Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

16 Dec 2022


Laura, Brent, shadi, Shawn(part), Kevin, KrisAnne


<scribe> Scribe: Brent

Video project

Subtopic: Transition for compilation videos

Kevin: Tack a few minutes to look at the transitions between the different parts of the compilation video. Also look at the closing.


<shawn> Idea:

<shawn> 1. First scene the same.

<shawn> 2.Transition: “you can help make digital technology accessible to me”. Individual fades into grid (like main video). Grid fades. Subsection just like main video (with faded grid in background).

<shawn> 3. Last scene the same.

<shadi> adding to SLH's comments: Ade appears in two transitions and the first seems broken -- maybe can get someone else for the first scene?

Group discussed Shawn's idea and agrees with the transition. Kevin to take back to editors to work on.

Shawn: Idea: Order of the content of the compilation videos. Order matches the written resource first. then ask if any strong reason to do a different video frist or move one later
... [clarification] Default would be the current order of the resource.

<shawn> compilation order - match the written resource - unless strong reason to put one or the other first or later (since we know some people will watch the begginings and not all the way through)

<shawn> shadi - propose stick to order for this one. the first will be short. and screen magnification separated

Shadi: I propose to stick to the order unless somone has a strong reason it should be different.

<shawn> for Tools and Techniques compilation

Kevin: I will send an email to the working group explaining we will go with the default order from the written resouce unless someone feels it should be different and suggests a new order.

Digital Props To Do

<kevin> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QxY8taYi4q7EzUsJhS5NfckdJ7NZtLp9S24W1DC4e0k/edit

Kevin: Three challenges with the props... 1) Some props do not exist yet - need ideas of what to create. 2) Props in the current videos that are wrong / not accurate - need to determine what to do with these, tweak or redo. 3) What needs to happen with a particular prop when it is being displayed - based on the audio/visual.
... Questions for the wider group: A) What prop goes here, and what examples do you have? B) Is there anything wrong with the existing props, and what changes do you recommend?

Work for this week

Authoring Tools List Butterfly Survey: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/authoring-tools-list-v1/

<shawn> draft new page "Accessibility: It's About People" : page https://www.w3.org/WAI/people/

<shawn> comments go to : https://github.com/w3c/wai-fundamentals-overview/issues/new

<shawn> proposed navigation https://github.com/w3c/wai-website/issues/334

New Page: Accessibility: It's About People

Daniel: Question about the headings on the page. Maybe split into a few headings to separate the content.

Shawn: Yes, feel free to suggest some heading levels.

Laura: Need to think about the parent/child structure of the topical pages in the navigation.

I think the order of the navigation should change a little. I would put "Accessibility: It's About People" second in the navigation after the Introduction to Accessibility.

Laura: I agree

Daniel: Agree too

One concern I have is that the new proposed side navigation of issue #334 does not quickly show "videos." So people looking for videos would have to search or click on each side navigation to look for them.

Laura: Like the idea of a "Video" navigation item. Maybe "Fundamental Videos" or similar.

All agree that we don't want to call videos out too much but find a way to have them be findable in nav.

Thank you everyone for your feedback today.

Meeting adjourned.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/12/16 15:30:17 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/esparated/separated/
Succeeded: s/Then maybe do a poll to see if any topics stand out more and should be prioritized to be earlier in the compilation./then ask if any strong reason to do a different video frist or move one later/
Default Present: Laura, Brent, shadi, Shawn(part), Kevin, KrisAnne
Present: Laura, Brent, shadi, Shawn(part), Kevin, KrisAnne
Found Scribe: Brent
Inferring ScribeNick: Brent
Found Date: 16 Dec 2022
People with action items: 

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