Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

17 Feb 2022


Jonathan, Sam, Shawn, Bhoomika
Bruce, Laura
Jonathan Avila
jon_avila, Shawn


Proximity guidance - Content discussion (https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/133)

Shawn: Do you want us to look at big picture of sections

Jon: Is the content heading in the right direction that we envisioned

Sam: I thought we had agreed on getting a person to indicated in the user need

Bhoomika: Moving up example section under user needs would help - we could change order.

Shawn: Laura hadn't updated since our last meeting

jon: need to add in "because I have tunnel vision" type language into user needs

Sam: Current location in of terms may be better elsewhere. Terms may not be accurate. Point of regard is more meaningful.

Bhoomika: field of vision could be an example under user needs. Could be explained there.

<shawn> Jon: differenece and overlap between field of view and point of regard ...

<shawn> ... level of visual acuity in different sections of field of viewe

sam: you may use screen mag or zoom- your visual field may be normal but your point of regard may be different. No need to bring it in. Point of regard might be considerably smaller. Field of vision is a tangent. Is field of vision different.

Bhoomika: for the what to do section - disclsure in left to right languages - hard to follow what that meant.

<shawn> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/139

Alternative Themes guidance - Content discussion (https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/discussions/139)

Bhoomika: there is more we can do with this. I did what I could.

Bhoomia: especially with the images. May have questions around the example screenshots.

Shawn: If we are showing something bad it's best that we don't use a real site - but we can get someone to mock it up for us.

Sam: If you quote one person - it's a criticism doesn't seem fair -but the fact that it's real and isn't made up it hits you. You are griped by the example.

Shawn: We could use something that looks realistic but not from a particular site.

Sam: You could say the following examples replicate issues that have been found on real websites.

Bhoomika: Another thing I wanted to add in this example - different browser and OS have different support in alternative themes. The screenshot is from Chrome with Windows high contrast - but using Safari using smart invert the icon appear just right.
... that is something we could highlight.

<shawn> Jon: Smart @@ not something designers can do anything about?

<shawn> ... Let's focus on things that desibners and developers can do something about.

Sam: the how we can address this could be more specific with more obvious examples. One was avoid transparent images as the background gets switched.
... Around drop shadows - could be something like color based effects that indicate state. Talking about hover, active, inactive, and relying solely background colors to discriminate those and use additional affects like bold or underline such as border thickness, etc. Although I may switch color I am also do something else well.
... Found an example, one of our hover effects disappear - such as a stroke thickness or bold which are most obvious. Drop shadow are minor.
... Need specific example like pictures that sell this stuff. For example, when you use the theme hover disappears.

Bhoomika: can draft something - will need help with pictures.

Shawn: For now put a description of what the picture shows. That may take real life and make generic.

<shawn> Sam: why semantic?

<shawn> Bhoomika: ... also Jon idea @@

<shawn> Sam: Have general section then details

<shawn> ... probably not need to point out semantic structure here

<shawn> Sam: not sure about currentcolor CSS Keyword. I don't really understand it. In advanced section, would be good to show code snippets and examples.

<shawn> Bhoomika: I would need help with this. This is something I found from research.

<shawn> Shawn: We don't to cover everything, just the biggest common issues.

<shawn> Sam: The basic issues. Another heading on advanced. Just mention them, but don't give details.

<shawn> Bhoomika: what in basic section?

<shawn> Sam: 1. transparency in PNG 2. background color effects

<shawn> Bhoomika: Jon had a few more

<shawn> Shawn: Jon's as sub-points? OR advanced points?

<shawn> Sam: 3. avoid CSS background images

<shawn> Sam: maybe 4. bright images ?

<shawn> ... what is the solution for that?

<shawn> ah, avoid large areas or background that are only behind text

<shawn> ... text in images

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#images-of-text Success Criterion 1.4.5 Images of Text

<shawn> Shawn: take out unnecessary details , e.g., in WebAIM survey

<shawn> Shawn: Great work, Bhoomika! Thanks for pulling this together. Feel free to ask others to fill in technical details, etc.

<shawn> Bhoomika: I'm learning a lot. I come from the user perspective.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/02/17 19:38:27 $