– Minutes –
Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

04 March 2022


Brent, Brian, Carlos, Daniel, Estella, Howard, Jade, Kevin, Kris Anne, Laura, Leticia, Mark, Michele, Sharron, Shawn, Sylvie, Vicki

Meeting minutes

WAI Curricula: Content Author Modules

<dmontalvo> https://content-author-modules--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/content-author-modules/

Daniel: This is meant for the group to review the structure and basic outline of the proposed modules for the Content Author modules. The survey includes the modules we spoke of and is open until Tuesday. We have a June deadline so not much time to complete these. They are linked in the work from this week section of the wiki and I Will appreciate quick turnaround on this and as we bring new material top EOWG. Thanks

Accessibility Work at W3C

<shawn> https://deploy-preview-126--wai-about-wai.netlify.app/about/new-work/

Shawn: We spoke last week about the goal of getting this page up to get more people involved, avoid duplication, get members to understand and support the work, and provide a landing page to let people know what all we are doing and the work going on.
… there is draft landing page and I would like to hear first response.

Kevin: Good start, I wonder if it is a bit too much about us and our structure rather than about the actual work. Not sure it would engage a new audience.

Kris Anne:Is it that "guidance" at the first?

Kevin: Might rename the sections with actions 'updating' 'developing' or something rather than just the name of the standard.

Brent: I am supportiung this idea, maybe make it more conversational. Were you aware, etc rather than just a list of topic areas.
… I think that is an important point in order to draw in the user.

Sharron: +1 to the idea of making action oriented - this is what we are doing.

Vicki: Active verbs would help a lot

Kevin: While we said we did not want to just list all the groups and say what they are working specifically working on, they still may need to be sign posted to it.

<kevin> +1 to the conversational approach

Brent: Looking at whether there is enough information, I like the conversational tone. Maybe at the end we could say "join the effort" Do we want to link them to a specific how to help?

Kevin: I am in the middle of figuring out how to promote WAI and found a list of all the groups - Join is a direct link.

Shawn: Y'all just illustrated that people skip the introduction.
… refresh to see updates

<Vicki> +1 shawn on improved titles

<kevin> +1 to improved titles

<CarlosD> +1 to improved titles

Brian: Since we know people tend to skip intos, maybe add a brief sentence of introduction within each section to highlight why the work is exciting. As they scan there could be intro bits to encourage participation within each section.

Shawn: The Participating page needs updating too. What happens when you land here?

<shawn> link to new WG/TF page: https://www.w3.org/groups/tf/personalization-tf

<BrianE> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/participation

Shawn: hmmm, no indication of how to join

<shawn> not on TF , on the WG page https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/apa

Shawn: but if you go to the parent WG there is a link to how to join
… that links wants me to sign in

Shawn: Since it is not easy to learn how to join, we need both a long term and short term solution. Maybe a seciotn specific to "How to Get Involved in the Work"

Kevin: When I go to APA I get an overview and there is a bunch of info and at the bottom a link to join this work - ta da!
… maybe we need to talk about W3C membership?
… Because I am part of a member group, I get the path to join. If I am not a member or IE I can't log in?

Shawn: Anyone can get a W3C login but permissions are different for what you can do.

Kevin: So the flaw is in the log-in process and communication about it.
… so it's sys that needs to fix it. A way to approach it is on the page you're making now we will need to explain the membership and create account options. Until you have an authentication process that is more usable, need to provide that explanation. Added at the end makes most sense to me.

Brian: I may be missing somethng, there is a page in APA participation that outlines all that.

Shawn: Part of the challenge is the need to update those WG and TF pages and maybe that is where we would link to the process info.

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/

Shawn: in considering signposting, do we want to repeat info from WAI home page or link to it? Look at the WAI home page, does anyone see the hide button?

Shawn: How are we feeling about this?

<kevin> Looks really good!

Kris Anne: Are we collecting feedback from other goups?

Shawn: I have sent it out and not gotten any feedback, may promote at the next week's WAI coordination meeting. Please do continue to add your feedback through the survey or on GitHub.

