DXWG Plenary @ TPAC2021

26 October 2021


AndreaPerego, Caroline_, kcoyle, kirkwood, plh, PWinstanley, Rach, RiccardoAlbertoni
Antoine Isaac
PWinstanley, RiccardoAlbertoni

Meeting minutes

<Caroline_> https://www.w3.org/2021/10/19-dxwg-minutes

proposed: approve minutes of last meeting

<RiccardoAlbertoni> +1

<plh> 0

<Caroline_> +1


<AndreaPerego> +1

<kcoyle> +1

kcoyle: Would like to discuss the clock changes in the coming weeks

PWinstanley: thinks that we just continue with the same time

Resolution: approve minutes of last meeting

Daylight saving time

time and timezones (November 16, 2021)

proposed: we will keep a week for DCAT and for the Plenary as referenced below
… and we will be at 20:00 UTC for these meetings

Caroline: DCAT Subgroups Meetings for the next two months: November 3 and 17 and December 1 and 15
... DXWG Plenary Meetings for the next two months: November 9 and 23 and on December 7 and 21

<PWinstanley> +1

<Caroline> +1

<kcoyle> +1

<AndreaPerego> +1

<RiccardoAlbertoni> +1

Resolution: we will keep a week for DCAT and for the Plenary as referenced

plh: dx/calendar has been updated

Our questions

<Caroline_> https://slice.wbrain.me/#/list/XOYHVj8Xzuv0N1PEfG

kcoyle: there is discussion about DCAT being used for wider uses than types of data, and I want more information

PWinstanley: I would like to see dcat also as an information catalog, everything provided behind a URI could be described in the catalog (eg the collection of my rocks)

PWinstanley: DCAT is a common denominator for describing catalog in the web.. non necessarily in RDF but mostly in it
... also the choice of taxonomy is another characteristics,

kcoyle: the feature you are considering are cover by other vocabulary, what is specific of DCAT?

AndreaPerego: DCAT is grounded by many use cases ( see the eu data portal), we need new use case beside the traditional.. .

AndreaPerego: there is the open data directive, where data is also fueled by private companies .. ..

Rach: is there any specific vertical that is focused on?

PWinstanley: mainly research data and government open data

Rach: any focus on health, education, financial, etc?

<AndreaPerego> Dataset Exchange Use Cases and Requirements

RiccardoAlbertoni: DCAT is domain-neutral. the use case from a specific domain is inspiring, but customisation for a specific community is simply to prepare an application profile.
… There are communities that start from DCAT and define their own specific view, but focus on specific domains is beyond our scope
... I have recently been involved in an AI project and one looking at transparency and reproducibility of AI. This domain is useful inspiration as there are aspects and use cases that we might have previously consdered out of scope but now recognise as being in scope

AndreaPerego: as RiccardoAlbertoni said, DCAT is supposed to be context neutral. if 2 domains have the same issue then we generally think that the issue is likely to be in scope.
... See the UCR doc - there are some domains that Rach mentioned - e.g. health.
... The link between DCAT and AI - now there is some enthusiasm around ML, but people are losing a focus on data managment, which is required for proper ML. This provides a route for applying DCAT. Issues such as data quality and ethics can benefit from DCAT
... As well as the FAIR Principles there are principles focusing on ethics that relate to geospatial data, and this could be relevant and be reflected in new versions of DCAT

<kcoyle> wonder if we need to add FAIR to the charter or is it obvious?

<AndreaPerego> CARE principles

<AndreaPerego> SDW WG Responsible use of spatial data

<kcoyle> and CARE as posted by Andrea

Rach: I want to echo the AI interest - I think that it will be something that DCAT team should investigate

Caroline: we have a questionnaire that it would be useful to get peoples' views on - it will take 10 minutes or so
... I can distribute this by email, but perhaps if Rach and kirkwood could help us to get to others -

kcoyle: we need to ask for use cases again. I think that would be a useful call
... I see this questionnaire as being a way of teasing out use cases

<Caroline_> Google doc

Caroline: thanks to all for a good discussion today

Summary of resolutions

  1. approve minutes of last meeting
  2. we will keep a week for DCAT and for the Plenary as referenced below
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


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