ixml Group Teleconference

11 January 2022


Bethan, Dave, John, Michael, Norm, Steven, Tom

Meeting minutes

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ACTION (2021-08-005): Tom and MSM to come with a pragma proposal. [Done]

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ACTION (2021-10-001): Steven to draft a mediatypes proposal (see

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ACTION (2021-12-001): Steven to add his tests to github [Done]

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ACTION (2021-12-002): Michael to write test catalog for Steven's

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tests [Done]

ACTION (2021-12-003): Steven to add strings proposal to spec [Done]

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ACTION (2021-12-004): Steven implement the resolution for issue 19 [Done]

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ACTION (2021-12-005): Steven implement resolution for issue 18 on XML

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names. [Done]


Norm: I'm writing my own parser
… ongoing
… results for next month

Steven: I added a command-line way of calling

Tom: JayParser not yet highly performant

Dave: What should we expect by June?

Tom: At least two

Norm: I will have an implementation by June
… integrated in XProc and Saxon

Michael: I have an implementation, not performant (yet).
… faster by June
… also planning Prolog version

Dave: What level confidence by June?

Michael: I am confident

Tom: Mine needs a rewrite, not sure if it will be ready by June

Steven: I'm confident with mine.

Dave: I am concerned with the stability of the spec for June release.

Pragmas proposal

Tom: We have spent some weeks on the proposal.

Michael: Basic requirement is that they say things to processors without interfering with other processors.
… Syntactically distinct. Some way for processors to recognise whether they are being addressed.
… Uses square brackets and namespaces.

<Steven> s/I US/Us/

Michael: Syntax is straightforward

Tom: We had an idea of using attributes for pragma data

Michael: Where do pragmas occur, and what do they mean?
… identifying what pragmas need to do sets a minimum requirement.
… I care about the XML representation of grammars, and so don't want pragmas to be wherever comments can be.

Steven: It sounds like this proposal is addressing use cases that should be separately addressed.

Michael: A pragma should be allowed to respond in any way it wants to pragmas, including stopping and starting a game.

Steven: I disagree.

Michael: I think you are right to be concerned.

… one of the things we want pragmas for is to provide a way to support functionality that hasn't been standardised.
… extension behaviour allows you to gain experience.
… conformance requirements mean that processors should be able to ignore all pragmas.

Dave: What should a non-pragma processor do with a pragma?

Michael: Not trip over them.

Steven: What would change if iso the [ we used for instance {! ?

Michael: It makes pragmas heavier.

Tom: I don't believe that should be a priority

Steven: I really don't like using the syntax for character sets for pragmas

Michael: For my use cases I want a single character for pragmas.

Norm: we could have two representations, a single character unicode, and a multicharacter ascii.

Tom: I would like ASCII

John: When you're presenting the pragma data to the processor, you're parsing the rules
… it's tempting to get structure inside the pragma.
… but maybe it should be up to the processor
… you can work with a reserved comment structure
… as long as you can nest

Dave: It smells like a pre-parse

John: I find a pragma in my namespace, I pick up the arguments, a string, I can recursively parse that string against my pragma grammar

Michael: I have presented the proposal; we want syntax distinct, we want namespaces

Steven: I don't see the conclusion
… also it seems a lot of mechanism for what I saw as a simple need

Norm: Question -- suppose you subtracted the QName stuff, and adding namespaces later.

Tom: I wouldn't support that

Tom: I want a namespace part

<Tom> Correction: I am not saying that we need a QName namespace part

<Tom> I am saying that we need some way of avoiding namespace collision

Steven: Namespace collision or pragma collision?

<Tom> Happy to hear an alternative proposal to XML namespaces!

<Tom> pragma collision

Michael: I don't think that allowing namespaces there is any degree of complication.

Bethan: The pragma communicates with the processor, does it have to understand the input or only serialise it?

Tom: If you mean writing to disc, no, but providing an XML representation, yes.

Bethan: so the use of a pragma implies changing the result of the parser.

Tom: It may

Michael: Not will.

Tom: Two issues so far: 1 - syntax (that's the easy one)
… 2 - issue of namespaces. There is a wider issue with this.

Steven: Namespaces is an issue that needs to be addressed separately, and I'm worried by making it a part of prgmas, we block future development before we've even thought about it.

Dave: A statement of belief is that we need to meet more often.

Tom: Weekly at this time?

Tom: maybe deal with namespaces first, or ask Steven to suggest an alternative.

ACTION: Dave to propose terminology to separate document inputs and outputs.

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Summary of action items

  1. Dave to propose terminology to separate document inputs and outputs.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Jparser/JayParser

Failed: s/I US/Us/

Succeeded: s/FO/Fo/

Succeeded: s/parser/grammar/

Succeeded: s/prgam/pragma/

Succeeded: s/;/'/

Succeeded: s/l US/Us/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven