WoT Profile

02 March 2022


Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ben, Sebastian

Meeting minutes


agenda for today

McCool: (goes through the agenda)



Lagally: (goes through the minutes)


Implementation report


McCool: creating a PR

Lagally: let's revisit later then



PR 180

Cleanup terminology

Lagally: some troubles with ReSpec about references
… just fixed by this PR


PR 133

PR 133 - Reinstating the Open Issues section

Lagally: is everybody happy to merge this?

Ege: it's rather a section on "long-standing issues" than "open issues"
… ok with "open issues", though

Lagally: ok, let's merge it


PR 118

PR 118 - Remove redundant Accept headers - closes #113

Lagally: looks reasonable

diff - writeproperty

Lagally: (goes through the section quickly)
… any questions?


Lagally: ok
… merging


PR 148

PR 148 - Specify JSON serialisation of Problem Details Format - closes #142

Lagally: this is a clarification
… fine with merging it
… any comments?



PR 85

PR 85 - Create echonetExampleTD.td.jsonld

Lagally: merge it or close it?

Ege: no strong preference

Kaz: have you got review from Matsuda-san, etc. for this?

Lagally: not yet

Kaz: would be nicer to get a quick review from them

Lagally: good point
… should ask them for review
… (asks a review from Matsuda-san on the PR)

PR 124

PR 124 - Move and reword Security section

Lagally: (goes through "Files changed")

McCool: the sentence on Core Profile security to be split into two sentences
… maybe we can add a review comment

Lagally: or we can merge this PR itself and create an additional issue/PR to modify it

McCool: we could change this to "Security Considerations" and should add a "Privacy Considerations"
… fine with merging this PR itself, though

Lagally: (creates two new issues, one for "Security considerations" and another for "Privacy considerations")

Issue 182 - New section: Security considerations

Issue 183 - New Section: Privacy Considerations

(merging PR 124, and got conflicts to solve)

(resolve the conflicts)


PR 181

PR 181 - WIP: Implementation Report

Lagally: seems many lines have been removed...

McCool: let me fix it...

(will revisit this later)

PR 146

PR 146 - Update references to WoT Thing Description 1.1 - closes #143

Lagally: some conflicts here

McCool: should use the class attribute for assertion extraction

Lagally: this block with the id of "profile-abstract-2" doesn't include any RFC2119 keywords but has the class for them

McCool: let's remove the class

Lagally: (fixes the problems)

Event model

Lagally: there were questions during the previous call

* do we need a single event model?
* do all consumers have to implement all event models?
* scalability requirements
* implementability

Lagally: and possible alternatives:

1. completely remove events from core profile
2. define 3 variants of core profile: core+SSE, core+longpoll, core+webhook
3. include 3 event mechanisms in core profile, make event support optional for consumers
4. mandate a single event model to be supported by all consumers

Lagally: we need McCool and Sebastian for this discussion

Kaz: we should explain potential use cases and then think about which levels of the use cases to be covered by the current version WoT specs

Lagally: need to add new use cases to the use cases document?

Kaz: it depends on whether the requirements are already covered or not

Lagally: think all the requirements are already covered by the existing use cases

Ege: the question is which use cases to be prioritized

Kaz: you can pick up some of the use cases and explain your need for the event handling

Ege: right
… we should see which level of event handling to be covered based on the existing concrete use cases

Lagally: ok, let's have concrete discussion then


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).