: I can't go, and probably not even watch it remotely.
… Will they record your presentation?

ora: I think they record all the talks. I'll do a dry-run internally, it might be recorded as well (in case the KGC does not).
… There will be a lot of interesting stuff, inc. a master class in SHACL.
… Anybody going to ESWC?

olaf: I am.

<ktk> zazuko/knowledge-graph-forum

ktk: Knowledge Graph Forum in Basel, ora will be here.

<TallTed> zazuko/knowledge-graph-forum?tab=readme-ov-file

ktk: Anybody wants to come, let me know.
… It is back-to-back with Semantics @ Roche. https://2024-eu.semantics.cc/

ora: I'm going to Finland after that, I was invited to a semantic meeting.
… They asked me to talk about RDF-star.

ora: let's adjourn. Please remind to send any input to the next meeting at least 24h before.

Summary of resolutions

  1. Accept last week's and two week's ago minutes, given additional feedback by next Monday (22.4.24). https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-rdf-star-minutes.html and https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/the bar/the bare/

Succeeded: s/does this there is mean` to `does this mean/does this there is mean the specs are still still` to `does this mean the specs are still/

Succeeded: s/<Souri> +1/+1

Failed: s| PROPOSAL: Accept last week's and two week's ago minutes, given additional feedback by next Monday (22.4.24). https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-rdf-star-minutes.html and https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html||

Failed: s|PROPOSAL: Accept last week's and two week's ago minutes, given additional feedback by next Monday (22.4.24). https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-rdf-star-minutes.html and https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html ||

Succeeded: s|PROPOSAL: Accept last week's and two week's ago minutes, given additional feedback by next Monday (22.4.24). https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-rdf-star-minutes.html and https://www.w3.org/2024/04/11-rdf-star-minutes.html||

Succeeded: s/it behind./it behind us./

Succeeded: s|the Knowledge Graph conference?|the Knowledge Graph conference? https://www.knowledgegraph.tech/|

Succeeded: i|Anybody wants to come| https://github.com/zazuko/knowledge-graph-forum?tab=readme-ov-file |

Succeeded: s|Semantics @ Roche.|Semantics @ Roche. https://2024-eu.semantics.cc/ |

Maybe present: AndyS, pchampin

All speakers: AndyS, gkellogg, ktk, niklasl, olaf, ora, pchampin, Souri, TallTed, tl

Active on IRC: AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, draggett, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, niklasl, olaf, ora, pchampin, Souri, TallTed, tl