Meeting minutes
title: APA Weekly Teleconference
CSS Update (Paul) -
PaulG: CSS met in person, and no published minutes yet
PaulG: I wasn't able to attend
PaulG: believe discussion was mostly apis we wouldn't be concerned about
PaulG: Will catch up when I can
Agenda Review & Announcements
matatk: Don't believe we have announcements?
TPAC 2023 planning -
matatk: Stalled a bit; still waiting from TAG and several groups on timing
matatk: Difficulty with conflicting conference for some groups we're meeting with
matatk: We're following up as best we can
matatk: Still need to ask from ARIA?
matatk: WebAppSec we should also ask (re Adapt)
matatk: Was some question from Pronunciation on another ARIA mtg; but we need a good reason for another mtg, because we're not going their direction
PaulG: my attraction was reusable tokens; but more development would be needed to meed our reqs
PaulG: I think we get the basic finalized then return for elaboration in a 1.x
PaulG: would love to hear from the majors still
matatk: Believe the direction Pronunciation is going in seems right
matatk: Just don't want to have to repeat a dev cycle if the majors have issues
PaulG: We're still stuck on "html should b authorable by hand"
[discussion of some of the conundra]
matatk: Anything we can do during TPAC, we should be ready
PaulG: May be helpful to game-out ssml vs json with whatwg at TPAC
PaulG: what will happen if ...
Updated agenda for WHATWG meeting (need to request): https://
New Charters Review -
Explicit Review Requests -
<Roy> https://
matatk: Notes comment from Lionel -- link above
matatk: Is FPWD, so we can park
We have 3 VC specs to review (explicitly requested):
Verifiable Credential Data Integrity (and vc-di-eddsa and vc-di-ecdsa) 2023-05-27 -> 2023-07-31 #61
matatk: expect no a11y, though privacy; suggest we approve
PaulG: as long as mechanisa are transparent, cert window needs to be readable
matatk: good point; ua considerations arising from this; none in the doc; may be out of scope for this doc
matatk: Notes two subordinate specs
matatk: So we sign off on 61
Verifiable Credentials JSON Schema Specification 2023-06-13 #64
matatk: might be user related needed? so we might expect to see in schema
matatk: This is a thin wrapper on the main spec
matatk: Does have A11y Considerations
matatk: Tells implementrs to be mindful -- nice!
matatk: link to VC Data spec also has Considerations
matatk: We signoff on 64 with our thanks for a11y considerations
Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 2021-06-15 #65
matatk: Compliment of 64; we're fine
matatk: We sign off here as well
Task Force & Deliverables Updates
janina: COGA has been reviewing CTAUR, for which RQTF is very grateful. I asked Lisa to provide a pointer to COGA's in-process review.
janina: There's progress, but there's also some things missing. Process: they're not using Google Docs comments, to it's not clear when the comment ends.
janina: We found a lot of good, actionable feedback. There were also some things that were out-of-scope for CTAUR. Also we've not had any feedback about GitHub (we are specifically interetsed in that, as W3C uses it).
janina: There are non-web UIs to GitHub (e.g. gh CLI)
janina: We envisage a scenario in which everyone has a tool _they_ can use to interface with a common environment. Would be good to know what COGA finds with the other tools, so people can find something that works for them.