Functional Needs

31 May 2022


JakeAbma, Joshue108, ToddL

Meeting minutes

Continued Review of feedback

JOC: Bruce Bailey sent us some feedback


<Discussion on Bruces feedback>

"Born or acquired is not determinative, and no such distinction is made for the other functional impairments. "

JOC: Would need to think on this, I'm not sure if there is a difference

MC: Could be - in terms of interaction for example

MC: gives example of perception

XR type environments for example

<DIscuss comment on photosensitivty comment from Bruce>

JA: Yes it is covered

JOC: I'm not sure what the angle is here.

JA: Should there be a distinction between this? A seizure or a migrane?

JA: In # 13 there is ref to 3 flashes, or it might fit there.

JOC: Is there a diff between screen brightness and photo sensitivity?

JOC: I don't understand the too much or too little

JA: Looks at Photophobia - this is the bright screen user need

Light sensitivity, migranes etc


TL: I'd like to see something on migranes

I think the photosensitive epilepsy is separate

JA: Photo phobia triggers migrane

Mental Health

JOC: These discussions need to be scoped tightly to be useful IMO

TL: Asks about the context of debilitating

<we discuss the definitions or levels of function>

TL: I can get the take of some mental health professionals on this

JA: Personalization (Adaption? / Adapt work APA)

Michael said no, can be deleted

rrsagent. draft minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Joshue108

Maybe present: JA, JOC, MC, TL