WoT Testfest - Day 1

25 April 2023


Ben_Francis, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes

<kaz> Agenda

<kaz> Logistics


PR 549

<kaz> PR 549 - Submit manual results for wot-ha - multilingual error messages

McCool: I have been working on a home assistant implementation
… it can do error messages in multiple languages
… to have UTF support, I return HTML
… (shows results of the manual.csv)

Ege: are you planning the apikey in the body?

McCool: not here. It is a bearer token here but I am planning it for another implementation

Kaz: we should organize this call better

Kaz: the previous PR was for discovery right?

McCool: yes indeed

McCool: the other one is from Hitachi

McCool: the purpose of this call is to gather new results from implementors

PR 548

<kaz> PR 548 - update Hitachi's implementation descriptions

McCool: this is a PR for the architecture

McCool: the PR goes into arch folder but since these are implementation descriptions, it applies to whole WoT

At risk Assertions Review

<kaz> List of remaining features at risk

McCool: we should prioritize the remaining assertions

McCool: it would be good to organize and prioritize them

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1804 - Update IR to incorporate saywot and editdor results

Ege: we can organize TD assertions now if you want


McCool: I think we should merge a PR for the TD first

McCool: any objections to merge PR 1804 at the TD repo?

<kaz> (merged)

Ege: you can put my name on some the assertions here

McCool: let's categorize them in the readme

Kaz: are we talking about assignments or priorities?

McCool: both

Ege: can you put my name for the oauth2 limits, I will try to contact them

Kaz: who can decide the priorities? We can bring our proposal to the whole group

McCool: I can write this as a proposal

<kaz> (McCool continues to identify the priority of the remaining features at risk)

<benfrancis> https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery/#introduction-direct-directory-description

Ege: we talked with Ben in the CG chat and it seems weird that people do not expose a TD for the TDD

Ben: I will help with the implementation report
… I will start with discovery

<kaz> tdd-http-representation-alternate-output assertion

McCool: let me put your name

<kaz> also exploration-secboot-401 assertion

<kaz> introduction-direct-directory-description also

<kaz> exploration-secboot-auth possibly?

Ben: i may have time to do some of the security but not sure

McCool: I can also help with some of them

McCool: any other assignments?

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).