RQTF meeting

10 April 2024


janina, jasonjgw, John_Paton
janina, jasonjgw, JPaton

Meeting minutes

Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.

Janina: from the latest COGA meeting - reached agreement on clarifying the reference to Content Usable.

Janina: COGA TF participants will have a week or two to re-read the latest draft.

Janina: We might want to make statements about consistency - a major issue for some and beneficial to everyone.

Janina suggests we expand that discussion ourselves.

Janina suggests editing the draft for terminological consistency. Example: two different senses of "revision control" - Janina will clarify that revision control is not necessarily asynchronous.

Janina: Reports discussion concerning whether there would be a better way of organizing the document - if so, it would demand corresponding changes to our other 'AUR publications.

Janina: notes that David had raised approx. four additional items from COGA that seem to be remaining points of disagreement.

Janina will collaborate with COGA to maintain a short list of desired changes/issues.

Janina suggests there is a long-term accommodation needed with COGA Task Force to establish working cooperation - suggesting that their influence on WCAG is greater than it was five years ago, and cooperation with APA has scope for further development.

Janina suggests section 3 on user needs could be integrated into the introduction.

Draft note on Ethical Principles for Web Machine Learning.

Janina: suggests a quick review.

Jason endorses it based on having reviewed an earlier draft, subject to any issues that others may discover in the current draft.

Privacy Principles.

Janina: this document could provide guidance on how to achieve a balance between protecting privacy and providing services; it isn't clear how to accomplish both.

We discuss the fact that disability-related information can often be inferred from aspects of the user's operating environment.

Janina notes a proposal to generate enough irrelevant data to mask the privacy-violating information.

Janina notes this originates in the TAG.

Immersive captions.

Janina: the Community Group will invite us to take up their report.

Janina: they'll likely publish it as a Community Group Report.

The Community Group Chair needs to proceed with the report publication.

Janina suggests a resolution from the Community Group to request that APA take up the report with a view to note-track publication.

Miscellaneous updates and topics.

Janina: expects CAPTCHA to return to the agenda soon.

Janina: we need to clarify the state of the art in relation to CAPTCHA.

The proposals by Cloudflare are noted.

Janina also notes the tension between verifying the humanity of the user and privacy considerations.

Janina would like this to be ready by TPAC.

Janina: notes the difficulty of gaining widespread acceptance of guidance developed outside formal standards processes - especially W3C.

Janina notes they have few options beyond ISO/IEC and W3C - less relevant would be ITU and IETF.

Janina: notes that GitHub has renewed interest in accessibility.

Janina notes they may read our CTAUR draft.

We note the advantages of applications that have openly available APIs - creating opportuniites for accessibility solutions that wouldn't otherwise be possible.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


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All speakers: Janina

Active on IRC: janina, jasonjgw, JPaton