IRC log of rqtf on 2022-03-02
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:39:00 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rqtf
- 13:39:00 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:39:02 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 13:39:02 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #rqtf
- 13:39:04 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
- 13:39:04 [trackbot]
- Date: 02 March 2022
- 13:39:11 [jasonjgw]
- chair: jasonjgw
- 13:39:15 [jasonjgw]
- present+
- 13:39:36 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements.
- 13:39:36 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements.
- 13:39:36 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA.
- 13:39:54 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Miscellaneous topics.
- 13:40:10 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, list agenda
- 13:40:10 [Zakim]
- I see 4 items remaining on the agenda:
- 13:40:11 [Zakim]
- 1. Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw]
- 13:40:11 [Zakim]
- 2. Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw]
- 13:40:11 [Zakim]
- 3. Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA. [from jasonjgw]
- 13:40:11 [Zakim]
- 4. Miscellaneous topics. [from jasonjgw]
- 14:00:35 [SteveNoble]
- SteveNoble has joined #rqtf
- 14:00:46 [JPaton]
- JPaton has joined #rqtf
- 14:00:47 [SteveNoble]
- present+
- 14:01:14 [Joshue108]
- present+
- 14:01:29 [Joshue108]
- scribe: Joshue108
- 14:02:15 [Joshue108]
- JW: Notes the Maturity model document CFC
- 14:02:35 [Joshue108]
- JS: Open till midnight Boston
- 14:03:04 [Joshue108]
- Also next week there is a meeting on the W3C legal entity status - during APA call time.
- 14:03:25 [Joshue108]
- JS: Please send any questions your have in advance
- 14:03:37 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, take up item 3
- 14:03:37 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 -- Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 14:04:04 [Joshue108]
- JW: I have had a look at the Cloudfare demo site
- 14:04:16 [Joshue108]
- It worked on Windows 11, running Chrome using the print reader
- 14:04:29 [scott_h_]
- scott_h_ has joined #rqtf
- 14:04:32 [Joshue108]
- And failed on a Mac Book Pro, M1 using Safari
- 14:05:03 [Joshue108]
- We have contributed
- 14:05:16 [Joshue108]
- Jason notes the range of devices that may be used
- 14:05:19 [scott_h_]
- present+
- 14:05:23 [Joshue108]
- no special hardware required
- 14:05:41 [Joshue108]
- relevant protocols are implemented
- 14:05:51 [Joshue108]
- This has impact on our conculsions.
- 14:05:56 [Joshue108]
- Janina has progress report
- 14:06:07 [Joshue108]
- JS: Lionel has experience, and has tested
- 14:06:28 [Joshue108]
- We've reached out to Cloudflare - should we set that up via RQTF etc or independently.
- 14:06:46 [Joshue108]
- LW: Thanks for taking this up - good summary from Jason.
- 14:06:55 [Joshue108]
- We would like all to test this.
- 14:07:13 [Joshue108]
- I would just add the work that is yet to do, it is mature but we need to talk to Cloudflare.
- 14:07:26 [Joshue108]
- Discusses logistics..
- 14:07:48 [Joshue108]
- V exciting - we have talked about zero knowledge proofs etc
- 14:07:58 [Joshue108]
- We've found implementations that work
- 14:08:17 [Joshue108]
- We want to do a security deep dive - with flow charts outlining transfer et
- 14:08:28 [Joshue108]
- so we can understand how privacy is preserved.
- 14:08:46 [Joshue108]
- JW: Who would like to be involved?
- 14:09:02 [Joshue108]
- JS: They are not members, but we can invite them to a meeting.
- 14:09:09 [Joshue108]
- They may be recruited.
- 14:09:17 [Joshue108]
- JS: The may be looking at IETF?
- 14:09:27 [Joshue108]
- JS: Thats a part but they are implementing a W3C spec.
- 14:09:40 [Joshue108]
- Lionel mentioned authentication
- 14:10:11 [Joshue108]
- LW: Microsoft and other major companies are involved
- 14:10:27 [Joshue108]
- JS: Who would like to be involved?
- 14:11:06 [Joshue108]
- <discussion on that>
- 14:11:30 [Joshue108]
- JS: Sounds like a decision
- 14:12:26 [Joshue108]
- JW: It would be good to have validation
- 14:13:21 [Joshue108]
- LW: We can do more testing on diff devices..
- 14:13:56 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, take up item 1
- 14:13:57 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 14:14:12 [Joshue108]
- JW: There is some progress to report
- 14:14:17 [Raja]
- Raja has joined #rqtf
- 14:14:26 [Joshue108]
- JW: I've review the doc, and the note on ASL accuracy
- 14:14:58 [Joshue108]
- In the GH tracking , it looks like we had addressed it, but there was a reference to the FCC decision.
