ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

05 April 2022


BryanGaraventa, CurtBellew, JaeunJemmaKu, jongunderson, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, Rich_Noah, Siri

Meeting minutes

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/April-5%2C-2022-Agenda

Setup and Review Agenda

APG Issue Triage

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+created%3A%3E2021-09-01+no%3Alabel+

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2269

Jem: how best to triage this issue?

jamesn: i don't think this is an APG issue, probably a VO issue. only wanted it here for tracking. filed with apple via feedback assistant

Matt_King: did you get any link from apple?

jamesn: not with feedback assistant

Matt_King: we have labels for AT. if we say this isn't for practices... it'd need to be added to the slider project so people know

jamesn: most people seem to think it's a VO issue

Matt_King: i've experienced this, I assumed it wasn't our code, but I was trying with safari so thought maybe it was something unique to webkit. is thre anything about webkit that's different?

jamesn: reproduces in chrome too

jamesn: when VO isn't running, the page doesn't scroll. so to me it seems like VO is doing something

Matt_King: should we close this then, since it's not for APG?

jamesn: fair enough. if I hear back from apple i'll let everyone know

Matt_King: this will certainly affect aria-at

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2040

jamesn: I don't want to escalate as it doesn't reproduce on input type=range

Matt_King: 2040 --

Matt_King: sounds like something to assign to infrastructure?

Jem: yeah

jongunderson: this can be closed

<Jem> next issue is https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2037

Matt_King: added infrastructure label, should be part of the infrastructure project

Matt_King: maybe 2040 didn't get done because it wasn't in the project? it's assigned to Jes

Jem: so this one's about how are we going to best indicate when an exmaple was last updated?

jongunderson: some of our examples are 5-6 years old, and it's hard to tell what's using our most up to date code or not

Matt_King: this should be transferred to apg-redesign

Matt_King: i think i got it transferred

Jem: looks good, next item is..

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2035

<Jem> https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.2/examples/dialog-modal/datepicker-dialog.html

MarkMcCarthy: If I'm understanding right, I can't reproduce the issue

jamesn: me either

MarkMcCarthy: I'm using Firefox on Windows

jamesn: i'm using a Mac

jamesn: oh, using Edge on Mac, if I Esc out of the context menu, my selection becomes the thing I right clicked

MarkMcCarthy: oh I see it now too, doing it that way

jamesn: i'm not sure it's a WCAG violation though

Matt_King: but the bug report says context menu doesn't appear, AND selection changes, but you two see a context menu

jamesn: is expected behavior that right click doesn't select? Selecting text, right click, text remains selected (on github for instance)

Matt_King: tempted to say we can't reproduce the problem as described, might need more details

Matt_King: seems it's working as intended

jamesn: it's not a change of context, really, right? maybe kinda... hmm

jamesn: maybe it'd just -work better- if it didn't do that

MarkMcCarthy: i'm inclined to agree

jamesn: i don't think it's enough to disorient a user

MarkMcCarthy: right

jamesn: pointer cancellation though... <skimming the SC> I don't think it's that either

<CurtBellew> Something has come up and I need to drop off.

jamesn: maybe a bug but not a WCAG violation

jamesn: maybe we should look at native date pickers

jongunderson: maybe we ignore the right click then?

jamesn: native picker in edge ignores the right click

MarkMcCarthy: native Windows date picker (e.g. Word) seems to ignore right click also

Jem: so maybe assign to jongunderson and he can explore from there?

Jem: cool. next issue is..

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2034

Matt_King: we do have a generic show/hide, it's the figure caption one

<Jem> https://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/examples/disclosure/disclosure-image-description.html

Matt_King: let's ask if this meets the needs described

Jem: got this mentioned and linked on github

Tab PR

<jongunderson> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2266

Matt_King: what's the linked issue?

jongunderson: 2044

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2044

[general group grumbling about github's recent changes]

MarkMcCarthy: so what do we need for this PR?

