IRC log of aria-apg on 2023-03-07

Timestamps are in UTC.

18:17:46 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg
18:17:51 [RRSAgent]
logging to
18:18:01 [Jem]
rrsagent, make minutes
18:18:02 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Jem
18:18:18 [Jem]
rrsagent, make log public
18:19:42 [Jem]
regret+ Ariella_Gilmore
18:19:48 [Jem]
chair: Jemma
18:47:40 [jongund]
jongund has joined #aria-apg
19:00:25 [jugglinmike]
jugglinmike has joined #aria-apg
19:00:50 [jongund]
jongund has joined #aria-apg
19:02:48 [jugglinmike]
19:02:51 [jugglinmike]
19:03:00 [jugglinmike]
Mike Pennisi (Bocoup)
19:03:54 [jongund]
present+ jongund
19:04:38 [Matt_King]
Matt_King has joined #aria-apg
19:04:40 [MarkMcCarthy]
MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria-apg
19:04:42 [MarkMcCarthy]
19:04:42 [Matt_King]
19:05:28 [jugglinmike]
Zakim, start the meeting
19:05:28 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, make logs Public
19:05:30 [Zakim]
please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jugglinmike
19:05:35 [jugglinmike]
MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference
19:09:07 [howard-e]
howard-e has joined #aria-apg
19:09:18 [howard-e]
19:09:29 [jugglinmike]
Topic: Setup and Review Agenda
19:10:19 [jugglinmike]
Jem: should we meet next week?
19:10:31 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: I'm available to meet
19:10:49 [jugglinmike]
[general agreement about holding a meeting next week]
19:10:59 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: Okay, then. Let's have a meeting next week!
19:11:01 [Jem]
19:11:11 [jugglinmike]
Topic: Editor's Draft Sunset Complete
19:11:27 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: the editor's draft was showing the old, large document
19:11:39 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: We've now replaced it with a nice list of links to the current site
19:11:52 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: In addition, all of the examples now link to the current site
19:12:26 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: For example, the Accordion Example page
19:12:43 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: If anyone finds an issue, please report and issue
19:13:56 [Jem]
19:13:58 [jugglinmike]
Jem: a good question raised in - how are we going to inform users about changes, since we're not doing the versions anymore?
19:14:30 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: We're still working this out. We can continue updating the change history page until we get better support for the change history that's built into the footer
19:15:19 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: For major changes (that don't expect just one page), we might want to continue offering a "change history"
19:15:42 [jugglinmike]
Jem: For now, I'll point them to the "change history" page in the "About page"
19:15:57 [jugglinmike]
Jem: Can we say how often we will update the "change history" page?
19:16:25 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: We want to automate it, and we have an issue to automate it, but that issue has been in the backlog since May
19:16:48 [jugglinmike]
Topic: New About Section Content
19:17:17 [jugglinmike]
Jem: We talked about this new content last week
19:17:27 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: I received some feedback that I still haven't implemented
19:17:33 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: I hope to implement it by next week's meeting
19:17:54 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: So by next week, we should have a preview which includes the actual design and I will have incorporated last week's feedback
19:19:48 [jugglinmike]
Topic: Status of Site Updates
19:20:12 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: We have a couple of fixes
19:20:51 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: A preview for a fix to the magnification issue
19:22:30 [jugglinmike]
jongund: It looks like it's working--the headings are disappearing correctly
19:27:18 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: AlexFlenniken has approved this
19:27:33 [CurtBellew]
CurtBellew has joined #aria-apg
19:27:35 [jugglinmike]
jongund: 2606 and 2601 describe the same issue
19:27:39 [CurtBellew]
19:28:20 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: For support tables, it looks like Alex has shared a link to a patch
19:31:05 [jugglinmike]
Yup; it implements 11 of the 12 changes that Matt_King requested (we agreed to defer one of them). It's blocked right now on some fixes to the deployment process.
19:31:34 [jugglinmike]
I'm going to help out with that, so we should have a preview deployed within the next few days
19:31:46 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: I'll share out a preview link once it's available
19:34:01 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: We have two different features: same-level navigation and card list-view toggle. Do we have a preference between them?
19:35:52 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: A preference for which we work on first, that is
19:36:08 [jugglinmike]
jongund: I think same-level navigation is more important
19:36:16 [jugglinmike]
Jem: I agree
19:36:30 [jugglinmike]
CurtBellew: I lean that way, too
19:36:43 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: That's what Bocoup had tee'd up
19:38:09 [jugglinmike]
howard-e: I think merging 2640 right now would be good
19:38:48 [jugglinmike]
howard-e: I think we can rename 2636 to be about Node 18 specifically
19:39:36 [jugglinmike]
Topic: Pull Request Review
19:40:09 [jugglinmike]
Subtopic: Combobox Date Picker Example: Change previous and next month and year behavior for dates near end of month by jongund · Pull Request #2618 · w3c/aria-practices
19:40:12 [Github] : Combobox Date Picker Example: Change previous and next month and year behavior for dates near end of month
19:40:17 [jugglinmike]
19:41:12 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: Do we have reviewers assigned?
