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EPUB 3.3

Ivan Herman
Digital Publishing Technical Lead

A bit of history…

A bit of history… (cont.)

“Rigorous W3C process”

The best news of all…

Every valid EPUB 3.2 document is also valid EPUB 3.3!

…and EPUBCheck will be released with full support for EPUB 3.3

New technical features

Picture of a stylized tree with colorful, square leaves

Few new features…

A few new features… (cont)

<meta property="a11y:certifiedBy" 
  id="certifier">Accessibility Testers Group 
<link rel="a11y:certifierReport" refines="#certifier" 

epub:type and accessibility

Editorial changes

Picture of a stylized tree with colorful, square leaves

Major reorganization of the documents

Major reorganization of the documents

screen dumps of the three main specs, piled up

Lots of editorial changes

Privacy and security sections

Testing, testing!

Picture of a stylized tree with colorful, square leaves

EPUB interoperability

EPUB 3.3 test suite

EPUB 3.3 test suite (cont.)

There is list of tests

screen dump of a table listing individual tests: Id; 'req' colomn for must, should, or may; descriptions; cross references

MathML test example

    Test passes if a math equation appears below, 
    including superscript (not plain text).
<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">

MathML test example

Four screen dumps; three displays a proper mathematical equation (with a '2' in superscript), one does not

Language setting example

<package … xml:lang="fr" …>

Language setting example

Four screen dumps with an English text and a French quote; the text describes that the quote must not be surrounded by the « and » characters (which is the French way of quoting) for the test to pass. Two screen dumps get it right, two get it wrong

A report is generated

Screen dump of a report table with colums for id, req for must or should, and columns for implementation results. The cells are marked 'pass' or 'fail'.

What about unimplemented features?

Picture of a stylized tree with colorful, square leaves

If you build it… they might not come

Removing unused features: “under-implemented”

Removing unused features: “deprecated”

(This categorization was taken over from EPUB 3.2)

Removing unused features: “legacy”

(This categorization was taken over from EPUB 3.2)

Examples for (potentially) “under-implemented” features

Removed features

Some closing words

Picture of a stylized tree with colorful, square leaves

EPUB 3.3 is here

How can you help?

Documents to look at

These slides can be downloaded from:


Thank you for your attention!