RDF-star Working Group Weekly Meeting

02 November 2023


AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, draggett, enrico, Erich_Bremer, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pfps, Souri, TallTed, tl
fsasaki, niklasl, pchampin
AndyS, gkellogg

Meeting minutes

Approval of minutes from the last two weeks:

Erich_Bremer: I work in bioinformatics with pipelines.
… I've been working with RDF and RDF-star, which will work nice

Erich_Bremer: I was briefly in another group, but this is pretty much my first WG.

ora: We look forward to hearing your real-world use cases.

pfps: I'm looking at the meeting announcement, and it's missing the links.

ktk: I forgot to change that we don't put scribes as the first item anymore and things changed.

<ktk> https://www.w3.org/2023/10/19-rdf-star-minutes.html

<pfps> the email announcement is fine. it's the description on w3.org that is missing the links

Approval of minutes from 2023-10-19

<ktk> pfps: I updated it now

<pfps> minutes look fine to me

<gkellogg> +1

<AndyS> +1

<Dominik_T> +1

<tl> +1

<AZ> +1

<ora> +1

<olaf> +1

RESOLUTION: approve minutes of October 19

<ktk> https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html

Approval of minutes from 2023-10-26

<pfps> last week's minutes also look fine to me because the presentations have slide backup on the email list

<ktk> PROPOSAL: approve minutes of October 26

tl: There was a correction on the abstract syntax (which was captured)

TallTed: You can use SED substitution to correct the log.

<ktk> +1

<pfps> +1

<gtw> +1

<AndyS> +1

<ora> +1

<gkellogg> +1

<olaf> +1

<tl> +1

<Dominik_T> +1

<Souri> +1

AZ: What do we do with [to be completed ...]
… I think we missed something niklasl said.

gkellogg: it was about the need to use the Abstract Syntax and not higher-level syntactic sugar

ktk: niklasl isn't hear now.

TallTed: Using ??? rather than "to be completed" makes it easier to just accept.

<AZ> +1

RESOLUTION: Approval of minutes from 2023-10-26, with corrections by pchampin (noted down by ktk)

Proposal for next week's discussion

<ktk> https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/3

ora: We need to come up with a topic for next week.
… We had a lot of good discussion with many proposals, but we need to decide what we're going to pick up.
… We need to make a decision on what to do, but some more discussion is still needed.

AndyS: We also said to look at the use cases to see how they fit the proposals.
… They're quite big, with a lot of detail. We need to get down to a few examples that capture the range of needs.
… This could replace the "seminal example".

tl: I agree; I started trying to do that, but I'm at ISWC next week.
… I've been looking at the Abstract Syntax, and think that my proposal can work without changes. It looks just like named graphs, but requires some changes to how we model.
… That will take some time to work out.

ora: anyone else at ISWC? (olaf and AZ)

tl: niklasl is also not here next week.

ora: We're loosing some significant participation.
… Should we have the meeting or postpone? That would make the next long meeting in three weeks.

Souri: One of the upcoming Thursdays (Nov 23) is Thanksgiving, which is a holiday in the US.
… Nov 23.

AndyS: How about we adjust the schedule?

Souri: We could convert a 1-hour meeting to a shorter discussion.

ora: Why don't we have mainly discussion for the next couple of meetings.
… Cancel next week, and have a 1-hour discussion in two weeks.

ktk: The next long meeting would be Dec 7th.

ora: that will allow us to make some progress.

gkellogg: I'm concerned about how much time we're loosing

ora: If someone would like to schedule something longer, I'm happy to attend and help.
… Next week is shot due to ISWC. Could we have a longer meeting on Nov 16th?
… Maybe we could shift the time?

Souri: If we could go an hour later, that would help.
… If we could go 12-2 instead of 11-1 that would help.
… Also, US goes off DST this weekend.

ora: I'm happy to do that.

ktk: The main problem for me on the 16th is I'm in Jakarta.
… I would be unlikely to make a two hour meeting.

ktk: We'll do a two-hour meeting on the 16th starting an hour later.

ktk: the next long one would be Dec 7, then Dec 21 then Jan 4th.

enrico: I can't join a later meeting. What about the semantics groups meetings? I think we should delay until we have more consensus for our direction.

ora: the TF is free to decide it's own schedule.

AndyS: For the meeting on the 16th, what inputs should we bring. We need a way to have discussions that converge.
… There's a lot of material, but maybe we can reduce to a set of facts to foster convergence.

ora: We have material, so I expect at a minimum people to decide on a proposal they support.
… I wouldn't object if someone wanted to synthesize something from existing proposals.

tl: I think we should focus on a use case and use that to measure the different proposals.
… But, we need to focus on what that is.
… AndyS proposed to have a simple use case example to focus on.

AndyS: I didn't say a single use case, we could have a couple. For example the Superman example.
… The point is that examples should be a couple of lines long that have the essence of the problem.

