Meeting minutes
<janina> brb
Sheri_B-H: Welcome to new members!
<kline> +present
TPAC 2022 review and discussion
<janina> https://
Sheri: Discussing the possible need for 'office hours'
office hours for people implementing the Maturity Model
CharlesL: Suggest creating a slack channel
<Fazio> slack is info overload for me
<JakeAbma> office hours? European?
<JakeAbma> https://
<Fazio> +1 to wiki
<Sheri_B-H> Janina: we need a new wiki page
ACTION: Janina to check with W3C staff whether the W3C Community Slack channels are archived.
<janina> https://
ACTION: Janina to get to Sheri a wiki page as an example for establishing a Maturity Model wiki
ACTION: Sheri to create MM wiki from RQTF example
Avocado Model and who we should relate to it
<Fazio> +1 Jake
ACTION: Jake to group and dedup issues after comment period closes
<Sheri_B-H> Note: October 5 (next meeting date) is Yom Kippur. Lionel and Sheri (at a minimum) will not be able to attend
<Fazio> Issue #124 [required for FPWD] STOD missing how to comment info
<Fazio> https://
<janina> https://
Lionel_Wolberger_: We could create a simple video screen share of someone using the maturity model. We have used videos to great success and re-use in APA
A sample link to the W3C Community Slack: https://
Sheri_B-H: A tag for general comments, a tag for scoring comments, and a tag for each dimension
Sheri_B-H: ... add a tag for 'cosmetic', for typos and things like that
<Fazio> Group will create tags for systematic approach to address like issues that can be grouped together