WoT Testfest - Day 1

03 October 2022


Andrea_Cimmino, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Geun-Hyung Kim, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes


McCool: I want to review the organization

Lagally: maybe we should talk about implementations too

McCool: yes, implementation descriptions

<McCool> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf#Agenda_03.10.2022


<kaz> Testfest organization

McCool: the goal of this testfest is to complete the implementation reports for TD 1.1, Discovery, and Architecture 1.1
… I want to focus on Architecture especially
… then we have profile, but let's deal with that later
… the readme misses a section about how to contribute for TD 1.1 and Architecture
… I'm adding such a section right now
… for architecture we don't need TDs but a csv with manual assertions

McCool: any more instructions ?

Lagally: they look good, but we don't have a directory for manual.csv files

McCool: let's create it

Lagally: I'll do it

McCool: for TD, we do the usual
… for discovery is different
… I'll do it later

Lagally: directory created

McCool: ok, but we need an example
… moreover there is no readme

Lagally: it should be the latest version of the assertion list

McCool: we should probably have a similar structure of data directory, and we are going to copy over daily the results
… the problem is that when copy and paste the results the assertion list might get updated
… thus people have to keep the assertion order to help check for diffs

<kaz> McCool skims node-wot.csv


PR 412

<kaz> PR 412 - change "impl" to "pass"

Daniel: I fixed node-wot manual csv
… now it uses pass instead of impl

McCool: merged

PR 414

<kaz> PR 414 - Create README.md

Lagally: I also created a README file

McCool: ok merged

PR 413

<kaz> PR 413 - 2022.09.plug+testfest prepare 3

Lagally: it contains TDs from Webthings
… it going in the current test fest

McCool: it is a profile result?

Lagally: yes

McCool: we have a problem
… validation fails

<kaz> Validate TDs for PR 413

Lagally: let's look into it
… there is a well-known problem, the tool is trying to validate a file that I removed

McCool: did you use git rm ?

Lagally: I think yes

Cristiano: have you verified that the file was actully removed in the commit log?

Lagally: checked

McCool: ok let's look at it later

PR 411

<kaz> PR 411 - Add Slack & VLAN information for 2022 October testfest

McCool: toumura-san has set up a VLAN for local lan tests
… is anybody planning to use it?

Toumura: not me

McCool: maybe we can discuss this on slack

McCool: merged

PR 410

<kaz> PR 410 - Clarification on W3C specification testing

Lagally: documenting what W3C testing actually requires

McCool: I don't disagree with the statement but is under profile section, but it is a generic rule. We should move it in a appropriate section
… merged

PR 409

<kaz> PR 409 - Change procedure to include Consumers

McCool: it requires a discussion with Ege

McCool: if profile guarantee out-of-box interoperability we need a more strict check, but I always understood that Profile is about **improve** out-of-the-box interoperability
… therefore we can be more forgiving

Lagally: we need to sort this out

McCool: I rather not change testing procedures for TD

Lagally: anything can be a thing

McCool: not really
… a browser can be a consumer but it might not be a thing

Lagally: it requires a longer discussion

McCool: back to the PR I won't merge it because we need Ege to discuss it

PR 413 - second pass

<kaz> PR 413 - 2022.09.plug+testfest prepare 3

Lagally: still failing for a deleted file

McCool: mmm I think this is a bug of testing tool
… merged

PR 415

<kaz> PR 415 - Update README.md - improve general instructions

McCool: adding a new readme under TD folder
… there is a broken link
… ok now we have a copy of manual template in the TD folder
… we need a description of what the different status labels mean
… we already have the description in other places
… I'll move it
… created a PR and merged
… I hope that it improves the situation
… I'll review the directory structure offline


McCool: we'll wait for tomorrow for profile implementation discussion

<kaz> Monday - Setup

<kaz> Tuesday and Wednesday - Gathering test inputs and validation data; gathering implementation descriptions

<kaz> Thursday - Updates to Implementation Reports; interoperability testing, especially for Profiles

<kaz> Friday - Cleanup|

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).