ixml Group Teleconference

7 June 2022


Bethan, Michael, Norm

Meeting minutes

Previous Actions

ACTION (2022-05-31): Steven to add "after removal of namespace-qualified elements and attributes" to the description of xml grammar conformance. (DONE) ACTION (2022-05-31): Steven to replace "including" with "include" as needed in Parsing section. (DONE) ACTION (2022-05-31): Norm to draft new splash page for invisiblexml.org with pointer to implementations, grammars, and other useful things. DONE


John demonstrated his interactive processor.

Norm has his GLL-based parser running now - orders of magnitude faster (e.g. 800-character comment)

Norm trying to tackle some very large parse tree problems - mixed progress

Michael is the only one not converting into BNF form (e.g. not repetition-expansion)

He also uses expansion inline of hidden non-terminals

(See his Balisage paper for some details)


Michael: some open issues relate to the test suite - S12 catchall error

Review of open issues

issue #106 Error S05 is an orphan - DONE

editorial notes on spec - DONE

issue #108 Using S12 as catchall for syntactic errors - DONE

No open issues for Version 1.0 spec. Hurrah!

Prague preparations

Norm: draft iXML home page being circulated and discussed

Steven: channel communications - Twitter, LinkedIn? Slack etc.

Norm: action on Twitter XML.com LinkedIn XML.com Slack

<cmsmcq__> I'll do xml-dev and xmlschema-dev

ACTION: Steven to write on the train!

Bethan: will handle the Twitter announcement

Plans for Balisage?

Michael - hoping Steven will do the talking there.

<Steven> Sure

Michael: Could we have published this a year ago? Some rough edges have been smoothed - error codes, insertions, exclusions

Steven - meet next week to look at reaction

rrs agent,make minutes

Summary of action items

  1. Steven to write on the train!
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Jonh/John/

Maybe present: Steven