ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference

07 March 2023


CurtBellew, howard-e, jongund, jugglinmike, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King

Meeting minutes

Mike Pennisi (Bocoup)

Setup and Review Agenda

Jem: should we meet next week?

Matt_King: I'm available to meet

[general agreement about holding a meeting next week]

Matt_King: Okay, then. Let's have a meeting next week!

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/March-7%2C-2023-Agenda

Editor's Draft Sunset Complete

Matt_King: the editor's draft was showing the old, large document

Matt_King: We've now replaced it with a nice list of links to the current site

Matt_King: In addition, all of the examples now link to the current site

Matt_King: For example, the Accordion Example page https://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/examples/accordion/accordion.html

Matt_King: If anyone finds an issue, please report and issue

<Jem> w3c/aria-practices#2641

Jem: a good question raised in w3c/aria-practices#2641 - how are we going to inform users about changes, since we're not doing the versions anymore?

Matt_King: We're still working this out. We can continue updating the change history page until we get better support for the change history that's built into the footer

Matt_King: For major changes (that don't expect just one page), we might want to continue offering a "change history"

Jem: For now, I'll point them to the "change history" page in the "About page"

Jem: Can we say how often we will update the "change history" page?

Matt_King: We want to automate it, and we have an issue to automate it, but that issue has been in the backlog since May

New About Section Content

Jem: We talked about this new content last week w3c/aria-practices#2558

Matt_King: I received some feedback that I still haven't implemented

Matt_King: I hope to implement it by next week's meeting

Matt_King: So by next week, we should have a preview which includes the actual design and I will have incorporated last week's feedback

Status of Site Updates

Matt_King: We have a couple of fixes

Matt_King: A preview for a fix to the magnification issue https://deploy-preview-204--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/

jongund: It looks like it's working--the headings are disappearing correctly

Matt_King: AlexFlenniken has approved this

jongund: 2606 and 2601 describe the same issue

Matt_King: For support tables, it looks like Alex has shared a link to a patch

Yup; it implements 11 of the 12 changes that Matt_King requested (we agreed to defer one of them). It's blocked right now on some fixes to the deployment process.

I'm going to help out with that, so we should have a preview deployed within the next few days

Matt_King: I'll share out a preview link once it's available

Matt_King: We have two different features: same-level navigation and card list-view toggle. Do we have a preference between them?

Matt_King: A preference for which we work on first, that is

jongund: I think same-level navigation is more important

Jem: I agree

CurtBellew: I lean that way, too

Matt_King: That's what Bocoup had tee'd up

howard-e: I think merging 2640 right now would be good w3c/aria-practices#2640

howard-e: I think we can rename 2636 to be about Node 18 specifically w3c/aria-practices#2636

Pull Request Review

Combobox Date Picker Example: Change previous and next month and year behavior for dates near end of month by jongund · Pull Request #2618 · w3c/aria-practices

<Github> w3c/aria-practices#2618 : Combobox Date Picker Example: Change previous and next month and year behavior for dates near end of month

github: w3c/aria-practices#2618

Matt_King: Do we have reviewers assigned?

Jem: Yup: shirsha, Matt_King, and James

Matt_King: I don't remember James agreeing to that, so we should remove them

Jem: done

Matt_King: shirsha will be reviewing for functionality, and I think I asked AlexFlennikan to perform code review

jongund: It also updates tests

jongund: there's a file that was changed that shouldn't have been changed, so I'll fix that

Matt_King: I'll do editorial and functional review

Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified by jongund · Pull Request #2622 · w3c/aria-practices

<Github> w3c/aria-practices#2622 : Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified

github: w3c/aria-practices#2622

Matt_King: This had a bunch of changes and it needed a bunch of review

jongund: the ESLint linter is complaining about a coding pattern we're using in listbox.js

jongund: I tried using modules, but the linter doesn't like that, either

howard-e: I have no suggestion right now, but I can take a look

Matt_King: is the linter forcing a good practice? That's something I can't answer--it seems like a code style and engineering thing.

jongund: A simple fix would be to define the listbox class in each of the four examples that use it, but then you'd have code duplicated.

I'll take a look and give jongund some advice

Landmark examples: Updated SkipTo script and configuration by jongund · Pull Request #2624 · w3c/aria-practices

<Github> w3c/aria-practices#2624 : Landmark examples: Updated SkipTo script and configuration

github: w3c/aria-practices#2624

Matt_King: I haven't gotten to this yet, so we'll keep it on the list

Landmark examples: Updated SkipTo script and configuration

github: w3c/aria-practices#2624

jongund: This is a simple fix

Matt_King: Kurt, I may assign this to you, but we can include it in next week's agenda

jongund: This solution works for this example. I don't know if it work in a general way

Accordion Animation

Matt_King: In a meeting a long time ago, people were complaining that the accordion was jerky, and they suggested to add animation

Matt_King: We decided that we could make it animated, and we put an issue in the backlog. That was almost five years ago!

Matt_King: JAWS-test recently commented that animation is a WCAG issue

Matt_King: But the type of animation you would add here does not seem like the type of animation that WCAG is referring to

Jem: [reads the relevant text from https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/animation-from-interactions.html]

Matt_King: We could agree to not add animation, or we add animation and use the CSS media query for "prefers reduced motion"

CurtBellew: Oracle animates their accordions. They're useful--I think they make them easier to use visually

CurtBellew: I don't feel strongly that animations are a necessity, though

[general discussion about the value of animation]

Matt_King: This sounds like it would be a positive and it doesn't sound like it violates WCAG 2.3.3, especially if we use "prefers reduced motion"

Matt_King: So let's go for it and resolve this old issue

Jem: I'll mention this issue in Sarah's pull request

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: jugglinmike

Maybe present: Jem

All speakers: CurtBellew, howard-e, Jem, jongund, Matt_King

Active on IRC: CurtBellew, Github, howard-e, Jem, jongund, jugglinmike, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King