Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

15 Dec 2023


jedi, kakinney, Len_B, Laura, shawn, Kosi, kevin, Michele, Lucy, Frankie, BrianE, sharron
Kris Anne


<kakinney> ...

<kakinney> ...

<scribe> scribe: Len_B

Easy checks URI

<kakinney> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/easycheckdraftpub/

Kris Anne: got approvalto move Easy Checks to a more accessible URI. EO has been asked to complete the survey.

reviewing Easy Checks

Kris Anne: deadline reminder - Tuesday, Dec 19

Michelle: asked what our standards are capitalizing 'deaf'

Shawn: shared that it is a standard to capitalize. We've learned this community prefers it be capitalized. We may not always agree with the usage in context, but it does meet people's representation preferences.

<shawn> - Most Deaf people capitalize "Deaf". https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Style#Disability_terminology.2C_people_first_language

Kosi: why isn't a criterion like 2.4.3 Focus Indicator not included in the Easy Checks?
... why isn't a criterion like 2.4.3 Focus Indicator not included in the Easy Checks?

Kris Anne: focus order was part of the initial set of prioritized criterion

Kevin: we're trying to keep these easy checks and as simple and focused as we can, grouping focus order in this mix adds a level of complexity that is essentially out of scope. TPAC conversation further prioritized topics and Focus Order was included in that effort.
... the hope is that EO will pick up the backlog and keep working on these things

Shawn: we did discuss the number of easy checks and trying to prevent them from becoming overwhelming. If we decide to add any more, we should prioritize them.

<shawn> Shawn: We defined that we don't want Easy Checks to be too overwhleming, so not too many checks. Would be good to prioritize and communicate which ones we do want to add ASAP.

Kris Anne: we could consider coming up with another level of Easy Checks. Possibly call them something else like 'common checks'

<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to ask about deaf blind, and to respond to Kosi

Kevin: Reviewed content for capitalization issues for deaf. Gave us a quick report of his findings and then asked about the standard for deaf/blind.

Shawn: to look into the style guide

Volunteers to maintain lists

Kris Anne: when forms a submitted, someone reviews the submission for completeness, then forwards into the next review cycle and eventually added to one of our lists if it passes the checks. We do not have anyone to manage the Policy Lists and we'd like to fix that. We need to make sure that the policy are real and true and can be added to our lists. We have the same need for the Evaluation Tools submissions.

Web Accessibility Courses and our Authoring Tools lists also need volunteers.

<shawn> Eval tool scope = https://www.w3.org/WAI/test-evaluate/tools/submit-a-tool/#scope

Brian: shared that the recent volume for Evaluation Tools is not the normal volume.
... we're not aksing for tons of time. It will mostly be monitoring the repo.

Kris Anne: This may require a maintaining task, as well. We need to make sure that older tools should be removed when they no longer fit our criteria.

Kris Anne: not looking for volunteers today, but we'd like to hear about policy and evaluation tools list volunteer by first week of New Year.

Shawn: evaluation list is being launched this year. Don't hesitate to jump in if you want to help.

Kris Anne: Reach out to the chairs telling us which ones you'd like to support.

<shawn> group-eo-chairs@w3.org

Work this week review

Kris Anne: reminder to complete the survey

Holiday well wishes

next meeting reminder - Jan 5

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2023/12/15 14:37:27 $

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Succeeded: s/TopicL Easy checks URI/Topic: Easy checks URI/
Succeeded: s/Topic: got approval /Kris Anne: got approval/
Succeeded: s/the standard/the style guide/
Default Present: jedi, kakinney, Len_B, Laura, shawn, Kosi, kevin, Michele, Lucy, Brian, Frankie, BrianE, sharron
Present: jedi, kakinney, Len_B, Laura, shawn, Kosi, kevin, Michele, Lucy, Frankie, BrianE, sharron
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Inferring ScribeNick: Len_B

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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