DCAT subgroup teleconference

22 February 2022


AndreaPerego, Nobu_OGURA, riccardoAlbertoni
Alejandra, DaveBrowning

Meeting minutes

<riccardoAlbertoni> PROPOSED: approve last meeting minutes https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes

approve last meeting minutes


<riccardoAlbertoni> +1

<Nobu_OGURA> +1

RESOLUTION: approve last meeting minutes https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes

approve agenda


<riccardoAlbertoni> +1

Answer to Nobu's questions

riccardoAlbertoni: About the first question (dcat:Catalog and the use of dcterms:hasPart)
… We have not defined a specific property to link a catalog to an instance of dcat:Resource
… The reason for having dcat:Resource is to allow resources that are not explicitly defined in DCAT

<riccardoAlbertoni> https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/REC-vocab-dcat-2-20200204/#ex-catalog

riccardoAlbertoni: This is also why there is no example of the use of this property in this specific case.
… There are however specific properties for linking a catalog to a dataset, data service, and dataset series.

riccardoAlbertoni: More precisely: if you want to add in a catalog a resource not defined in DCAT
… the recommended approach is to define a subclass of dcat:Resource

Nobu_OGURA: What do you mean with "abstract class" when you are referring to dcat:Resource?

riccardoAlbertoni: What we mean is that dcat:Resource should not be explicitly used, but rather a specific subclass should be defined.

riccardoAlbertoni: About the min cardinality indicated in the class diagram (1..n), it is just because if you have a catalog, this is not supposed to be eventually empty.
… But this is not in the normative part.

AndreaPerego: Indeed, and probably we need to reconsider a bit the cardinalities we specified.

riccardoAlbertoni: Coming to the question on the meaning of the definition of dcat:catalog...
… The notion of "context" is just a generic expression to say that the description of given catalog is for some reason in scope of the main catalog.

AndreaPerego: Probably we should consider revising this definition.

Nobu_OGURA: Actually, the notion of "context" here is a bit vague.

proposal: we create an issue about the use of "context" in the definition of dcat:catalog - and elsewhere

proposal: we create an issue about the use of "context" in the definition of dcat:catalog and related properties (dcat:dataset, etc.)

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1


<Nobu_OGURA> +1

RESOLUTION: we create an issue about the use of "context" in the definition of dcat:catalog and related properties (dcat:dataset, etc.)

<riccardoAlbertoni> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1429

Open issues

riccardoAlbertoni: (explaining the issue)
… So the question is whether we want to be more prescriptive in how to specify distributions.

<riccardoAlbertoni> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/1458

AndreaPerego: My feeling is that if we are more prescriptive we are not addressing the objections raised, whereas the current wording is flexible enough.

<riccardoAlbertoni> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1429#issuecomment-987671503

riccardoAlbertoni: I think however that the text in the usage note may give the wrong message.
… We can however keep the section in the non-normative part.

AndreaPerego: I tend to agree. So, let's try to go that way.

proposal: we revise PR https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1429 to keep the section on the approach to dataset series before DCAT3

proposal: we revise the PR about https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1429 to keep the section on the approach to dataset series before DCAT3

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1


<Nobu_OGURA> +1

RESOLUTION: we revise the PR about https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1429 to keep the section on the approach to dataset series before DCAT3

<riccardoAlbertoni> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1443

riccardoAlbertoni: (explaining the issue)
… So, the proposal is to change the names of those properties used in series that can be confused with the versioning.
… But there may be a problem since they are associated with dcat:Resource.

AndreaPerego: It may be worth looking at why these properties have been defined


AndreaPerego: These are defined as subproperties of the corresponding ones in the XHV vocabulary.
… And they also map to the corresponding IANA relation types.
… So, they can be used to specify relationships for any resource in a catalogue.

riccardoAlbertoni: I understand the point, but the only case we have is dataset series.
… So, we should probably move them to dataset series.

AndreaPerego: My understanding is that we provide clear indications that in DCAT3 these properties are used for series.

riccardoAlbertoni: I think the confusion is related to the fact that we probably forgot about the reason why they have been defined this way.
… So, it would be important that we are clear about that, possibly by making it explicit in the usage note.

AndreaPerego: I agree to add this in the usage note.

proposal: add to dcat:prev etc. properties an explanation of which is their scope and purpose

proposal: add to dcat:prev etc. properties an explanation of which is their scope and purpose, and why they are associated with dcat:Resource

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1


<Nobu_OGURA> +1

RESOLUTION: add to dcat:prev etc. properties an explanation of which is their scope and purpose, and why they are associated with dcat:Resource

<riccardoAlbertoni> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1335

riccardoAlbertoni: About this issue ^^
… I wonder whether we should explicitly define dcat:inSeries and its inverse.
… Or we should use the PROV solution?

AndreaPerego: I will go for the PROV approach.

proposal: we add the inverse of dcat:inSeries in the section about inverse properties

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1


<Nobu_OGURA> +1

RESOLUTION: we add the inverse of dcat:inSeries in the section about inverse properties

[meeting adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

  1. approve last meeting minutes https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes
  2. we create an issue about the use of "context" in the definition of dcat:catalog and related properties (dcat:dataset, etc.)
  3. we revise the PR about https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1429 to keep the section on the approach to dataset series before DCAT3
  4. add to dcat:prev etc. properties an explanation of which is their scope and purpose, and why they are associated with dcat:Resource
  5. we add the inverse of dcat:inSeries in the section about inverse properties
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


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