10 February 2022


Dagmar, David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Concept URIs

gaurav: Making a list of all codes in FHIR examples for R4 and R5. Linked from issue 94.
… Three sets of file: system codes.
… path_end tells you where it is in the file.
… "path" is the json path to it.
… "path_end" is the most specific part of the path (except array index).
… unique-codes file has only unique codes.
… Most of these URIs are resolvable.

gaurav: I left out the display value. I'll add that.
… Takes about an hour to run. Works on a dir of JSON files.

eric: Could be a useful tool to the FHIR folks.

eric: The ORIM is the RIM expressed as OWL. I have something that turns a CDA into Turtle.
… RIM = Reference Implementation Model
… RIM ~= v3. Anything you see that talks about participations, acts, and act relationships comes from the RIM.
… Next step; write up problem discussion, to make an argument for adding those prefixes. I didn't see a compositional syntax.



FHIR RDF Playground

eric: I make a version to load different profiles. Can load from any FHIR and get the shex and transformation stuff for that release.
… Instead of using distant contexts it generates them on the fly from a particular profile.
… It allows the user to specify which FHIR version to use, but reading the model defs dynamically.

RDF Lists

jim: Looking at the behavior of specific OWL tools, if rdf:first and rdf:rest are defined as object properties. In Java OWL API, issues are mainly in the RDF to OWL parser.
… In example turtle file (books in a library), if you read it into OWL API and write it back out, the properties are maintained, but the instance data is dropped somehow. Only leaves the initial list node as a bnode, with no other triples about it.
… If you write the same thing in the OWL functional syntax, OWL API parses it fine, and you can even write out turtle.
… Neither hermit nor elk complain.
… Elk doesn't complain, but OWL EL profile does not support anonymous indiviuals at all, making it impossible to use Elk on this kind of data.
… Will ask the Elk maintainer why.
… Plan to try other reasoners next, like Pellet. Will also try some python tools.
… It's primarily a parser issue that constructs OWL from RDF.

FHIR RDF examples knowledge graph

dagmar: Found a nice graph visualizatoin tool. It shows nodes in different colors for differnet types.
… LOINC code is far away (in the graph) from the pt node.
… Maybe eliminate some of the blank nodes to make the knowledge more condensed.
… Gartner predicts 85% of data in graphs by 2025.
… Thanks for OpenEHR and CIMI links.
… What kind of KG should be stored about the patient?

eric: One value is if you filter out things like fhir:value, you can look at constellation of continuty of principles in this dataset?
… Lots of practitioner 005.

david: suggest think about what you want to do with the data, rather than trying to make an "ideal" representation.

dagmar: Want to make it easier for people looking at it to understand.

david: Suggest looking at FHIR Shorthand (FSH) https://github.com/HL7/fhir-shorthand

FHIR RDF playground

(Eric does demo of loading different FHIR version into the playground)


click the R4 button (which it loads by default)

you can also drag and drop a zip or the URL of a zip (typically a link from the downloads page)

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: david, eric, gaurav, jim