Meeting minutes
Coordination regarding Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 3.0.
jasonjgw: Glad to have Rachael with us today
Rachael: We have been studying various tests used for such things as color contrasts
Rachael: Have found several gaps in user needs
Rachael: would like to collaborate with RQTF and have assistance on this
jasonjgw: So to help with literature search and summaries?
Rachael: yes
scott_h: Makes sense for us to be involved and help with this
janina: Determining how best to coordinate would be helpful
janina: We have a long history of digging into such things as media accessibility
janina: Many examples where, for instance, flat HTML isn't providing enough information.
jasonjgw: We would do preliminary investigation of topics that are not yet well defined
jasonjgw: Discussions of concepts and scope would help with better defining this work
Rachael: doing an initial review before defining it as a gap would be good
Rachael: Working with some universities to help research might be good as well
jasonjgw: Can set up a wiki page, perhaps by RQTF, then coordinate in an appropriate manner to pupulate and refine teh content
Rachael: sound good
Rachael: the concept we have in place are short-term subgroups who work on focused research
Rachael: work for about 8 weeks and then bring it back to the large meeting
janina: That is a useful content that we could apply
jasonjgw: Can create the Wiki page as an action item
scott_h: Like the positioning of being in an advisory role
janina: Would start with the wiki as we have done in the past
Rachael: yes...that works.
Rachael: Would like to find a way of referencing other research efforts and noting when these are completed
jasonjgw: Sounds good
janina: Just a point that we are talking about WCAG 3, which is still a long time away
jasonjgw: We can continue coordination by email for now
Rachael: thanks for having me!
Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.
jasonjgw: Janina is working on integrating new content by Scott
janina: Yes...but still needing to turn these into GitHub issues, but it is progressing
janina: Hope to have more of an update by next week
jasonjgw: Trend to move all office application outputs into cloud use rather than people emailing files
janina: Online version of LibraOffice is not accessible
scott_h: What are our plans on COGA comments?
janina: We will move forward at this point so as to not further delay the publication
jasonjgw: Will put on agenda for next week
Media Accessibility User Requirements.
janina: Hoping we can get a FPWD out before TPAC
janina: We are setting up cross-group meetings, CTAUT and Media are some we want to highlight
janina: Natural language is another one where we may need a discussion
Miscellaneous updates and topics.
janina: Automated captions - are there known services where a script is given in advance to the automated engines?
Steve: may have some past research on this - seems like a vendor may have something about this
Steve: we have looking for formalized alt text guidelines for writing iamge descriptions for young children
janina: We should look at adding age appropriate guidelines in WCAG 3 - may not help today
Here is one resource I found: https://