Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

23 March 2023


catherine, Helen, kathy, thbrunet, ToddL, trevor
Todd, ToddL

Meeting minutes

<trevor> 0

<kathy> 0

0 - no preference. Time here does not change in Arizona.

<Wilco> +1

RESOLUTION: Going forward ACT TF switches times with US summer / winter time instead of EU

Wilco: Using US summer/winter time for meeting times instead of EU time

ACT Standup

Wilco: Everything is fine, but oops.

Wilco: movement on 4.1.1

catherine: worked on surveys and call for review

thbrunet: surveys, hoping to get to get to rest

Helen: surveys, not much other to report

kathy: more on the label in name issue. CSUN, met Daniel

trevor: got through rule reviews, surveys, edited site stuff, discuss w/JYM on rules

Wilco: potentially a new implementor coming on board

Better define how rules related to page states (30 min)

trevor: Discussion on Applicability of Stateful Rules act-rules/act-rules.github.io#1953

Meta refresh has no refresh delay (no exception)

Wilco: Meta refresh, updated sheet slightly it now has issues column that links to open issues

<trevor> trevor: Introduces possible new section called preparatory steps. Has mutliple steps each with their own applicability and action

<trevor> tom: Concerns about how automatable it may be. Should be be using standard authoring practices as guideline for interaction schemes to test

thbrunet: test cases aren't generated correctly.

<trevor> wilco: Concern that using steps is too prescriptive, can we shift to past tense and have it as conditions

<trevor> trevor: Can do, still some concerns if there are multiple "states" or complex conditions

<trevor> wilco: We can also use specific events that we care about, once again relevant to the standard authoring practices

<trevor> trevor: will make those changes and bring back for next time

Wilco: will need to fix test cases not getting put into the template correctly

Wilco: Failed Example 1 refreshes blank page every 30 seconds

kathy: don't know what the failure is if it is just a blank page


thbrunet: seems confusing

kathy: what would AT announce if there were content?

Helen: in favor of KISS

Wilco: no change then

Wilco: 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable not showing up correctly. Fix secondary requirements UI bug

Wilco: Do we like the test cases with the head element.

Helen: We want the head to stay and the element that is failing there as well.

Wilco: Do we need to change the code?

Wilco: Keeping examples as they are

<Wilco> Because a refresh with a timing of 0 is effectively a redirect, it is exempt from this rule. Since refreshing the same page with a time of 0 can cause rapid screen flashes it is strongly recommended to avoid this.

Wilco: two changes to be made and will be liason.

Summary of resolutions

  1. Going forward ACT TF switches times with US summer / winter time instead of EU
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: Wilco

All speakers: catherine, Helen, kathy, thbrunet, trevor, Wilco

Active on IRC: catherine, Helen, kathy, thbrunet, ToddL, trevor, Wilco