WoT Security

15 May 2023


Jiye_Park, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes


McCool: look at features at risk
… and see what is still missing around security


McCool: no minutes for Apr 17


McCool: (goes through the minutes)
… any comments?
… just one typo around "access to trust environment" to be fixed as "access to trusted environment"

Luca: not for the minutes themselves, but we should think about a dedicated secure network

McCool: ok
… let's finalize the minutes themselves


Dedicated network for guests

WoT Architecture ED - 10.4 Trusted Environment Risks

For example, in the home environment, a separate WiFi network can be
used for IoT devices, and routers often provide a "guest"
network that can be used for this purpose. In commercial and industrial
environments, explicit installation of pre-shared keys SHOULD be used to
allow browsers to access local services while using TLS.

McCool: let's create an issue for WoT Architecture

wot-architecture Issue 908 - Correct statement about "guest" networks

<McCool> w3c/wot-architecture#908

Kaz: for the next Charter, we need to look into various use case scenarios including potential devices from the other SDOs' standards too

Remaining at-risk items

Summary from the latest Testfest


McCool: for Architecture

high priority:
(1) arch-security-consideration-use-psk
(2) arch-security-consideration-dtls-1-3
low priority:
(1) arch-security-consideration-hal-refuse-unsafe

Thing Description

McCool: for Thing Description

low priority:
(2) td-security-oauth2-device-flow (2)
(1) security-server-auth-td
(2) security-context-secure-fetch
(1) security-remote-context
(1) privacy-immutable-id-as-property

McCool: any concern about them?
… how about "td-security-oauth2-device-flow"?

Luca: somebody may use Bluethooth, etc., with wifi connection
… similar scenarios are possible

McCool: actually, it's a bit odd not to have implementation for this
… maybe we've been overlooking something...
… let me check again

Kaz: btw, what do the numbers with palens mean, e.g., "(2)"?

McCool: number of missing implementations

Kaz: ok
… so the "(2)" at the bottom of "(2) td-security-oauth2-device-flow (2)" is extra

McCool: right

(McCool tries to check the data again, but need some more time)

McCool: "security-server-auth-td"
… we should have implementations and also this is an easy feature
… so would make this high priority

(no objections)

McCool: would suggest we make the following three features "medium priority"

(1) security-server-auth-td resolution pending
(1) security-remote-context Intel - wot-ha already resolves - resolution pending
(1) privacy-immutable-id-as-property Intel to do

(no objections)


McCool: (goes through the remaining features at-risk)

Kaz: how to handle the high/medium priority features?

McCool: those are not about security
… so let's talk about lower priority features now

Lower Priority
These have one implementation but are in security considerations and can
be converted into "guidelines", so are a lower priority.
(1) sec-tdd-query-watchdog
(1) sec-tdd-intro-no-multicast

These have two but are also in security/privacy considerations and can
be converted into "guidelines", so are also lower priority:
(2) sec-tdd-throttle-queries
(2) sec-tdd-limit-query-complexity
(2) sec-tdd-intro-limit-response-size
(2) sec-tdd-intro-throttling
(1) sec-self-proxy

McCool: (goes through the above lower priority features)
… any opinions to make them higher priority?


McCool: then privacy features

(2) priv-loc-disable-public-directories
(2) priv-loc-anonymous-tds
(2) priv-loc-gen-ids
(2) priv-loc-explicit-strip
(2) priv-query-anon

McCool: most of them will become informative
… any objections to keep them as low priority?

(no objections)

McCool: then OAuth2 flows next

(2) exploration-secboot-oauth2-flows

McCool: we don't have sufficient implementations for that
… would have some discussion about this during the Discovery call later



McCool: (puts remaining GitHub issues to the agenda for the next call)
… please go through the issues for the discussion next week
… we're making decision for PR transition this week


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).