ixml community group

31 May 2022


cmsmcq, JL, Norm, Steven

Meeting minutes

<cmsmcq> s/runs out for coffee, brb/prepares to scribe./

Previous actions

Steven has contacted Prague, will announce at the time of his talk.

Prolog syntax has been rewritten.

Insertions have been rewritten.

NDW's action completed.

Status reports

JL reports whitespace sensitivity in the test catalog.

Test suite status

JL has offered new tests for insertions and the prolog.

MSM will make a pull request.

JL asked how many test cases there actually are. NDW will count them.

Issue #89, what are the conformance requirements for XML grammars?

ACTION: Steven to add "after removal of namespace-qualified elements and attributes" to the description of xml grammar conformance

<Steven> After removing namespace qualified elements and attributes, the grammar can be derived from...

We had consensus that extension elements and attributes should be allowed in conforming XML-form grammars.

#26 ambiguity

ACTION: Steven to replace "including" with "include" as needed in Parsing section.

issue #63 Optional version declaration.

Can be closed.

issue #80 Clarify that attributes names xmlns are forbidden.

Can be closed.

issue #83 tmark on charsets (forbid ^ or +? change grammar?)

Can be closed.

pull request #84 version declaration

Can be closed.

issue #90 flaws in ixml schemas

Can be closed.

pull request #91 additional tests

Can be merged.

pull request #56 (close as overtaken?)

Should be closed.

issue #94 integrating error codes into tests

JL suggested putting this off until we are confident the error codes are stable.

Release plan.

SP said: we need the web page to be ready.

Announcement of the spec, pointer to specification, pointers to implementations and other resources.

ACTION: Norm to draft new splash page for invisiblexml.org
… Pointers to grammars.

<Steven> An ixml grammar in XML form conforms to this specification if, after removal of namespace qualified elements and attributes, it can be derived from an ixml grammar in ixml form by parsing as described in this specification, and it satisfies all the other requirements specified for ixml grammars.

<cmsmcq> s/runs out for coffee, brb/

Summary of action items

  1. Steven to add "after removal of namespace-qualified elements and attributes" to the description of xml grammar conformance
  2. Steven to replace "including" with "include" as needed in Parsing section.
  3. Norm to draft new splash page for invisiblexml.org
    … Pointers to grammars.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Failed: s/runs out for coffee, brb/prepares to scribe./

Failed: s/runs out for coffee, brb/

Succeeded: s/in the test catalog/in the test catalog./

Succeeded: i/pull request #56/Can be merged./