Maturity Model

28 September 2022


CharlesL, Fazio, JakeAbma, janina, jlkline, kline, Lionel_Wolberger_, Sheri_B-H
Brian O'Day

Meeting minutes

<janina> brb

Sheri_B-H: Welcome to new members!

<kline> +present

TPAC 2022 review and discussion

<janina> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rqtf/

Sheri: Discussing the possible need for 'office hours'

office hours for people implementing the Maturity Model

CharlesL: Suggest creating a slack channel

<Fazio> slack is info overload for me

<JakeAbma> office hours? European?

<JakeAbma> https://www.metamatrix.se/avocado

<Fazio> +1 to wiki

<Sheri_B-H> Janina: we need a new wiki page

ACTION: Janina to check with W3C staff whether the W3C Community Slack channels are archived.

<janina> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Main_Page

ACTION: Janina to get to Sheri a wiki page as an example for establishing a Maturity Model wiki

ACTION: Sheri to create MM wiki from RQTF example

Avocado Model and who we should relate to it

<Fazio> +1 Jake

ACTION: Jake to group and dedup issues after comment period closes

<Sheri_B-H> Note: October 5 (next meeting date) is Yom Kippur. Lionel and Sheri (at a minimum) will not be able to attend

<Fazio> Issue #124 [required for FPWD] STOD missing how to comment info

<Fazio> https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/#sotd should have GitHub and e-mail info

<janina> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/video-examples

Lionel_Wolberger_: We could create a simple video screen share of someone using the maturity model. We have used videos to great success and re-use in APA

A sample link to the W3C Community Slack: https://w3ccommunity.slack.com/archives/C0446N46YHK/p1664379452613639

Sheri_B-H: A tag for general comments, a tag for scoring comments, and a tag for each dimension

Sheri_B-H: ... add a tag for 'cosmetic', for typos and things like that

<Fazio> Group will create tags for systematic approach to address like issues that can be grouped together

Review and Assign GitHub Issues

Summary of action items

  1. Janina to check with W3C staff whether the W3C Community Slack channels are archived.
  2. Janina to get to Sheri a wiki page as an example for establishing a Maturity Model wiki
  3. Sheri to create MM wiki from RQTF example
  4. Jake to group and dedup issues after comment period closes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Maybe present: Sheri