ACT Rules Community Group Teleconference

10 Feb 2022


CarlosD, Jean-Yves, Wilco_, Daniel, Helen_, anne_thyme_, mai_hartmann__
anne_thyme, anne_thyme_


<CarlosD> Assigned issues + help wanted https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen

<CarlosD> scribe: anne_thyme

<CarlosD> scribe: anne_thyme_

Call for review https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/461

Carlos: A couple of one-week reviews from Jean-Yves

Jean-Yves: I will merge today

Carlos: We have a few two-week reviews. One from me and one from Helen, that will be end in a weeks' time

Assigned issues + help wanted https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/carlosapaduarte

Carlos: We have included this on the agenda to get some volunteers for the "Help wanted" ones
... I have 5 pull requests waiting for reviews since last time
... It would be great to get the last reviews in

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/Jym77

Jean-Yves: I haven't had much time to work on my pull requests lately

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/WilcoFiers

<dmontalvo> https://wai-wcag-act-rules.netlify.app/standards-guidelines/act/rules/

<CarlosD> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/assigned/daniel-montalvo

<Wilco_> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/

Wilco: We finally have the rules published in the new redesign on the WAI website

<Wilco_> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/autocomplete-valid-value-73f2c2/

Wilco: We have been working on this for almost a year, and they are now published in a new and fresh design
... There are a few changes. The Accessibility Requirements Mapping is now under the Background section.
... The other thing that is new in these pages is that the Implementations are now on the W3C website with a link to the reports, that are still on the old website, but these are going to be moved too.
... I am working on a new tool to make it easier to do manual implementation tracking. It is pretty difficult right now. This was requested by Trusted Tester.

Carlos: Are the rules pages on the W3C website updated when we update them, or what is the process?

Wilco: Moving them from the community website to the WAI website is a manual process, but I am working on a tool to automate this.

<Wilco_> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/

Anne: Are we allowed to update the rules on the WAI website or does that require approval by the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group?

Wilco: We can update the Proposed Rules. The Test Rules needs to be approved first.

Carlos: Can we have a rules both under Test Rules and Proposed Rules?

Wilco: Yes, we agreed that we can do that, if we have an update to a Test Rule

Daniel: Wilco has been doing most of the work on moving to the website. I have been helping a bit, but also have another task on the list related to the Accessibility Support section, that I need to get to.

Helen: I would like to take on some of the "beginners tasks"

Joyce: I would like to pair up with someone on problem solving tasks

Carlos: Jean-Yves and I have been cleaning up the tasks, and they should now alle be labelled. If you search for issues labelled with "Help wanted", feel free to take on those tasks.

Update from the ACT Task Force https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/522/files

Wilco: I think everything has already been mentioned. I am also working on a proposal for showing deprecated rules on the WAI website
... We are going to propose to the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group to create an update to the Accessibility Conformance Testing Format 1.0 in the next chartering period, 2022-2024
... The ACT Task Force also wants to take the Headings have non-empty accessible name rule to the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group for advice on what to do with that rule. We know we don't want it as it is, but we don't know what to do with it, so we will seek advice

Should color contrast rules test content of tables https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1763

Jean-Yves: When we wrote the color contrast rule we descoped widgets, because they get very complicated due to changes in state. And then we wanted to get to that later, but this is still pending.
... However, I just realised that we currently do not check content of rows because they inherit from the abstract widget role.
... The rule is currently ignoring the text content inside widgets
... Should we include all widgets in the rule, ignoring their states, or just edit the rule to include content in rows, that don't have states anyway
... If we include the content of widgets, and then later on create the rule for widgets in all states, we will flag the same content twice

Wilco: I would be in favour of us including widgets, that are not disabled, into this rule
... I think we have tried to come up with multi state rules, and I hope this is something we can tackle in an update for the Rules Format. But I don't think we want to wait for that

Jean-Yves: I agree that is the best way to move forward, since we are not really getting closer with the states definition.
... I think the situation has changed, since we made the decision to not include widgets

Anne: If we include widgets, do we need to define that it is the unfocused, unhovered state that is being tested for this rule?

Jean-Yves: Then it would be a different page, that is being tested.

Carlos: I don't think this problem is specific to this rule, so we probably don't need to consider it

Wilco: Another example is animations, that are also not considered for this rule

Helen: Could we include an assumption about not including the hover state?
... so that everyone knows, that it is the static version of the text is being covered here.

Carlos: Yes, that is a good idea. We should probably look for other rules, where the same thing applies. Is everyone okay with this as an assumption?
... Okay, I will add this add the decision to include widgets in the rule and add an assumption, and add the "Help wanted" label

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/02/10 16:05:38 $

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Default Present: CarlosD, Jean-Yves, Wilco_, Daniel, Helen_, anne_thyme_
Present: CarlosD, Jean-Yves, Wilco_, Daniel, Helen_, anne_thyme_, mai_hartmann__
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