Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference

22 June 2022


Alan, Dee, iali, janina, mhakkinen, Sam, SteveNoble
Irfan Ali

Meeting minutes

regrets, Paul

janina: counter prosposal format could be in wiki, deck or any other format

janina: we can have a joint meeting before the TPAC and talk about out decision or roadmap

janina: we want to have a meeting during july in order to make sure that we are on the same page and then refine this document before TPAC

present mhakkinen

<janina> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pronunciation/2022Jun/0003.html


mhakkinen: this is referenced to the lang attribute. the voice effect is interesting but not supported by ssml.

janina: https://www.w3.org/TR/emotionml/.

janina: expand the statement to provide a lang pack to the implementers

mhakkinen: why do we and out proposed tech approach need to anything more?

janina: we have no way to comprehend all the use cases.

mhakkinen: without a speech vendor, unless they support a specific lang variants, nothing in our standards can change...

janina: it may be i18n we want to meet at TPAC. we have apple, MS and google and can push the conversation.

mhakkinen: we have voice attr gender and can check what are the additional use-cases that are not been addressed.

mhakkinen: what can we run with the first pass either with the current attribute model approach with apple and google

mhakkinen: as far as the age, that was already covered by the ssml attribute

janina: we have got much what we need but not everything that is missing.

janina: all of our use cases can be met using the ssml.

mhakkinen: emotion examples. amazon added whisper attribute. we may need to have this conversation next week when Paul is back.

janina: perhaps a good idea to invite Debra Dahl to talk about this

mhakkinen: we began capturing ideas about the best practices.

mhakkinen: we have to create a document.

ACTION: janina to coordinate with Roy to create a document for the best practices

<trackbot> Created ACTION-43 - Coordinate with roy to create a document for the best practices [on Janina Sajka - due 2022-06-29].

mhakkinen: Was at learning impact conf. got a chance to speak with MS in education. Shared information about the task-force . well receptive

mhakkinen: speaking in another conference next week.

mhakkinen: need to keep an eye what other presenters have in their mind.

mhakkinen: met with read speaker company, talked to them about need of pronunciation.

Summary of action items

  1. janina to coordinate with Roy to create a document for the best practices
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


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