Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

17 November 2021


jasonjgw, Joshue108_, scott_h, SteveNoble

Meeting minutes

Revision of CAPTCHA Note.

JW: This is the working group note

There is a CFC at the moment

Should conclude tonight

We hope to enable republication, then have a review

<janina> ~https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa-admin/2021Nov/0000.html

This relates to the new W3C process doc etc

JS: E'one here should have voted.

Please do if not.

JW: No dissent

JW: On the substance - there is a proposal that Janina referred to, from Cloudflare to use the Web Authenticaltion API

To assert the user is a person

Then they can proceed. The second part strengthens privacy a la zero knowledge proofs etc

2 part proposal from Cloudflare - interesting as it looks like it will do e'vthing that CAPTCHA does, and could be a comple CAPTCHA replacement

Interesting solution, potentially better than others.

JW: I've drafted changes that describe the proposal

JS: I agree that is a strong proposal that we should give serious consideration to.

JS: We will have some edits

There is also economic advise that should make it into the intro

It is costly to use CAPTCHA, in terms of frustration and wasted time

We need to publish this note as a FPWD

And signal to the community we are working on this document

SH: +1 on the really good data on the cost of using CAPTHCA from Cloudflare

JW: I've a branch, with these changes - not merged

JW: Is that reasonable?

How long do we want to wait for comments? Xmas etc

At least until the end of Jan or Feb for comments.

SH: I'd support that.

RK: Regarding timeline, the holidays are coming soon and I'm not familiar with the process, so can we include that info in email?

And have more knowledge - I'm listening and learning

JW: We want to propose late Jan.

JW: Publication will for sure not happen before Dec.

<Janina updates Raja on process>

JS: This becomes another kerbcut - not just an a11y issue but of benefit for all

JW: I will look for editing opportunitites

JS: <Discussion on previous draft work>

<Zakim> Joshue108_, you wanted to ack Judys request

JW: We are not meeting next week

we can schedule in Dec or Jan

JS: Beginning in Jan?

JW: We can look at their availability.

JOC: No meeting on the 24th

nor the 22nd or 29th

RESOLUTION: RQTF would very much like to meet the Flash mitigation folks in either Dec 1, 8 or 15 or Jan 5th, 12, 19 or 26

@judy - check resolution for possible dates

JS: Anything else on CAPTHCA?

JS: Confirming our bibliography errors?

JW: No issues

Accessibility of remote Meetings.

JW: Thank you Scott for going through the outcomes from TPAC - I have worked thru and added to tracker etc

I've commented etc

JW: Lets do this Async etc on Github etc so we can make progress etc

We can come back in two weeks then. Sound ok?

SH: Sounds good

Lets all look at the issues

There is a label in GH that we can use

We have had not much comment outside of TPAC

If we have issues to discuss, lets do that now?

Good progress

Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements.

JW: We had a good discussion at the WAI CooP Symposium

I've circulated the ref to the chatbot a11y paper that was mentioned


Chatbot Accessibility Guidance: A Review and Way Forward.


JW: Discussion?

JOC: Would this be a useful reference to include?

JW: Not really sure - its more of a lit review - but does highlight issues that we may want to discuss.

JOC: You may give a precis of the issues and we could discuss.

JW: If you have Springer access..

SN: I may do.

JW: I'll finish parsing it. They are planning to release more material in December.

JS: COGA are actively working on comments

JW: <I've been looking at how to transfer repos a la GH>

Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements.

JW: We have had comments from the breakout session

Steve N is looking at issues and is starting to comment

JW: Co-ordination?

SN: A few of these appear to be old issues.

Some are process issues and can be closed.

There was a bibliography comment - a la W3C style.

How you reference a standard etc, journal articles/

JW: We have used that in the past - may need to convert refs.

SN: Specref - I've looked at it - does it apply to journals

<discussion on Specref>

JS: Wait a little Steve until we have ported repositories

SN: I'll review

JS: We can get those into a branch - then we migrate that over to a new repo

Like we did with CAPTCHA

JS: We can work through the comments etc

RQTF and COGA: potential research topics.

JW: These topics are back on the agenda - we have not had a specific list but we have a general idea - that we got at the joint meeting

Anything to say?

JS: Yeah, I've told them there will be scrutiny in terms of the task force workstatements

Mental health issues were not a part of the original assignment, but that was many years ago.

They are not charters to produce deliverables that relate to mental health

Not currently in scope - there is an early non-vetted draft.

I told them we would get to it, and co-ord with AGWG. Likely Jan.

JS: <Gives overview from APA perspective>

JW: Understood

This TF look forward to discussing when the COGA TF approaches us again.

SH: <Discusses dynamic experience of the interactions>

JW: <Answers q on dynamics>

SH: <Doesn't totally agree>

Summary of resolutions

  1. RQTF would very much like to meet the Flash mitigation folks in either Dec 1, 8 or 15 or Jan 5th, 12, 19 or 26
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 159 (Fri Nov 5 17:37:14 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/too../to.

Succeeded: s/JS: Thank/JW: Thank

Maybe present: JOC, JS, JW, RK, SH, SN