19:41:36 [jugglinmike]
Jem: Yup: shirsha, Matt_King, and James
19:41:53 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: I don't remember James agreeing to that, so we should remove them
19:41:56 [jugglinmike]
Jem: done
19:42:39 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: shirsha will be reviewing for functionality, and I think I asked AlexFlennikan to perform code review
19:43:00 [jugglinmike]
jongund: It also updates tests
19:43:50 [jugglinmike]
jongund: there's a file that was changed that shouldn't have been changed, so I'll fix that
19:44:01 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: I'll do editorial and functional review
19:44:13 [jugglinmike]
Subtopic: Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified by jongund · Pull Request #2622 · w3c/aria-practices
19:44:13 [Github] : Listbox Examples: Update scrolling of listbox item with focus into view when page is magnified
19:44:22 [jugglinmike]
19:44:35 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: This had a bunch of changes and it needed a bunch of review
19:45:26 [jugglinmike]
jongund: the ESLint linter is complaining about a coding pattern we're using in listbox.js
19:45:47 [jugglinmike]
jongund: I tried using modules, but the linter doesn't like that, either
19:46:13 [jugglinmike]
howard-e: I have no suggestion right now, but I can take a look
19:46:54 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: is the linter forcing a good practice? That's something I can't answer--it seems like a code style and engineering thing.
19:47:18 [jugglinmike]
jongund: A simple fix would be to define the listbox class in each of the four examples that use it, but then you'd have code duplicated.
19:52:34 [jugglinmike]
I'll take a look and give jongund some advice
19:52:49 [jugglinmike]
Subtopic: Landmark examples: Updated SkipTo script and configuration by jongund · Pull Request #2624 · w3c/aria-practices
19:52:51 [Github] : Landmark examples: Updated SkipTo script and configuration
19:53:00 [jugglinmike]
19:53:09 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: I haven't gotten to this yet, so we'll keep it on the list
19:53:34 [jugglinmike]
subtopic: Landmark examples: Updated SkipTo script and configuration
19:53:40 [jugglinmike]
19:53:49 [jugglinmike]
jongund: This is a simple fix
19:54:09 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: Kurt, I may assign this to you, but we can include it in next week's agenda
19:54:26 [jugglinmike]
jongund: This solution works for this example. I don't know if it work in a general way
19:54:37 [jugglinmike]
Topic: Accordion Animation
19:55:11 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: In a meeting a long time ago, people were complaining that the accordion was jerky, and they suggested to add animation
19:55:35 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: We decided that we could make it animated, and we put an issue in the backlog. That was almost five years ago!
19:56:25 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: JAWS-test recently commented that animation is a WCAG issue
19:56:47 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: But the type of animation you would add here does not seem like the type of animation that WCAG is referring to
19:57:19 [jugglinmike]
Jem: [reads the relevant text from]
19:58:06 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: We could agree to not add animation, or we add animation and use the CSS media query for "prefers reduced motion"
19:58:50 [jugglinmike]
CurtBellew: Oracle animates their accordions. They're useful--I think they make them easier to use visually
19:59:11 [jugglinmike]
CurtBellew: I don't feel strongly that animations are a necessity, though
20:01:29 [jugglinmike]
[general discussion about the value of animation]
20:02:31 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: This sounds like it would be a positive and it doesn't sound like it violates WCAG 2.3.3, especially if we use "prefers reduced motion"
20:03:08 [jugglinmike]
Matt_King: So let's go for it and resolve this old issue
20:03:12 [jugglinmike]
Jem: I'll mention this issue in Sarah's pull request
20:04:02 [jugglinmike]
Zakim, end the meeting
20:04:02 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been jugglinmike, jongund, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, howard-e, CurtBellew
20:04:04 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
20:04:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Zakim
20:04:42 [Zakim]
I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye
20:04:42 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #aria-apg
20:04:42 [jugglinmike]
RRSAgent: leave
20:04:42 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items
20:04:42 [jugglinmike]
RRSAgent leave
20:04:42 [jugglinmike]
RRSAgent, leave
20:04:42 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items
20:04:42 [jugglinmike]
Come on, buddy
20:04:42 [MarkMcCarthy]
20:04:42 [Matt_King]