Invisible XML Community Group

28 November 2023


Bethan, John, Michael, Norm, Steven
john, John Lumley

Meeting minutes

Previous Actions

<Steven> https://www.w3.org/2023/11/28-ixml-irc

Michael: 2023-01-10-b: Michael to take another pass on the EBNF to BNF document. COMPLETED

2023-01-10-f: Norm and Michael to do a bit of revision to improve the draft documentation of the XML vINUEDcabulary (see #137) for further discussion. - CONTINUEDU

2023-10-03-a: Norm to create tests for renaming DONE 23 October 2023

2023-10-03-a: Norm to create tests for renaming DONE 23 October 2023

Norm close issue 197 without changes DONE 4 October 2023.

2023-10-03-d: Michael draft a FAQ, to include discussion of Unicode non-characters and non-Unicode characters Done.

2023-10-17-a: SP to document the modified IRI/URI grammar to make clearer why you might want it / need it, in preference to the literal transcription of the grammars in the RFCs. Mostly Done -Steven

2023-10-17-b: SP to draft proposed addition to section 3.3 saying explicitly that nonterminals are case-sensitive. DONE - needs discussion

ACTION: Steven to add the sentence to the spec.

2023-10-17-c: NTW to do some experiments with dynamic CSS, to see if we can turn section numbers on and off. DONE - posted link to version

2023-10-17-d: SP to make each heading hyperlink to the section it heads (on the model of the XSLT spec). - DONE

2023-10-17-e: SP to develop tests to detect version of Unicode supported. DONE - added to my Michael

2023-10-17-f: MSM to find the tests which currently provide different results based on version of Unicode supported, and send SP a pointer to them. Done.

2023-10-17-g: NTW to develop proposal for #192 (Line endings) with a menu of choices Done.

Status reports

John: Exploring full-length string matching

Norm: Experimental version 4 being worked on.

Steven: Working on leading empty item bug revealed by Michael's Unicode work.

Publication Plans

ACTION: Steven as group chair has to ask W3C to publish the report

Review and resolution of bug reports and technical issues

Michael: Pull request #207 Test of Renaming facility - agreed to merge

Michael: Pull request #211 A linear a-star test catalog and data

Norm: 3000 files a bit big! - Linear rather than exponential intervals

<norm> If you want to see my graphs, they're in here: https://so.nwalsh.com/2023/11/05-faster

RESOLUTION: This pull request should be merged

Pull request #212 Tweak Unicode tests, add version detector - Michael/Norm to resolve merge conflict

Pull request #218 Small test catalog update (Norm) - Allows multiple grammar-result elements in a test-set-results element (needed for processors with support for multiple Unicode versions or other reasons for multiple results). Agreed to merge

Pull request #214 Oberon-based performance tests (Michael) - agreed to merge

Pull request #215 XSLT to make Bash script from catalog (Michael) - agreed as a useful tool. Agreed to merge (free of charge!)

Pull request #216 ixml grammars for performance testing (Michael) - more real-world cases. (Intended to act as a good basis for comparing various rewrite rules, etc.) . Agreed to merge

Pull request #217 Performance tests using XPath (Michael) - reduced-tree grammar. Real-world XPath expressions. Agreed to merge

Issue #198 Check that browsable test suite is being updated when tests are added (Norm) - Continue

Pull request #204 Toggle section numbers (norm) - Continue

Michael: Explanatory Documentation in the test catalog would be helpful - explaining what features of iXML and the target grammars are being exercised

Michael: Description of EBNF to BNF translation - difficult to check format of the report without merging.

<cmsmcq> Current EBNF to BNF document is at https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/blob/master/misc/ebnf-to-bnf.md

Agreed to merge this

ACTION: Steven to review the EBNF to BNF document

Pull request #204 Toggle section numbers (norm). Agreed to merge

Issue #137 Document the XML tag set of ixml grammars (Norm & Michael) - Continue

v.Next issues

Issue #210 Extraneous material in section on Serialization

ACTION: Norm to tidy 'Extraneous material in section on Serialization'

<Steven> S: A. .

Some discussion about this subject - some thoughts about suggesting a name cannot/should not end with a '.' (Could be expressed in ixml)

ACTION: Michael - write a proposal regarding Period in names

<john> Next Meeting: 12th December @1500 UTC

Steven: Dutch government armed forces using iXML

<Steven> XSLTFOrms is adding ixml to its front end

fn: invisble-ixml() added to QT4 work

Summary of action items

  1. Steven to add the sentence to the spec.
  2. Steven as group chair has to ask W3C to publish the report
  3. Steven to review the EBNF to BNF document
  4. Norm to tidy 'Extraneous material in section on Serialization'
  5. Michael - write a proposal regarding Period in names

Summary of resolutions

  1. This pull request should be merged
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/john/John Lumley/

Succeeded: s/rrsagetn, make logs public//

Succeeded: s/rrsagent make log public//

Succeeded: s/Pervious/Previous/

Succeeded: s/CONT/CONTINUED/

Succeeded: s/Agrred/Agreed/

Succeeded: s/(and forces)/armed forces/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: john

Found 'Next meeting:' not followed by a URL: '12th December @1500 UTC'.

Maybe present: 2023-01-10-f, 2023-10-03-a, 2023-10-03-d, 2023-10-17-a, 2023-10-17-b, 2023-10-17-c, 2023-10-17-d, 2023-10-17-e, 2023-10-17-f, 2023-10-17-g, fn

All speakers: 2023-01-10-f, 2023-10-03-a, 2023-10-03-d, 2023-10-17-a, 2023-10-17-b, 2023-10-17-c, 2023-10-17-d, 2023-10-17-e, 2023-10-17-f, 2023-10-17-g, fn, John, Michael, Norm, Steven

Active on IRC: cmsmcq, john, norm, Steven