Meeting minutes
New members and topics
New members and topics
Rachael: first topic: new member introductions
Daniel Henderson: I'm Daniel Henderson, he/him, from Texas
<Chuck> Welcome Daniel Henderson-Ede! (Not yet on IRC).
Kevin White: I'm not new, but I'm new to the group. I work for W3C and will be the team contact for the group in the near future.
Rachel: Anyone else have a new role?
… Next topic: announcements.
<Rachael> TPAC Registration Reminder https://
<Rachael> WCAG 2.2 is approved for moving to Proposed Recommendation on Thursday. We are aiming for August 22nd for Rec publication. You can see the updated summer schedule at https://
Rachel: 1. Register for TPAC in spet
<Rachael> CFC is open until Thursday for updating the WCAG 3 working draft
Rachel: 2. WCAG 2.2 come out on the 22nd
<Rachael> Subgroups will be starting in the next week or so
Rachel: 3. We have a working draft for WCAG 3, so make sure to respond
<Rachael> a. Harm from motion Mondays at 8 eastern
Rachel: 4. New subgroups starting
<Rachael> Content order Mondays at 10 eastern
<Rachael> Timing and interruptions Mondays at 12 eastern
Rachel: If interested to sign up or know someone, please do because the subgroups are light
… Any questions on announcements?
<Chuck> DJ: Where can we register for the subgroups?
<JenStrickland_> Nat Tarnoff would be an excellent invite for vestibular disorders.
DJ: where can we register?
Rachel: In the email
<JenStrickland_> I will email you and them.
Guidance for Policy subgroup update (5 minutes)
Shadi: Final subgroup meeting next week.
… We still need to do some things, but there's mostly consensus.
<Jaunita_George> We should continue this in the next round of subgroup work
Shadi: "Last minute curve balls" are certainly welcome
… Working on introductions vel sim right now to explain context and group perspective.
… By next week, we hope to have something solid enough for the WG to understand.
Error Notification w3c/wcag3#2 (comment) (Piloting our new process)
Rachel: Thank you.
… Moving to next topic.
… Last week, we sought feedback and open Error Notification PR
… We have placeholder guidelines at this point
… Two subgroups are working on moving them to exploratory
… In Github, there is a summary of why this PR exists
… In this meeting, we want you to read through the PR and give feedback
… For next week, we want you to actually review the content and give thumbs up or down
… We will then move the Google Doc comments to Github
… Thank you Wilco an jeanne for translating the informative text to Markdown.
… Not all links work right now because we are moving repositories, but this will be fixed within a month or two
… Does anyone have questions on the process?
GN015: I did not find the same text in the Google Doc as in the PR, and I also did not have the rights to comment on the Google Doc.
Rachel: Good catch. We will fix that.
<GN015> How is a thumbs or thumbs down done?
<alastairc> Comments encouraged...
Rachel: In the lower left hand corner of the PR comment, you can press the smiley face to give a thumbs up or down if you want a simple reaction
… This is meant as a trial on the new workflow. If you struggle a lot, please let us know.
GN015: How do I perform a thumbs up or down
Rachael: Press the smiley face. It's also keyboard accessible.
Chuck: You also need to be logged in to Github
Alastair: If you want to suggest specific changes as well, you can also add a comment to the PR or Google Doc
DJ: Apologies to Rachael for spelling their name incorrectly previously.
Jen: When I first started participating in W3C, I had to go through a process to associate my Github account with W3C. Do people need permissions to react to PRs?
<alastairc> not for reactions, only for commits
MichaelC: Yes. Your username needs to be added, which is manual. I can add you.
Rachael: If you have issues, email AG plan or AG chairs and we will help you.
<JenStrickland_> I think each reaction should be associated with a GitHub account that can be traced to a W3C member.
<JenStrickland_> I understand Rachael — and I'm in the W3C GitHub. I was thinking more of the folks who are new.
Alastair: We cannot restrict reactions to W3C members
maryjom: WCAG2ICT just reached a new milestone.
… We've completed new guidance for some criteria
… We also added and updated glossary definitions
<laura> I'm getting "You are NOT allowed to see this questionnaire" for https://
maryjom: We've also created a new survey for the AGWG to complete
<kirkwood> don’t have access
can you try again?
I just updated this second.
maryjom: it's in IRC. It's not super long and we want your input.
<laura> Thanks Chuck.
