Accessibility Supported Subgroup - Week 4 - AGWG

09 August 2022


AWK, bruce_bailey, LauraBMiller, Makoto, Rachael

Meeting minutes

<Makoto> Handbook https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_caRiZaTQDmsd2Vq415sz4AIullNse-GeGtohUfg_5M/edit#

<Makoto> Subgrouop wiki https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Accessibility-supported-Subgroup

<Awk> Is there a different zoom link/meeting id?

<Awk> Says it is invalid

<Makoto> Zoom https://mit.zoom.us/j/98115280962

<bruce_bailey> s/ Zoom https://mit.zoom.us/j/98115280962//

Documentation Check-in "Accessibility supported in WCAG 2"

I don't think I have finished with 508 use case

Use case notes seem worth while, but it is not clear to me how they relate to goal of presenting back to AGWG pro/con of accessibility support.

Bruce to write up some summary prose on how Access Board addressed topic of Accessibility Support with 508 Refresh

Reviewing Use Cases in doc


Mokoto: Review Use case three by Poornima on Browsers and AT support

Rachael: What Poornima has started is similar to what Laura and I had been discussing.

<Rachael> that makes sense

Bruce: prefer Rachael and Laura and build from what Poornima has started

Laura: Suggest "legacy" instead of "older" because might what to distinguish between older versions and commercial products no longer being developed.
… Are we talking about supporting well established products only?


ack "Older"

<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to say what

Rachael: Going into a little more detail, there are some valuable sections, so should each Use Case have those sections?

Mokoto asks Bruce (and he agrees) to add Challenges and Suggestions to the 508 Refresh use case.

Makoto: AWK can you add more for accessibility support experience with PDF ?

<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to suggest edit access so we can use the formatting

AWK: I can write up what we did, namely helping document for working group (10 years ago) that PDF is example of Accessibility Supported.

Rachael: Please promote all of us to Editors because with about ability to accept changes, navigation is not working.
… Prefer "legacy" as better than older.

Laura: We should determine what products we are looking for
… question as to what becomes "legacy"

Mokoto: After that step, we might discuss what we determining as what is at risk. Other possible use cases we should document?
… After that, we will go onto discussion what we could propose as pros and cons for Accessibility Support with WCAG 3.
… By next week we should assess schedule.
… In Japan, we keep testing over-and-over again because screen readers keep updating..
… very time consuming and does not seem like best use of time. Huge challenge because there was not any information on how well PC-Talker supported each sufficient technique....
… we had to do something on PC-Talker. We might be able to find information on JAWS and NVDA if available online...
… this has been a big challenge for Japan.

<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask about "older" vs "legacy"

Bruce suggest legacy versus older is very difficult to investigate. How far back?

Rachael: For our write up, we will note challenge and propose something.

Mokoto: The problem was that it was not well defined.

AWK: WCAG2x is basically saying there must AT which works, not most popular or even latest version...
… What I hear proposed sounds more constrained...
… May variables, platforms as well as browsers...
… also sometimes the latest version breaks something.

Laura: I would like to put some parameters about how much we are looking into. Hopefully we can propose reasonable cut off.
… Some JAWS versions are legacy and unsupported. No compelling reason to go far back, but we propose something sensible.

Makoto: I would like to propose target of where we will be at for week 5 and 6.
… TPAC is a hard deadline. We want to have something for that meeting.

<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to schedule initial brief back to AG

Rachael: There is in the working draft handbook, the idea to have four-week touch point back to AGWG. Can that happen for this group?

Makoto would like AWK PDF write up for next week?

AWK: yes

Bruce: yes

Makoto, so I could present at AGWG meeting after that.

Makoto asks Laura about other use case which might be documented?

Laura: Rachael and I will discuss off line, and share at next week calls.

Makoto: Does anyone know of any database in English or other languages?

Rachael: I remember seen Wikipedia resource, so I will look for that.

Makoto: I will ask it at AGWG call.

Makoto: I am not seeing new comments to our working document. We discussed comments last week.

Makoto: Please be encouraged to address current comments in working document...
… I will give you all editor permissions, so what changes currently in document can be accepted.
… Any question about comments in document so far?

<LauraBMiller> s/... Some JAWS versions are legacy and unsupported. No compelling reason to go far back, but we prose something sensible. / I guessing imagine that ... Some JAWS versions are legacy and unsupported. No compelling reason to go far back, but we prose something sensible.


Makoto: Thanks everyone, please use ten minutes to review shared doc!

<bruce_bailey> s/Zoom https:\/\/mit.zoom.us\/j\/98115280962//

<bruce_bailey> s/ Zoom https:\/\/mit.zoom.us\/j\/98115280962\//

rssagent, generate minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Failed: s/ Zoom https://mit.zoom.us/j/98115280962//

Succeeded: s/Case 3 and 5/Cases/

Succeeded: s/Pormnima (sp)/Poornima/

Succeeded: s/Laura: I remember/Rachael: I remember/

Failed: s/... Some JAWS versions are legacy and unsupported. No compelling reason to go far back, but we prose something sensible. / I guessing imagine that ... Some JAWS versions are legacy and unsupported. No compelling reason to go far back, but we prose something sensible.

Succeeded: s/prose something/propose something

Failed: s/Zoom https:\/\/mit.zoom.us\/j\/98115280962//

Failed: s/ Zoom https:\/\/mit.zoom.us\/j\/98115280962\//

Succeeded: s/Japanese versions of NVDA and JAWS are better documented/We might be able to find information on JAWS and NVDA if available online

Succeeded: s/Huge challenge because there is not good documentation.../Huge challenge because there was not any information on how well PC-Talker supported each sufficient technique....

Succeeded: s/about how PC Talker supports document techniques./we had to do something on PC-Talker.

Succeeded: s/this is a big change for Japan./this has been a big challenge for Japan.

Succeeded: s/Is problem that it is not well defined./The problem was that it was not well defined.

Succeeded: s/where we are at for week six./where we will be at for week 5 and 6.

Succeeded: s/I will ask AGWG list./I will ask it AGWG call.

Succeeded: s/I will ask it AGWG call./I will ask it at AGWG call.

Maybe present: Bruce, Laura, Mokoto