ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group

13 April 2023


Dylan_Sheffer, howard_e, Isabel, JoeHumbert, jugglinmike, Matt_King, michael_fairchild
Matt King

Meeting minutes

Review agenda and next meeting date

<Matt_King> See agenda at https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/402ca109-ea77-4ad0-b088-1ccd8a0f00c5/20230413T120000#agenda

<Matt_King> Next meeting on April 20.

Matt_King: We'll reorder the agenda based on jongunderson's availability

Current testing check-in

jscholes: VoiceOver and Chrome -- "Radio Group" PAC is still in progress, Joe has completed (and provided some feedback)

jscholes: "Alert" PAC is still in progress, Joe has completed

jscholes: "Link" PAC is still in progress, Joe has completed

jscholes: NVDA and Firefox: "Radio Group", PAC has completed testing, and Alyssa plans to complete it by the end of the week

jscholes: "Alert" -- all testing is complete with no conflicts

jscholes: "Link Example 1" all complete with no conflicts

jscholes: JAWS and Firefox" .. "Radio Group" all testing complete with 6 conflicts, "Alert" , all testing complete with no conflicts, "Link Example 1" all testing complete with no conflicts

jscholes: w3c/aria-at#924

jscholes: VoiceOver with Chrome, "command button". Navigate backwards to a button with the command "Shift+Control+Option+Command+J"

jscholes: Multiple testers have reported that this command on the Mac simply doesn't work

jscholes: The intent is that when you press the command, the focus moves to the previous element, which is a button, and reads that button

jscholes: In fact, it appears to be moving forward

jscholes: Except that jongunderson reports that it works as the test expects for him

Matt_King: Yeah, the response that jongunderson has reported looks perfect to me. Could his Mac be somehow different than Isabel's...?

JoeHumbert: Is this the same issue that I reported?

jscholes: Yes

JoeHumbert: In all of the test that I did for RadioButton, I started to wonder if it was because I was starting on a link instead of on a control. It should work regardless, of course

jscholes: I would also expect it to work, even if it was getting confused internally, because it should take the previous focus into account. In any case, I feel the command is broken

jscholes: I think we have to report the results that we've collected which demonstrates that the command is broken

Matt_King: I can reproduce the bad behavior outside of the test environment, on real websites

Matt_King: It doesn't jump forward to the next control; it jumps forward to the next button. If I press it again, then it starts going by all controls

Matt_King: Actually, it may be jumping to the *last* button

JoeHumbert: I think TalkBack uses the concept of "controls". There, it means all buttons and all types of inputs

Matt_King: That's what JAWS does for the "f" key

jscholes: Are we saying that the ask for jongunderson here is, "Can you re-run the tests that include this command and if you end up seeing the broken behavior, please update your results"?

jongunderson: Yup, I can update my results

Isabel: We've marked the checkboxes as "incorrect output" is that right?

Matt_King: Yup, that's better than the alternate ("no output")

JoeHumbert: It looks like WCAG uses the term "control" but does not define it

jscholes: I'm replying to the issue with the resolution for jongunderson

Matt_King: This is the same as w3c/aria-at#930

Feedback: "Navigate backwards to a checked radio button" (Radio Group Example Using aria-activedescendant, Test 16)

github: w3c/aria-at#929

JoeHumbert: Are we treating "selected" as the same as "checked" for radio buttons?

Matt_King: Yes

JoeHumbert: Thanks. I'll correct the one test that I left

Matt_King: The assertion says that it "conveys the 'checked' state", right? We worded it that way to accommodate this

jscholes: reviewing testers' results is cumbersome using that app's UI

Matt_King: I'm in the process of reporting an issue about that

JoeHumbert: In the future, it would be nice if there was a "reviewer mode" so someone like jscholes could see all of the results for all of the testers

Matt_King: We do need to be able to see the report for testing that's in progress. I'm very attune to the whole situation and working to find the least expensive way to get to a better state

Matt_King: I'm writing something up

jscholes: Right now JoeHumbert has marked "no output" for all assertions. It should be "incorrect output" for the role and name of the radio button, and "no output" for everything else

Feedback: "Operate a pressed toggle button" (Toggle Button, Test 24)

github: w3c/aria-at#927

jscholes: this is about state change when you press the "enter" key

jscholes: this is not the same as the issue we previously raised with James Craig

Matt_King: We need jongunderson to move on this, so we'll save it for later

Matt_King: It looks like we're caught up on all the conflicts that we can resolve today

AT Support Table Launch Update

Matt_King: this has been quite a week!

Matt_King: Last week, I had just finished the draft of the announcement and shared it with a lot of people, but not everybody

Matt_King: We got more and more stakeholders over the course of the week, and eventually the W3C communications team got involved

Matt_King: Eventually, we had to negotiate some things. This included things about the aria-at-app itself, and Alex_Flennikan has pushed up a new note during this very meeting

Matt_King: "Note: The ARIA-AT Project is managed by the ARIA-AT Community Group in coordination with the Authoring Practices Task Force of the ARIA Working Group. The W3C staff contact is Daniel Montalvo."

Matt_King: The announcement is just about done, I just have three things left to resolve

Matt_King: Dequeue has a post ready to go. So do Bocoup and PAC.

howard_e: the work on the app is done

Matt_King: So we're ready to announce on Monday with a W3C blog post, a Deque blog post, a PAC blog post, and a Bocoup blog post

JoeHumbert: Can you send out an e-mail with links to all four?

Matt_King: Yes; I'll send an e-mail to our mailing list with all of those links on Monday morning

Matt_King: It's been a full-court press. Thank you to everybody for helping bring all of this together!

JoeHumbert: Only 60 more examples to go!

michael_fairchild: This is a huge milestone

Matt_King: We haven't yet published our schedule for what's next. We're going to have to turn our attention pretty rapidly to the three we have waiting "in the wings", and then deciding what comes after those

michael_fairchild: On the APG examples, there's a heading for keyboard support, and our tables live under another heading for "assistive technology support." I wonder if it would be better to word "keyboard support" as "keyboard interactions" since we're not really testing keyboard support there

Matt_King: Actually, we are testing support to some extent

Matt_King: "Keyboard interactions" is how we label it in the pattern

Matt_King: I wonder if those headings should be the same... It's worth raising as an issue in the APG, michael_fairchild

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: jongunderson, jscholes

All speakers: howard_e, Isabel, JoeHumbert, jongunderson, jscholes, Matt_King, michael_fairchild

Active on IRC: JoeHumbert, jugglinmike, Matt_King