<kirkwood> sorry yes my bad
Checked by Chuck. Everyone should now have access.
maryjom: After this survey, we will work on getting 2.1 in there. Later on, we will work on getting 2.2 in there once it's more stable
… Please let us know if you find any blocking errors in the survey
Rachael: any questions?
<kirkwood> working now
WCAG 2.x backlog issues
Chuck: I just did a quick update to give people access. Please let me know if you still don't have access
Rachael: Item 7: WCAG 2.x backlog issues.
4. Understanding doc for 1.2.9 mentions video #1836
Rachael: We're going out of order
… Topic 4: Understanding doc for 1.2.9 mentions video
Alastair: The audio-only citerion mentions video conferencing.
… There is a PR to fix the wording
Charles: Rachael had to step away so I'm jumping in as backup chair
Charles: Moving on from WCAG 3 to 2.2 now.
<bruce_bailey> i think "voice conferencing" should be "audio conferencing"
<LoriO> Have to drop for another appt. /quit
proposed RESOLUTION: Accept amended PR 1837 to address issue 1836.
alastairc: "Web-based voice conferencing" is original; Bruce is suggesting "audio" instead of "voice"
… I don't see a lot of difference; mostly preference
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to discuss my edititorial
back to you Rachael
GN015: I also feel that "voice conference" focuses on a voice is being heard. I prefer "voice"
bruce_bailey: "audio" is parallel to "video". saying "voice conferencing" is like saying "sight conferencing". i don't have a strong objection though
<Rachael> Straw poll Voice Conference or Audio Conference
Rachael: let's do a straw pole
<JenStrickland_> could it be web conferencing without audio or visual distinction?
<bruce_bailey> voice conferencing is parallel to sight conferencing
<jon_avila> Audio
audio conference, will not object to voice conference
<AWK> either
<mikeGower> Voice, worried about music, etx
<GN015> voice
<JenStrickland_> audio
<kirkwood> audio
<ToddL> audio
<ShawnT> either
<alastairc> "voice conferencing", but either
<laura> either
<scotto> either...
<bruce_bailey> music is also captioned
5 for audio 3 for voice, many either
mikeGower: I was wondering about music lyrics and things like that
… it seems to me that music is specifically excluded from this. Is that correct?
<AWK> This is just an example.
<Makoto> either will work in terms of translation (into Japanese)
<AWK> "such as"
alastairc: *reads SC*
bruce_bailey: there is a tradition of having captions for music
<kirkwood> “radio webcasts” are much more creative with their audio … an audio designers job
<shawn> audio matches the SC
bruce_bailey: I also think it's more common to say "video conferencing" and "audio conferencing"
Rachael: there is a slight preference to "audio" and it also matches the SC. can you accept "audio"?
<mikeGower> Fine
<GN015> I will not argue on whether voice or audio
Rachael: Anyone uncomfortable with "audio"?
<Rachael> Draft RESOLUTION: Adopt Understanding doc for 1.2.9 mentions video #1836 with change to audio conferencing.
<bruce_bailey> +
<bruce_bailey> +1
<ToddL> +1
<GN015> +1
<alastairc> +1
Rachael: vote on the draft resolution with change to "audio"
<kirkwood> +1
… Detlev do you have concerns?
<Rachael> +1
<Makoto> +1
<jon_avila> +1
<scotto> +1
<Detlev> not sure
<JenStrickland_> +1
<laura> +1
Detlev: not sure whether this is an improvement
<bruce_bailey> thank you, it is not only voice which gets into captioning streams
RESOLUTION: Adopt Understanding doc for 1.2.9 mentions video #1836 with change to audio conferencing.
Rachael: ok, we will go ahead and accept the resolution
5. Non-text Contrast - Figure on background changes #2494
Rachael: our next topic is #5 on the survey (Non-text contrast changes)
draft RESOLUTION: Accept PR 2574 to address issue 2494
alastairc: one of the examples that said that it wouldn't pass did actually pass, which has since been corrected
… also we are using higher quality screen shots now
Rachael: 9 people agreed with the update, nothing else happened
… any concerns?
