WAI Adapt Task Force Teleconference

22 May 2023


janina, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk, mike_beganyi, Roy, Russell, Sharon

Meeting minutes

Administrivia: No meeting on Memorial Day (29 May)

No meeting for U.S. Memorial Day, Monday 29 May!That's next week.zakim, next item

We're still in process of updating our Zoom. Expect new next time.

A11y4Children ontology follow-ups

Sharon: Notes response from A11y Chn CG; we're waiting for their suggested times.

Issue 240, w3c/adapt#240

Discussion has it's Lionel's draft response action, and will be run by Russell before posting

Gap Analysis, https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Gap-Analysis

matatk: Regrets personal items interfered recently

matatk: Am working on it, and expects activity by next mtg

matatk: Authoring also getting close, but not yet there

Sharon: Asks about the ping to Lisa on sortable table? Update?

janina: Lisa did see it, but may have forgotten due to other items. She's also cancelled the COGA planning call Tuesday, so we're some time away from an update

Review open issues

<Sharon> https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues

sharon: asks about well-known urls

matatk: yes, some update

matatk: designed for passwd managers to update on sites

matatk: accidentally created a framework that might work for us

matatk: Planning to come up with a draft doc before TPAC for TPAC discussion -- an alternative to destination is the possibility

matatk: Have been having arch design conversations

matatk: Notes mtg with WG requested for TPAC

matatk: Notes that it also builds on more advanced work coming out of A11yEdge CG

Sharon: Anything to put as a comment for now?

matatk: Turn it into an action


lionel: Q how one well-known can support multiple actions?

matatk: Spec written for one use case, but by doing so they've reserved the /well-known/XX name space for exploitation!

matatk: Think of a 301

matatk: Polling would be too cumberson, so we need a .json file to help; and that would mean we don't even need the endpoints

matatk: So multiple ways to implement that we'll explore with browsers

matatk: Also, we need to protect extensibility, e.g. help -- help with what?

matatk: So, not sure what all the answers are yet

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://apple.com/.well-known/change-password

<Lionel_Wolberger> https://facebook.com/.well-known/change-password

Lionel_Wolberger: Apple and FaceBook have already implemented. Very exciting, could really go far

Sharon: Looks at a 404 in content module ... who Sharon Will file and cross ref

Sharon: Issue 222 ...

matatk: A tool by which we querie top 10M web pages to see what happens?

sharon: Should we action-required? So we don't lose until ready to respond?

janina: Yes

matatk: Suggests we might get ahead of this by noting much has changed since 476 and will show latest thinking as soon as our updated gap analysis is ready

matatk: Should be soon

Repository: w3c/adapt

sharon: Will keep on our agenda

<Roy> #221

<ghurlbot> Issue 221 WAI-Adapt fallbacks to equivalent microformats (Seirdy)

Sharon: Looking at 221matsharonissue 221 seems to have a response? micro-formatssharnotes conversation in the issue

matatk: same as my overall gap analysis action

Sharon: issue 202

<Roy> #202

<ghurlbot> Issue 202 WCAG 2.2 use of personalization (rachaelbradley) implementation, 1) content module

matatk: Nothing on this until content module sorted

<Roy> #197

<ghurlbot> Issue 197 Privacy and Security Considerations section review for Personalization Semantics Content (ruoxiran) privacy-tracker, security-tracker

janina: Notes APA Charter now out for AC votingsharNotes issues 53 and 54 --rdf?

<Sharon> w3c/adapt#53

<matatk> This is the page that metions RDF et al: https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Comparison-of-ways-to-use-vocabulary-in-content

<Sharon> whatwg/html#9084

Sharon: Do we even need these still?This is our formal request to WHAT WGzakim, end meeting

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: janina

Maybe present: lionel

All speakers: janina, lionel, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk, Sharon

Active on IRC: janina, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk, Roy, Sharon