Meeting minutes
ARIA-AT Intro Video
Matt_King: what to people think about the aria-at intro video: https://
Matt_King: our goal was to make a basic intro to our project to help folks understand what we're doing
jongunderson: I thought it was good
Matt_King: one of the concerns that some people had was that the demo wasn't very convincing.
Matt_King: it highlights the difference in how switch is announced on different ATs
Matt_King: the example is a made up pizza ordering website, and there is a switch for pepporoni. One example announces it as a check box, and another one announces it as a switch.
Matt_King: so we're trying to come up with another demo
boaz: we're also planning to add sign language interpretation and make some changes to graphics and their audio descriptions
boaz: but the demo is the big thing we want input on to find something that is a bigger issue than switch
Matt_King: other examples I'm aware of are combobox, tree, and active descendant
Matt_King: trees are announced as a table on a Mac, and you can't tell the level or anything
boaz: it would be great if we could decide the demo direction today so we could code it next week and hand it over to the Filmaker the week of feb 7th
michael_fairchild: why not active descendant?
jongunderson: how about the grouping label?
James: we had talked about having a switch in a home automation system, like lights or air conditioning, but it's not totally prohibitive when it does work
James: I think combo box is more compelling since it blocks the user, like typing an address into a covid-testing
Matt_King: what if you had like a switch and a combo box, and the switch is for turning notifications on and off, and the combobox is for choosing between text/email/voicemail. on a Mac if you did this, you'd get to the combobox and it would be empty
James: interesting do we want to show two controls or one?
Matt_King: I think showing two is a good idea
JoeHumbert: something everyone can relate to is not working on the phone and working on the desktop
James: I think its a good idea to demonstrate the consequences of the problem
boaz: we do have limitations of following the current narrative of one demo on desktop, then another on laptop
boaz: I think it would be good to have an error be out loud, instead of silent
JoeHumbert: couldn't the voice over audio description say what's happening
boaz: what about a type ahead with states in an address form?
Matt_King: what about a simpler example
James: what if we take the select only combo box
James: on a Mac it gives you a hint about what to do but then doesn't tell you the content
Matt_King: what should the content be?
come up with a task that's about choosing an option, from a group of 4-5 examples
michael_fairchild: the broken example is https://
boaz: what about pharmacy location?
Alyssa_G: you could say choose a location to pick up your medication
Matt_King: what about about choose how you'd like to verify your identy
Matt_King: lets let the director make the final editorial decision, and follow up with the aria-at mailing list to get sign off
boaz: ok!
Zakim: make minutes