<Rachael> draft RESOLUTION: Accept PR 2574 to address issue 2494
<alastairc> +1
draft RESOLUTION: Accept PR 2574 to address issue 2494
<ToddL> +1
Rachael: vote
<GN015> +1
<ShawnT> +1
<JenStrickland_> +1
<scotto> +1
<bruce_bailey> +1
<Detlev> +1
… unanimous, so let's accept the resolution
… back to q 1 of the survey (adjustment to "in brief" sections)
<Rachael> +1
<Daniel_Henderson-Ede> +1
<Makoto> +1
<laura> +1
<kirkwood> +1
RESOLUTION: Accept PR 2574 to address issue 2494
all +1s, no 0's, no -1's
Adjustment to 'in brief' sections
alastairc: outreach group wanted intro at beginning of text and adding why it's important
… I don't think it's worth going through content changes
Rachael: 6 agree with the update, 4 agree with the changes
… laura said "great job" and found a typo
… GN015 agreed and put in editorial comments
GN015: first one (accessible authentication) is not editorial
… "don't make people recognize" and "don't make people [?] to log in" feel the same
… focus not obscured enhanced/minimum feel the same
… "target size minimum": i prefer "cannot" over "find it hard to"
Rachael: these are content edits, thank you
… we can address these outside the meeting
Rachael: anyone else who commented want to speak?
AWK: is having this text above the SC text a good idea?
… i feel like people will think this is the normative text
… do other people feel similarly?
<alastairc> https://
Rachael: alastairc is showing what this looks like
… let's discuss this
alastairc: i felt similarly initially
… having "in brief" as a lead-in helps people who don't understand the SCs
<kirkwood> better from Cognitive perspective
<jon_avila> I agree with Andrew. Perhaps we can make the actual SC text more clear that it's the official requirement or messaging.
alastairc: maybe we should put text in saying "the in brief is a summary and below it is the actual SC"
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to discuss exactly the lines for which AWK has concern?
bruce_bailey: thank you
… is your concern the whole "in brief" section being above the SC text?
AWK: yes
<alastairc> The main options are either: Above the SC text, or at the top of the intent.
shawn: the education and outreach WG was concerned with the complexity of the SC criteria, but the points they address are simple
… which is why we suggested the brief go first: so that people aren't overwhelmed
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to ask if it is possible to include this information in the right rail (https://
AWK: if you go to the link i put in IRC, there's a "page contents" section on the right
… it feels like the "in briefs" might go best in the right rail
… because they are complimentary
<jon_avila> Regarding the right sidebar In responsive views when you zoom in it will still be above the SC.
<bruce_bailey> to be clear, i am very much a fan of this "in brief" work !
John kirkwood: i think it's been said that the complexity of what we have makes it hard to get an understanding when you get on the page
… i think it's a fantastic improvement to have the more understandable statement up front
… better cognitive accessibility
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask where is SC text with AA example?
bruce_bailey: i'm also a fan of the "in brief" sections
… i didn't see the SC text in the preview?
alastairc: the preview is bare-bones; once it's actually done you can see it better
<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to scribe change
<jon_avila> I am good with the brief at the top - just that we clarify the SC is required.
<kirkwood> recommend putting placeholder SC text to make less confusing?
Rachael: new scribe?
bruce_bailey: I can in 3 minutes
Rachael: dj can you continue to scribe
<shawn> version with In Brief (old wording) before the SC wording with styleing: https://
dj: certainly
<Rachael> ak mikeGower
Rachael: mike gower?
<dj___> mikeGower: the in brief is basically a shortened version of the understanding docs, which is good
<AWK> Do we have any user stats on how people arrive at the page - actual data?
mikeGower: most people will already have seen SC text before hitting Understanding page...
<kirkwood> +1 to Mike
<alastairc> AWK - when we've asked MichaelC previously the answer was no
mikeGower: want to endorse this "in brief" approach based on experience with developers
<AWK> Maybe we should make the SC text collapsable in the understanding template
<Rachael> Straw Poll: 1) Keep in Brief at top of page 2) Place In Brief in the right sidebar 3) Place the in Brief below SC text
<Chuck> 1, 3
shawn: I have some before and after urls to see the different approaches
<Wilco> 1, 3, 2
<jon_avila> 1
<Chuck> bruce: Double checking with Shawn, you are all big fans of this?
<JenStrickland_> 1
<mikeGower> 1, haven't seen 2, so hard to visualize
<Chuck> bruce: Your proposal?
<kirkwood> 1, 2, 3
<ToddL> 1, 3, 2
<GN015> 3 or 1
<ShawnT> 1, 2, 3
<Daniel_Henderson-Ede> 1, 3
<Rachael> 1, can live with 2
<alastairc> 1, 3, not sure 2 would work in that width.