AndyS: pfps, what's your feeling of what use case makes more engagement.
… There's still a lot to go through, and it's pretty long.

pfps: A use case document is often longer than what's on the website.
… At one time I created a summary page that lays them out, and it's still up to date.
… They don't have examples, but they are distilled.

<pfps> The Summary is at https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/wiki/Summary

pfps: That only has completed use cases, there are a couple of more that are in process.
… I can update that.
… I can add some RDF to the examples, as well.

ACTION: pfps to update Summary wiki page with new use cases and RDF snippets

<gb> I created issue #8

<gb> but I could not add the "action" label.

<gb> That probably means I don't have push permission on w3c/rdf-common.

ktk: For Erich_Bremer, I think it would be good for you to go through the use cases to see if there's something you think is not covered.

close #8

<gb> Closed issue #8

<tl> Is Enrico's question about sem TF meeting still up?

ora: Between looking at use cases and proposing examples, is there something else?

AndyS: I think there's more to do, but not realistic right now.

Review of open actions, available at

<ktk> Open Actions: https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/3

ora: No actions to discuss without pchampin.

Review of pull requests, available at

<ktk> Pull requests: https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4

gkellogg: I think the directional language-tagged string requests can be merged

AndyS: What do we need to do about rdf:JSON

gkellogg: not sure how to resolve without a concensus.
… Mostly about I-JSON limitations.

pfps: I have two concerns: one is that JSON is JSON and has a syntax. It is not limited to IEEE floating-point syntax, and string syntax is not limited to nice codepoints.
… If you're going to say JSON, do JSON.
… Otherwise, we'll confuse everyong.
… Also, I-JSON is not well defined; I don't know how to know what is I-JSON and what is not.
… It has to do with what floating point numeral relates with IEEE.
… If we're going to include it, someone's going to have to come up with a good definintion.

ora: Let's say we go with what JSON says, do we need some guidance?

gkellogg: Codifying the work from JSON-LD
… uses canonical form
… it is what happens in JSON-LD libraries
… has been used for several years
… there is now an RFC - wasn't at the time.
… JSON-LD processing duplicates what is now the RFC

<TallTed> JSON Canonicalization Scheme (JCS) -- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8785



gkellogg: JCS is mentioned

pfps: This is not I-JSON?
… defining doc from JSON-LD is 10.2 - lex space is all of JSON.

gkellogg: JCS used to get to value space

pfps: lex to value is parsing consistent ECMAscript.

gkellogg: my impl uses a different JCS impl.

pfps: what is the lexical space?

gkellogg: effectively I-JSON because only way out of JSON-LD.

gekllogg: JSON-LD is RDF with constrainsts like no surrogates

pfps: does not limit lexical space to I-JSON.

ora: I'd like to see pfps and gkellogg work on a solution that is practical.

<TallTed> perhaps pfps and gkellogg could move this to the mailing list, or have a separate zoom session (perhaps using semantics TF call time), that others could also join

ora: this is an important issue to get right.

ora: Next week is canceled.

AndyS: There's an issue for deciding the criteria for EXISTS.

<TallTed> gkellogg, pfps -- if you set up a special call, please have ora or AZ or pchampin add it to the group calendar, so it automagically shows up for subscribers. (Knowing my weaknesses, I will likely overlook it if announced on the mailing list.)

Summary of action items

  1. pfps to update Summary wiki page with new use cases and RDF snippets

Summary of resolutions

  1. approve minutes of October 19
  2. Approval of minutes from 2023-10-26, with corrections by pchampin (noted down by ktk)
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 222 (Sat Jul 22 21:57:07 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/I/I've been working with RDF and RDF-star, which will work nice/

Succeeded: s/of minutes/of minutes from 2023-10-19/

Succeeded: s/Nov 30/Nov 23/

Succeeded: s/upcoming thursdays/upcoming Thursdays (Nov 23)/

Succeeded: s/`action: pfps to ...`//

Succeeded: s/say JSON do JSON/say JSON, do JSON/

Succeeded: s/need some guidance./need some guidance?/

Succeeded: s/JSOLD-LD/JSON-LD/

Succeeded: s/IJSON/I-JSON/

Succeeded: s/IJSON/I-JSON/

Succeeded: s/IJSON/I-JSON/

Succeeded: s/errata/criteria/

Succeeded: s/deciding/deciding the criteria/

Succeeded 1 times: s/dirlangstring/directional language-tagged string/g

Succeeded: s/criteria EXISTS criteria/criteria for EXISTS/

Maybe present: gekllogg

All speakers: AndyS, AZ, enrico, Erich_Bremer, gekllogg, gkellogg, ktk, ora, pfps, Souri, TallTed, tl

Active on IRC: AndyS, AZ, Dominik_T, draggett, enrico, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, Souri, TallTed, tl