Wilco: Group generally in favor
of language of block
... Some provided feedback, we are waiting for concrete
... Specially when specific smaller blocks should and should
not matter
Jeanne: Need for AT standardization. Maybe we need to write something advising how AT should behave
Wilco: Isn't it what Shawn mentioned last week about some user agents including this themselves?
Jeanne: Let's further investigate this with him
Francis: Did people like it then?
Jeanne: Yes.
Wilco: Let's see what happens in AGWG
<jeanne> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=889370
<Francis_Storr> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1onytB133NRc1EXEOVPizcOqeTi70r2JUcba-LgUyKEY/edit#heading=h.fw3gu387mgyl
Francis: Are we good with the edge cases as they are?
Wilco: I think so
... Next step for us would be to come up with a draft text to
our outcome
[Group discusses draft outcome wording for the above document]]
Proposal: "Blocks of text can be presented in their natural language by assistive technologies."
Wilco: There might be plainer takes, but would they loose meaning?
Jeanne: They should not.
[[Discussion of simpler language]]
Proposal: Assistive technologies can present blocks of text in their natural language
Wilco: This make sentence more difficult to scan
Francis: We may end up with a lot of outocmes starting with "assistive technologies"
Wilco: Programmatic language we
should remove
... We started requiring "lang", but now that is just one way
of doing things
... Next is to have a definition.
Francis: We have that definition already
Wilco: Where did we get this
... I am missing a written only language example
Francis: French could be spoken or written
Wilco: That one looks fine. "Blocks of text" is worrying
Jeanne: We need an HTML5
... We got these from somewhere, we should attribute those
Wilco: I don't know where I got
... I think Natural Language is defined in the
internationalization glossary
Jeanne: We should put where this is coming from
<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/TR/i18n-glossary/#def_natural_language
Wilco: This is much shorter
Jeanne: Let's leave this for now
Wilco: Will add a note to come
back to this later
... In this sentence assistive technologies should be
Francis: We need a definition for blocks of text
Wilco: I think we have a definition of assistive technoloes somewhere
<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#dfn-assistive-technologies
Wilco: Maybe the way to define it is in terms of what it is not. Any text that isn't part of a paragraph is not a block of text
<Wilco> Any natural language text that isn’t part of a larger sentence or paragraph.
Wilco: I think that definition
might work, the thing is if "blocks" is the right word at this
... Links inside sentences would not be blocks of text
... Probably "text blocks" is better. Puts the emphasis on
Daniel: As long as this does not change the overall meaning, I am good with this.
Jeanne: "Label" is very HTML specific
Wilco: We could leave this out
[[Work continues in the document]]
Jeanne: We can't put lang on the image
Wilco: You could put it on the image
Jeanne: I think ATs would ignore it
Francis: That is an edge case.
Wilco: Will add to our examples
<jeanne> HTML5 reference for img element https://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/#the-img-element
Francis: If you have a set of images inside the same paragraph with different lang values, would this definition be covering this?
Wilco: We could do without paragraph
Jeanne: According to HTML5, lang
is not a valid attribute for the image tag
... seems very old, we should probabbly not be using this
Francis: Lang is a global attribute
<Wilco> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#global-attributes
Wilco: Next step is simplify
where we can
... We may want to work on some methods during the week
... Can we set something up on a repo so we can work directly
in it?
Francis: not sure
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