Matt_King: is this only editorial?

jamesn: in my opinion yes

Matt_King: i'll merge this after the meeting, all set

jongunderson: been doing some testing with the right click thing while chatting, it's not detectible with a regular click event

jongunderson: it'd complicate the code to add more to listen for that right click

Matt_King: can you add a comment explaining that particular bit? we'll use that as our decision.

MarkMcCarthy: i agree, not in favor of adding complexity for something so small

jamesn: +1

jongunderson: not to mention it'd affect almost every example

Accordion Example


<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/974

<Jem> "Should tabbing/using arrow keys skip over disabled headings? The example uses aria-disabled instead of the disabled attribute for the button, though it appears to me the two accomplish the same goal. I imagine for illustrative purposes, the former was used. Nevertheless, using the disabled attribute disallows focusing, so I'm wondering if the example should be updated for consistency?"

Matt_King: why would we NOT want focus to go there? updated for consistency with what?

Matt_King: did we actually take away arrow key behavior?

<Jem> https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.2/examples/accordion/accordion.html

siri: i'm not seeing a disabled attribute here

Matt_King: OHHH we updated the example. THIS one doesn't have what the issue is describing

Matt_King: do we have another? besides Sarah's PR?

<Jem> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/accordion-step-example/examples/accordion/accordion.html

Matt_King: is it okay with the group to say we did do as it's asking, I think Sarah's example includes this? any reason we would NOT want the heading in the tab order?

<Jem> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/accordion-step-example/examples/accordion/accordion-group.html

<Jem> we have two accordion examples in progress.

siri: well if it's disabled it should not have focus

Matt_King: in accordions, there's an element that visually appears like an icon/button/etc. in addition to the heading text

MarkMcCarthy: there's a little arrow (and +/- on Sarah's example) showing if something is open or closed, but there's no button or anything

<Jem> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/accordion-step-example/examples/accordion/accordion-group.html

Matt_King: maybe lets look at Sarah's PRs

Jem: this is the more complex one, has a button wrapped with an h3

<siri> https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/accordion/accordion.html

jongunderson: aria-disabled is on the button, it's true when expanded

Matt_King: does it look any differnt visually?

jongunderson: no

<siri> yes

Matt_King: so siri's point that it's a little confusing that you can tab to it and not doing anything is kinda confusing

bryan: i've never liked disabling an accordion button like this, vs. one that you're actually not supposed to interact with

bryan: yeah, there are some accordions where you can expand and collapse everything, and others where there's always one open. but that doesn't mean the open one has its button disabled

Matt_King: but the button that collapses it doesn't do anything, so it's better to be disabled - right?

Matt_King: rather than removing the button?

bryan: I see accordions all the time that DON'T use aria-disabled, rather than this kind

Matt_King: because they always allow you to collapse it...right?

bryan: no - you can collapse it by expanding another section

bryan: -expanded is meant to convey the current state, not whether or not you can do something with it. imo

<jamesn> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/fluent-ui/web-components/components/accordion gets disabled when it can't be collapsed

bryan: in other words - I think that, for an active accordion, it's hard to tell if there's a REAL disabled button, rather than this kind of "fake" disabled button

Matt_King: but IF an accordion section is disabled, what does it mean? you cannot expand it?

bryan: yes, it's inactive.

Matt_King: okay, it's collapsed and you can't expand it - so now what about the expanded one? can you NOT change the expanded state unless you go to ANOTHER section header and expand THAT ONE?

Matt_King: ergo, it's disabled.

bryan: okay, but I guess what I'm saying is this is more confusing than what's out in the wild

jongunderson: i think part of this is a UI design preference. APG can't solve those. it CAN say "doing it THIS way, then program it THIS way."

<siri> + Jon

jongunderson: we aren't going to (and can't make) a pattern for everybody or dictate what they use

jamesn: I did include Microsoft's component if anyone needs an example.

MarkMcCarthy: this will be a good discussion for next week

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/I don't want to escalate 2269 really, it's not reproducible enough/I don't want to escalate as it doesn't reproduce on input type=range/

Succeeded: s/righjt/right

Maybe present: bryan, jamesn, Jem