- 14:15:13 [Joshue108]
- I put proposal in GH to move that ref to a note in the text
- 14:15:27 [Joshue108]
- Steve has agreed - change has been reviewed - Josh has merged
- 14:15:45 [Joshue108]
- Raja: I agree also
- 14:15:50 [Joshue108]
- JW: Appreciated
- 14:16:05 [Joshue108]
- There have been no other changes - but a suggested summary
- 14:16:20 [Joshue108]
- Moving along well - Janina has some editorial item
- 14:16:27 [Joshue108]
- s/item/items
- 14:16:36 [Joshue108]
- We are on track for end of March publication
- 14:16:54 [Joshue108]
- JS: I had an action to reach out to timed text - i've done that
- 14:17:23 [Joshue108]
- I did outline some edits - and will reach out to Steve when I've got something
- 14:18:14 [Joshue108]
- JW: Good progress
- 14:18:56 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, next item
- 14:18:56 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 -- Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 14:19:57 [Joshue108]
- TOPIC: A11y of Remote meetings
- 14:20:10 [Joshue108]
- JS: This needs to go note track, and be published
- 14:20:18 [Joshue108]
- JW: It is published no?
- 14:20:21 [Joshue108]
- JS: No
- 14:21:21 [jasonjgw]
- 14:21:25 [Joshue108]
- JW: It is published
- 14:21:43 [Joshue108]
- JS: Happy to be proven wrong
- 14:21:59 [Joshue108]
- SH: I've got some updates etc to make
- 14:22:20 [Joshue108]
- JW: I'll put it on an upcoming agendum
- 14:22:48 [Joshue108]
- TOPIC: Natural Language Interface A11y User requirements
- 14:23:40 [Joshue108]
- 14:23:40 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: look at some COGA edits
- 14:24:16 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: Some look appropriate
- 14:25:18 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Let's have a quick overview first
- 14:25:56 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: Some deal with memory constraints
- 14:27:12 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: Definition edits
- 14:27:47 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: Primarily editorial
- 14:29:04 [SteveNoble]
- janina: May need to differentiate that "phrases" is a better term (not all spoken utterances are sentances)
- 14:29:41 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: Chatbots, speech vs. text?
- 14:30:09 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Need to read these in context
- 14:30:56 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: 16a, 16b, 16c (split 16 into subsections)
- 14:31:20 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Sounds good
- 14:31:57 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: Relates to inclusion of Content Usable references
- 14:32:14 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: Request to link to some of tehse
- 14:32:43 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: First relates to memory
- 14:33:07 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: This reference seems good
- 14:33:37 [SteveNoble]
- Joshue108: "Give the option first, then the option number" - one example
- 14:34:15 [Joshue108]
- Memory item in content usable
- 14:34:42 [Joshue108]
- Provide help and support:
- 14:35:42 [SteveNoble]
- Janina: some screen readers may allow user to get an option first as opposed to the number
- 14:37:02 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: We can add the observation that something is useful for a user with a cognitive issue
- 14:38:46 [Joshue108]
- s/tehse/these
- 14:38:58 [Joshue108]
- JW: Any other thoughts?
- 14:39:32 [Joshue108]
- <crickets and then discussion on how to game tech support>
- 14:40:50 [Joshue108]
- JS: Do we have any idea of timing for publication on working draft?
- 14:42:45 [Joshue108]
- JW: We are going for note - we want to do more reviews.
- 14:42:59 [Joshue108]
- We need the CG on speech interfaces to look at this.
- 14:43:09 [Joshue108]
- They were active at TPAC last year.
- 14:43:18 [Joshue108]
- Then another review draft - and other wider review.
- 14:43:32 [Joshue108]
- I've colleagues in ETS who would like to review it.
- 14:43:44 [Joshue108]
- JOC: I think that is sensible.
- 14:43:57 [Joshue108]
- JS: I think we are not publishing often enough.
- 14:44:22 [Joshue108]
- We try to deal with many issues on our plate, and that we can say while we have more to go, we can say this is what we got.
- 14:44:48 [Joshue108]
- JS: All of APA needs to publish more frequently.
- 14:45:20 [Joshue108]
- +1 to Janina
- 14:45:37 [Joshue108]
- s/+1 to Janina/JOC: +1 to Janina
- 14:45:50 [Joshue108]
- JS: We don't have to wait many months between updates.
- 14:46:22 [Joshue108]
- JS: Why don't we deal with the issues raised by COGA - then publish and keep working with the issues.
- 14:46:26 [Joshue108]
- JS: +1
- 14:46:32 [Joshue108]
- JW: Anyone object?
- 14:46:35 [Joshue108]
- <crickets>
- 14:46:50 [Joshue108]
- JW: Lets do it.
- 14:47:26 [Joshue108]
- We can also publish intermediate working drafts without CFC - and also when we need wide review
- 14:48:06 [Joshue108]
- JW: Lets get the COGA issues addressed, the we are on our way - and we can't reach out to potential reviewers.
- 14:48:09 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, take up item 4
- 14:48:10 [Zakim]
- agendum 4 -- Miscellaneous topics. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 14:48:33 [Joshue108]
- JW: We have covered most items
- 14:48:42 [Joshue108]
- And the upcoming W3C organisation call
- 14:48:44 [Joshue108]
- AOB?
- 14:48:56 [Joshue108]
- <crickets>
- 14:49:22 [Joshue108]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 14:49:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Joshue108