Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

02 March 2022


jasonjgw, Joshue108, scott_h_, SteveNoble

Meeting minutes

JW: Notes the Maturity model document CFC

JS: Open till midnight Boston

Also next week there is a meeting on the W3C legal entity status - during APA call time.

JS: Please send any questions your have in advance

Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA.

JW: I have had a look at the Cloudfare demo site

It worked on Windows 11, running Chrome using the print reader

And failed on a Mac Book Pro, M1 using Safari

We have contributed

Jason notes the range of devices that may be used

no special hardware required

relevant protocols are implemented

This has impact on our conculsions.

Janina has progress report

JS: Lionel has experience, and has tested

We've reached out to Cloudflare - should we set that up via RQTF etc or independently.

LW: Thanks for taking this up - good summary from Jason.

We would like all to test this.

I would just add the work that is yet to do, it is mature but we need to talk to Cloudflare.

Discusses logistics..

V exciting - we have talked about zero knowledge proofs etc

We've found implementations that work

We want to do a security deep dive - with flow charts outlining transfer et

so we can understand how privacy is preserved.

JW: Who would like to be involved?

JS: They are not members, but we can invite them to a meeting.

They may be recruited.

JS: The may be looking at IETF?

JS: Thats a part but they are implementing a W3C spec.

Lionel mentioned authentication

LW: Microsoft and other major companies are involved

JS: Who would like to be involved?

<discussion on that>

JS: Sounds like a decision

JW: It would be good to have validation

LW: We can do more testing on diff devices..

Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements.

JW: There is some progress to report

JW: I've review the doc, and the note on ASL accuracy

In the GH tracking , it looks like we had addressed it, but there was a reference to the FCC decision.

I put proposal in GH to move that ref to a note in the text

Steve has agreed - change has been reviewed - Josh has merged

Raja: I agree also

JW: Appreciated

There have been no other changes - but a suggested summary

Moving along well - Janina has some editorial items

We are on track for end of March publication

JS: I had an action to reach out to timed text - i've done that

I did outline some edits - and will reach out to Steve when I've got something

JW: Good progress

Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements.

A11y of Remote meetings

JS: This needs to go note track, and be published

JW: It is published no?

JS: No

<jasonjgw> https://www.w3.org/TR/remote-meetings/

JW: It is published

JS: Happy to be proven wrong

SH: I've got some updates etc to make

JW: I'll put it on an upcoming agendum

Natural Language Interface A11y User requirements


<SteveNoble> Joshue108: look at some COGA edits

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: Some look appropriate

<SteveNoble> jasonjgw: Let's have a quick overview first

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: Some deal with memory constraints

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: Definition edits

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: Primarily editorial

<SteveNoble> janina: May need to differentiate that "phrases" is a better term (not all spoken utterances are sentances)

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: Chatbots, speech vs. text?

<SteveNoble> jasonjgw: Need to read these in context

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: 16a, 16b, 16c (split 16 into subsections)

<SteveNoble> jasonjgw: Sounds good

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: Relates to inclusion of Content Usable references

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: Request to link to some of these

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: First relates to memory

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: This reference seems good

<SteveNoble> Joshue108: "Give the option first, then the option number" - one example

Memory item in content usable https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#objective-6-ensure-processes-do-not-rely-on-memory

Provide help and support: https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#objective-7-provide-help-and-support

<SteveNoble> Janina: some screen readers may allow user to get an option first as opposed to the number

<SteveNoble> jasonjgw: We can add the observation that something is useful for a user with a cognitive issue

JW: Any other thoughts?

<crickets and then discussion on how to game tech support>

JS: Do we have any idea of timing for publication on working draft?

JW: We are going for note - we want to do more reviews.

We need the CG on speech interfaces to look at this.

They were active at TPAC last year.

Then another review draft - and other wider review.

I've colleagues in ETS who would like to review it.

JOC: I think that is sensible.

JS: I think we are not publishing often enough.

We try to deal with many issues on our plate, and that we can say while we have more to go, we can say this is what we got.

JS: All of APA needs to publish more frequently.

JOC: +1 to Janina

JS: We don't have to wait many months between updates.

JS: Why don't we deal with the issues raised by COGA - then publish and keep working with the issues.

JS: +1

JW: Anyone object?


JW: Lets do it.

We can also publish intermediate working drafts without CFC - and also when we need wide review

JW: Lets get the COGA issues addressed, the we are on our way - and we can't reach out to potential reviewers.

Miscellaneous topics.

JW: We have covered most items

And the upcoming W3C organisation call



Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/item/items

Succeeded: s/tehse/these

Succeeded: s/+1 to Janina/JOC: +1 to Janina

Maybe present: JOC, JS, JW, LW, Raja, SH