Functional Needs

29 March 2022


JakeAbma, Todd
Ad hoc, Joshue108

Meeting minutes

Debrief from Outcomes Workshop

JA: We looked at the WCAG SC and chose a functional need that was applicable, and the user need that was applicable.

Those three things, are exactly what we have in our matrix

The visual layout is different


JA: So this what we are doing..

We broke down SC, and I see similarities in what we do

An outcome is synonymous with an SC with some small differences

It is logical that the document that Alistair sent today is similar.

So the exercises in the workshop are mapped to ours, but we look at the outcome under the SC

They had more columns etc - and some links to understanding documents etc

They are extras etc - next step really

Not critical but optional right now

I was happy to see these similarities - good thing to do. I'm not sure if this is how people understand our work..

Any problems really related to choosing user needs can be confusing - and it's each to add user needs that are not applicable.

So we need to be on the same page

The lang attribute is about understanding - and should not get mixed up with other things for example.

Thats a challenge to make sure the user need is well understood - we need to be strict.

MC: I hear the concern about duplicate work - or related work.

IMO we need to live with that.

This group came to a model, that a different group came too - this is helpful as the model is robust.

In the wider AG group, some are less advanced in their evolution, so we will need to walk people through this.

We wont avoid a lot of duplication. We will need to square this away - so I encourage people to think in this way.

JOC: <makes some comments to say it was very useful>

Next steps?

JA: Will happen in the main call. They are doing that today.

It will be a similar exercise - in a different form. Thats it.

JA: It will be good to invite Alistair, Shawn and others to gain a common understanding.

JOC: It would be good to demonstrate that.

JA: We will take our main sheet and update - we will be able to do this FASTer

It should match the AGWG approach

ST: It is interesting - the AGWG group did get the idea from this group.

Silver is looking to make progress.

Kris: I've been looking at the draft - and would like to be able to share it in my organisation.

People are often overwhelmed by WCAG etc so this abstraction is helpful

A11y for Children CG

ST: I'd like to preface discussion about this work. Jake asked earlier, why are the needs of Children different?

We are working on an FAQ - we should find new needs that adults with cognitive disabilities may have, in education products for example.

ST: The things that hit WCAG hit a broader range of user needs

For children with disabilities - the requirements may be helpful for 100%

Adults with cognitive disabilities benefit a lot from our work

These techniques could be developed

There are some key things

We have an insight into the spreadsheet - so we can figure out if we should be writing a separate document or commenting on your work?

Maud: I can share that other groups are also working on a11y for children

The immersive group - attention on processes etc - child development is not fixed - and we are interested in social competencies.

This flexibility in the process is important.

JA: To finish my initial thought - I was at a conference and talking with someone about the vulnerability of children around core competencies and what they go through

Worry about harrassment online and the mind developing during puberty etc

It was a like a wake up call - the difference between a fixed functional need that is clear - compared with a user need that changes quickly

They change fast

So do the requirements

The development change in tandem with user needs is very interesting

I can pass on her details to you

Am learning

JOC: This could be helpful for competing, quickly changing user needs

ST: We are also looking at a matrix of contexts - regarding pronunciation for example

<gives examples>

There are different contexts

With various accommodations - school, business and home culture etc

This exists for adults but pronounced among children

Could help people with cognitive impairments

JOC: So how can work best together?

ST: if could be good to work out a methodology

ST: Can you share your matrix?

JA: is it easier to use the simpler doc with the user needs - or make a copy of the Google doc, and then edit to point out what the difference should be?

The user needs are likely the same.. but I don't know.

<JakeAbma> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZeCqTRTY0lmWvp1Xv_wO0iH1OzyECBa1UXQ_UeocjQ/edit#heading=h.4jiwp8jpc143

ST: I'm happy for us to take a copy of that doc and mint our own version that we can then compare and share

JA: Great - so we can have a common understanding

JOC: Checking that all have access?

Deceptive Patterns

JOC: Todd has an update on some of the work


Todd: I've been working on this

JOC: <We workshop the sheet>

JOC: No meeting this Thursday. Josh unavailable next week but back on April 5th

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Joshue108

Maybe present: JA, JOC, Kris, Maud, MC, ST