<AWK> 2,1,3
bruce asks Shawn to clarifythat EOW strongly advocates this approach
<Detlev> 1, 2, 3
<shadi> 1
<JenStrickland_> 1 — thinking of reading order rather than visual design, my expectation is that it the In Brief comes before.
<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to summarize
<scotto> 1, 3.
Shawn: Please see git hub issues for conversations and input
<laura> 1, 2, 3. If one make the SC text look more official.
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to ask if it's worth saying "Success Criterion (SC) - the requirement"
Rachael asks for strong concerns with any of the approaches?
<mikeGower> In terms of feedback on editorial changes, im trying to address each in turn
<laura> +1 to AC
alastairc: Synthesizing some of the feedback, there could be some additional ways we could put emphasis on the SC text.
GN015: I am worked that sidebar might too easily be over looked
<shadi> +1 to GN
<Chuck> +1 similar concerns as shared by Gundula
<kirkwood> sidebar concerns me a lot too.
<Rachael> draft RESOLUTION: Accept the new placement and structure of In Brief and work on emphasizing the SC
<JenStrickland_> Noting a concern that the sidebar is exclusive to desktop / tablet visual design.
<Jaunita_George> +1
<Zakim> laura, you wanted to ask From the Understanding Document how do you get back to the spec?
laura: side comment, from Understanding, how does one get to spec ?
scotto: I has similar concern
<Rachael> Kevin and Shawn have an action to add a way back to the Spec from the new understanding docs
<scotto> yes, the previous versions did have a link back to the spec
shawn: i will take action item to look into that
<mikeGower> Off topic. Suggest someone open an issue on navigation
<AWK> Was in WCAG 2.0 days: https://
<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to react to shadi
<Wilco> +1 Mike
<Chuck> +1 to mikeGower, it's notable and needs to be addressed, but not in scope with survey question.
shadi: I like where this is going, and that redesign does not break back button -- so that is still a way
<jon_avila> Yes there was a link to the SC!
<Detlev> many people will find understanding doc from search and can't use back button
question if link to SC was in previous version
<AWK> See https://
<Rachael> draft RESOLUTION: Accept the new placement and structure of In Brief and work on emphasizing the SC
scotto: I am sure there was an explicit link previously.
<Chuck> +1
<laura> +1
<Rachael> +1
<ChrisLoiselle> +1
<shawn> +1 from EOWG to put In Brief before SC
<Detlev> +1
<ShawnT> +1
<jon_avila> +1
<Makoto> +1
Rachael: I will table the link discussion , please vote
<kirkwood> +1
<mikeGower> +1
<GN015> +0.7
<Jaunita_George> +1
<alastairc> +1
<JenStrickland_> +1
<ToddL> +!
<ToddL> +1
<Chuck> 17.7 for :-)
<AWK> /me didn't say it was obvious, just present :)
<Chuck> 16.7, sorry
<shadi> [2.0 structure sent people in circles because people who came from the QuickRef to the Understanding were sent back to the spec rather than to the QuickRef, and they were disoriented]
Rachael: We will continue working.
<AWK> s/\/\/me didn't say it was obvious, just present :)/
<alastairc> Thank you for keeping the 2.2 and 2.1/0 separate!
RESOLUTION: Accept the new placement and structure of In Brief and work on emphasizing the SC
<shadi> great work Mike & EOWG!
Parsing update for WCAG 2.1 understanding #3280
mikeGower: There might be oportunity to unify Understanding between 2.0 .1 and .2
alastairc: Reminding all of history, that 2.2 drops parsing SC, but Understanding for 2.1 left a bit of gap...
… so this PR is just adding a brief paragraph, replacing much longer content from previous Understanding version for 2.1....
… just adding linkage for explainaion
With a statement like "the HTML Standard has adopted specific requirements" is there part of HTML5 specification which might be pointed to?
<Chuck> Bruce: Is it literally true? I accept that it is. If there's a change to the HTML specs, there should be a link. Is that a literally correct statement?
bruce asks if statement is literally true?
alastairc: Answer is kind of both, since it has all been evolving together, statement is true
Rachael: In survey Wilco we had CFC.
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to comment on Wilco's point
alastairc: This is just a little bit more of an addendum to tie the different version together.
alastairc: This will probably mean that we have to do a "republication" CFC
Wilco: I am still not clear how this is not something we already approved.
