Meeting minutes
<janina> /join #rqtf
Agenda Review & Announcements
A11y Review Comment Tracker
gb, off
[css-anchor-position-1][css-display-4] Anchor Positioning and Display Order
Lionel: APA meet in Vienna next week
source: w3c/csswg-drafts#9356
tracking: w3c/
Matthew: Discussed with Paul regarding issue, element is anchored with CSS or not
PaulG: Widget like tooltip, colour picker accessibility with keyboard users
[css-zoom?] Zoom and CSSOM
source: w3c/csswg-drafts#9398
tracking: w3c/
PaulG: Issue is discussed previously, putting comments to track it
Explicit Review Requests
DeviceOrientation Event Specification
Due: 2024-02-29
tracking issue (for their checklist): w3c/
matatk: Specification about device orientation is tracked in above mentioned issue.
Here is my comment to the DAS WG, which will form the basis for an accessibility considerations section, if y'all agree: w3c/
Fredrik: In support of the comment mentioned
Review ARIA 1.3
Due: 2024-02-15
Assignees: matatk,fredrika11y,mbeganyi
matatk: Discussion summary to be added
matatk: Needs to review PRs, note down big changes from the notes and review threads
CSS Update (Paul)
<PaulG> w3c/
<janina> +1
janina: kiosk commented on privacy issue of keyboard usage
PaulG: Mentioned variants of keyboard users
*General concern about fingerprinting and ensuring use cases are met*
PaulG: Profiles for control keys can be considered
<Fredrik> +1 on what Lionel said!
Actions Checkin (Specs)
Review list separators WHATWG issue
Due: 2023-04-12
Assignees: matatk,mbeganyi
Lionel_Wolberger: Profiles could help address some of the privacy issues raised. For example, a profile that states "win ctrl key or Mac cmd key present" would eliminate some of the fingerprinting risk discussed here