Meeting minutes
<Lauriat> https://
<jeanne> zakm, drop item 1
Surveys in AG this week
<jeanne> Update Accessibility Supported Placeholder
<jeanne> Add Real World Accessibility as Placeholder
Jeanne: Two that are relevant are linked above. Please answer surveys before Monday.
Review sub-guidelines for Low or No Background Audio from Makoto
maryjom: Issues with survey page, this will be addressed per Rachael
<jeanne> Low or No Background Audio
group is now reviewing Makotos work on Low or No Background Audio
<janina> q+
<Zakim> Lauriat, you wanted to say I think we also drafted this last week in the group?
<janina> http://
Group is discussing the three sub-guidelines
<janina> +1 to Makoto
<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to ask if that would be its own sub guidline?
<Zakim> Lauriat, you wanted to note customizability in general as a potential approach for this
* started a theme here
<Lauriat> Adding them to the sub-guidelines now
<Lauriat> Thanks, Todd!
jeanne: reads from Makoto's suggestion ... test=objective
jeanne: this is 20db diff
Lauriat: less strict than none? suggests a range of variation
Lauriat: has some subjectivity; how frequent the occasional sounds happen
jeanne: frequent occurance and persistence of ambient sound that are 20db below primary audio
Lauriat: notes similar to color contrast; but noting there may be need for some variance, e.g. 30db rather than 20db based on situations
<Zakim> Lauriat, you wanted to ask whether this seems like essentially a less-strict outcome than no background audio
<Zakim> Lauriat, you wanted to note a suggestion of a future note around mixing for the intended audience
Lauriat: suggests an overall suggested level with supplamental docs on mixing for intended audience, etc
Lauriat: taking audience into account incl. expectations of where it will be listened to
janina: XR is an environment that is rich in this kind of audio
jeanne: was my thought that it has lots of discussion already
Rachael: captured into our notes;
/note/added to doc down below/
Rachael: at least we've captured for future discussion
<Lauriat> Awesome, thank you!
<Lauriat> +1, done enough for now!
+1 -- best for now