Video Resource

<krisanne> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Video-Based_Resources#Deliverable_Ideas

Brent: Apologies for being late - we went to the connections page and ended up in the wrong meeting. I will try to be careful not to put the cart before the horse as we talk about this. There is a lot in play as we look to move forward. We have a goals to restart the video project with a focus on the How People with Disabilities Use the Web set of resources - videos to support all three of the sections.
… will need to align the persona descriptions with the actors we engage with to illustrate the point. I know the group has been excited about the video work - Judy will be the project manager, Shadi the main production lead/editor, and I will be liaison between the EO and the project.
… we are seeking people to do actual editing and review work as a small group that will meet once a week or so. Maybe not every week but would reserve time every week to hold space if needed. Any questions any interst in helping?

Sharron: What exactly does the work entail? Video audio editing?

Brent: No it will be review and suggestions for changes but no real tech production or editing.

Sharron: Not using actors but authentic people with disabilities is that right? And keeping in sync with the written description will be the challenge.

Kris Anne:We may find people globally but how would that work in terms of the production crew?

Brent: We are having that discussion as we struggle with the deadline and how to tap into data bases and whether we bring the production company to the actors or subcontract with local producers in sites where the actors are. Shawn and I are working with Judy on deadlines. We were hesitant to bring to EO but a few weeks can be critical.

Jade: Why aren't we doing it the other way around? Find the actors and make the scenarios around those people rather than using the exisiting personas? Also, do we really need the full on production company or can we create authentic useful videos using simpler methods?

Brent: We have existing personas and began with the idea of illustrating them. Without the film crew we would have to rely on EO. The production company has the experience from the previous.

Estella: We at the university use the Perspectives vidoes because of the professional quality of the production. I support using people with disabilities as actors. Where is the production company based?

Brent: The previous one was in London

Estella: There may be some sort of user association and reaching out to real people - there are actors associations specific to disability.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to agree with Jade about focus on protagonist rather than existing user story. and to comment on filming quality level and to note levels with production company - e.g., fancy staging, on location, etc.

Brent: Please put this information in the survey

Shawn: I want to agree with Jade to center on the person/actor that we get rather than the existing persona. We want to keep a range of ethnicities, gender, age etc. We may have a hard time recruiting the diversity that we want so we will have to be flexible.
… I am intrigued Jade by your idea of the home grown video possibility. We could choose to use a production company to help with things but start with a tone, approach, etc is more informal. We may want to integrate elements of both.

Kevin: Age does become relevant which might add to the difficaulty. Thinking about Jade's comment the reality of a selfie type video may be a way to bring authenticity and be quite powerful.
… while I agree with the production value of the Perspectives videos, for these we are meant to be illustrating real people in real situations another approach might be more engaging.

Estella: In relation to that, do we need to add these within the Perspectives videos to explain the point? As a plus for dissemination to expand their message?

Michele: A clarification - are you trying to make the videos one on one with the personas?

Brent: Not sure that is clearly defined. Stories would have 8 or 9 videos that do match the story. The other ones would be 5 - 6 vidoes for Barriers and Tools would be 4 or 5. It will match page content but not necessarily use the page content as the script.

Michele: That can be tricky and can be sterotypical. In the keyboard Perspectives video I like that because there are 3 different people. Is there an opportunity for that?

Brent: In Tools and Barriers we could show multiple people but the User stories are likely to be just one to one.
… please do add these ideas to the weekly survey. We will draft scenarios and approach and bring back to the grouop.
… anyone want to join Jade and Michele in the sub-group? I have asked Adina Halter who worked on the Perspectives videos. Please add to IRC or the survey.

Kris Anne: Please add these good ideas to the survey even if you can't join the group.

Special Meetings

<shawn> call in logistics for the Monday meeting are at the top of https://www.w3.org/2017/08/01-eowg-info.html

Kris Anne: Link to the Monday meeting at 10 am is on the connections page to meet with Personalization TF

Brent: If you are attending the Monday meeting and can't find the connection, please email me.

Kris Anne: The other meeting is about the W3C restructure and is open to all WAI/W3C participants.
… I encourage everyone who can to join it.

Shawn: The Monday meeting is most important. Please do share input either by attending the meeting or in GitHub.


Kris Anne: Please see the updated Work for this week, complete the survey. Have a good weekend!

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).