12:55:29 RRSAgent has joined #a11y-functional 12:55:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/31-a11y-functional-irc 12:55:37 Meeting: Functional Needs 12:58:38 JakeAbma has joined #a11y-functional 13:02:40 TOPIC: Continued Review of feedback 13:02:59 JOC: Bruce Bailey sent us some feedback 13:02:59 https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZeCqTRTY0lmWvp1Xv_wO0iH1OzyECBa1UXQ_UeocjQ/edit#heading=h.4jiwp8jpc143 13:04:00 13:04:31 "Born or acquired is not determinative, and no such distinction is made for the other functional impairments. " 13:04:55 JOC: Would need to think on this, I'm not sure if there is a difference 13:05:09 MC: Could be - in terms of interaction for example 13:05:54 MC: gives example of perception 13:06:05 XR type environments for example 13:06:45 present+ 13:06:50 present+ 13:09:08 13:09:14 JA: Yes it is covered 13:10:20 JOC: I'm not sure what the angle is here. 13:11:54 JA: Should there be a distinction between this? A seizure or a migrane? 13:12:16 JA: In # 13 there is ref to 3 flashes, or it might fit there. 13:12:53 JOC: Is there a diff between screen brightness and photo sensitivity? 13:17:47 JOC: I don't understand the too much or too little 13:18:19 JA: Looks at Photophobia - this is the bright screen user need 13:18:32 Light sensitivity, migranes etc 13:19:34 https://vestibular.org/article/diagnosis-treatment/vision-hearing/light-sensitivity/ 13:21:53 TL: I'd like to see something on migranes 13:22:09 I think the photosensitive epilepsy is separate 13:22:22 JA: Photo phobia triggers migrane 13:38:43 TOPIC: Mental Health 13:39:02 JOC: These discussions need to be scoped tightly to be useful IMO 13:39:43 TL: Asks about the context of debilitating 13:42:31 13:44:26 TL: I can get the take of some mental health professionals on this 13:54:52 JA: Personalization (Adaption? / Adapt work APA) 13:55:01 Michael said no, can be deleted 13:58:57 present+ 14:00:21 rrsagent. draft minutes 14:00:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:00:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/31-a11y-functional-minutes.html Joshue108 14:00:52 rrsagent, make log world