<scotto> here is just one link to some of content in the HTML spec about how the parser works, where there was no parsing section in html 4 - https://
alastairc: When the Understanding is republished, this PR will update for the part which had correct.
Wilco: The Understanding update show up in the repo, so why is this PR needed?
alastairc: PR won't effect 2.2 Understanding. Update was not approved for 2.0. This PR is just for 2.1, which was approved, but there are some bugs which this resolves.
Rachael: Please remember these are Understanding document.
alastairc: Correct, except for 2.0 Understanding which is in TR space.
<Rachael> draft RESOLUTION: Accept Parsing update for WCAG 2.1 understanding #3280
<Chuck> +1
<Jaunita_George> +1
<Wilco> +1
<ToddL> +1
<Francis_Storr> +1
<GN015> +1
<ShawnT> +1
<Detlev> +1
Wilco and Alastair confirm this is all approved CFC updates Understanding
<Rachael> +1
<Makoto> +1
<Daniel_Henderson-Ede> +1
<mikeGower> +1
<jon_avila> +1
<laura> +1
<ChrisLoiselle> +1
RESOLUTION: Accept Parsing update for WCAG 2.1 understanding #3280
Suggested improvement to Understanding 2.2.1: Timing Adjustable #1814
<Rachael> PR: w3c/
<Jaunita_George> We should add an example that talks about MFA
alastairc: Timing Adjustable has requirements for things which disappear, especially without user interaction....
… Some time ago AWK started issue and we have PR to add paragraph allowing for Toasts as example
Rachael: (from survey) GN015 had wording suggestion because Toast might have unique information.
<GN015> agree to Jaunita concerning MFA
<Chuck> Bruce: I think it matches Gundula's comments. Not all toasts have alternatives.
<kirkwood> agree with Gundula and Bruce
Rachael: Wilco had an edit
<jon_avila> I'm thinking of success or failure messages that appear and then disappear but aren't traditional toast notifications - so I agree that if we want this to apply beyond toast.
Rachael: Mike Gower in survey agreed in concept, but there is still tension from normative SC
mikeGower: It is a timed based event, the justification provided so far is just not quite good enough...
… still seems like a normative change from Understanding.
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to comment on alternative methods
mikeGower: RAR prohibits even microsecond timed event
alastairc: To m gower point, we have explicit exceptions in other SC...
<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to say that this is toast specific
alastairc: Reflow is an example where there is an implicit Conforming Alternative Version, as screen resizes some text might be lost, but SC phrasing needs only one.
Chuck: M Gower , i see how you get there with your concern. Still, the suggested answer is still a huge improvement over status quo.
<mikeGower> Yep, essential I'd say Juanita
Jaunita_George: I had similar question with authentication that has time limit. We should have more examples with security and real time exception.
Rachael: Okay, but that is a new Issue please, not this exact situation.
<Rachael> Straw poll: Does this SC text support the change? Yes / No
Jaunita_George agrees to submit issue for security time outs.
<mikeGower> No
<alastairc> Not directly, but alternative conforming versions does
<Wilco> No -- but the CAV does
<GN015> yes
<Chuck> I concede "no-ish", but still think the change is ok.
<Rachael> Straw poll: Does this SC text or SC text + Alternative Conforming Version support the change? Yes / No
<Detlev> yes I think it is a reasonable change
<jon_avila> Yes
<Wilco> yes, then
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to mention i don't think we need reference CAG
<Chuck> I wasn't able to capture Bruce's thoughts.
bruce: no need to resort to CAV
<mikeGower> I WANT this change, I just don't think it's supported by the normative text
<Wilco> Can someone explain why conforming alternative version wouldn't allow for this?
alastairc: I am not entirely sure I am tracking all the suggested edits
GN015: I am concerned with information conveyed, not the toast itself
Chuck: I want to think about this more
mikeGower: SC says what it says
mikeGower: What is the CAV for a notice
<alastairc> Agree that some would pass and some would fail, depending on the content of the message
<Chuck> Jaunita, there's a section in the understanding document "Notes regarding server time limits" that has some content applicable to login timings and (my interpretation) dual factor situations.
mikeGower: "you've got mail" toast is problematic
Rachael: We are at time
<Chuck> Bruce: Not all toasts are created equal. "You've got mail" is for information you don't have any other way. Our access board has a mechanism to view past messages.
<Chuck> That looks like a progress bar
Bruce defend toast links on access board site
<mikeGower> That's informative reinforcement.