Meeting minutes
<jeanne> chair:
Surveys and agenda for AG 14 July
<jeanne> Email
jeanne: Topics of interest to this group
<jeanne> WCAG Editor's Draft Filter
jeanne: survey about filter, please review and vote
… test reliability subgroup, last fall redid what should be outcome and method
… been working on writing on using process
… Sarah did work updating process overall, haven't changed that
… only what's in outcome and method, for greater relability
<jeanne> WCAG 3 Pronunciation of text
jeanne: read and respond
<jeanne> WCAG 3 Categorization exercise
jeanne: last part, asking members of this group to share categorization exercise with AG
… please attend, meeting is all WCAG 3, full meeting
janina: Deadline for surveys still Mondays?
Rachael: Would like Monday evening or early Tuesday
… goal, have to get surveys out earlier and haven't yet
… but getting in before meeting means chairs can review
TPAC planning reminder
<jeanne> W3C TPAC 2022
jeanne: W3C TPAC, annual technical plenary and advisory committee meeting
… hasn't been in person for 2 years, this year hybrid
<jeanne> 12-16 September in Vancouver, CA
jeanne: invite everyone to please participate in person or remotely
… strongly recommend if making travel plans buy reimbursable tickets due to uncertainty of health and travel
… also cost
… put in calendar, look at overview, lots of information — exciting week
… people from different WGs, other conversations, presentations, vendors, broader than accessibility
… fun, Wednesday is presentations
<Rachael> correct.
jeanne: meeting M, Tu, Th, and F
… 2 days AG, 2 days Silver, each all the groups, working on conformance
… basic level work done so can have informed discussion re conformance
Makoto: Wanted to know which days, so got answer, 4 days
… tough week!
jeanne: Yes, haven't looked at details, might be shorter meetings
… remote attendance can be difficult
Makoto: Planning to be there
presenting to AGWG
jeanne: Chairs asked for update to AG on migration exercise
… previous meeting AG did breakout rooms, filling out template, will be familiar
Rachael: Makoto's and Janina/John K
jeanne: Okay with that?
janina: Yes, with someone tracking
jeanne: Can back up
… Rachael too
… show document, provide highlights, interesting discoveries, then questions
Rachael: Would like to wrap up work, make sure people are involved, while having fast groups doing work
… come back together meeting, remind people of process, show outcomes, these SCs breakdown
… ask people to sign up to do others
… complete exercise
jeanne: Close to 30 not done
… get help from AG
… Makoto, encourage people to work on exercise on own
… good work, working hard on this and making good progress, learning
… look into principle 3, reading level, consistent help, a lot haven't been done
Rachael: [lists SC that remain]
<kirkwood> consistent help?
<Rachael> Avaialable: Change on request, consistent help, visible controls, labels or instructions, error suggestion, error prevention (AA and AAA), Helo
<Rachael> s/helo/help
<Poornima> Error suggestion, Error prevention, Labels or Instructions
jeanne: Work already done on errors, wonder, Sarah, get people who were participating, do offline meeting to update?
<kirkwood> did we finish error?
jeanne: so much, hesitate to repeat
Sarah: I think that the group that worked on Errors for the most part isn't still involved. Todd is here sometimes, Suzanne was involved early on.
… not really a group to pull back together again.
Jeanne: One off meeting, 2-3 people. Not a lot of work because you've already done so work. Lets discuss offline.
Sarah: ok.
… I think was Todd was planning on picking up the reins there.
Jeanne: I will email both of you after the meeting.
Jeanne: 2 groups, consistent help and labels/instructions.
<jeanne> Consistent Help ->
<jeanne> Consistent Help
<sarahhorton> jeanne: Sets up breakout rooms
<jeanne> Labels & Instructions
<sarahhorton> ... document for each group, pick a room
<janina> https://
<janina> https://
<sarahhorton> jeanne: Welcome back!
<sarahhorton> ... updates?
<sarahhorton> Poornima: Access to Google docs?
<sarahhorton> jeanne: Yes, will give access to everything
<sarahhorton> ... Help group got partway through, will need more time
<sarahhorton> Poornima: Just started, talked about first section, functional needs, going to edit at own pace before next meeting
<sarahhorton> Makoto: Each will work this week, next week, going to pull together
<sarahhorton> jeanne: Will make sure gets into database