ixml Group Teleconference

12 October 2021


MSM, Steven, Tom

Meeting minutes

<Tom> Hello Liam

Previous Actions

ACTION (2021-08-001): Michael SMq to control the agenda sending.

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ACTION (2021-08-002): Steven to upload new version of spec

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ACTION (2021-08-003): Steven to add references to parsing algorithms to spec

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.


ACTION (2021-08-004): Steven to create list of existing requirements, so that we can identify when a new one comes

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ACTION (2021-08-005): Tom and MSM to come with a pragma proposal

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MSM: We will meet to discuss the pragma proposal

Tom: When?
… next week at this time

MSM: Sure.

Status of implementations

Steven: Tutorial in progress, with updates to pilot implementation, which now does almost everything.
… Only 32bit software, so I still have to find a solution for macintoshes

MSM: I had an older implementation. I've reined in on the regression tests, and proceeded with the parser,. Last night the parser produced its first correct output.
… so getting closer
… the acid test will be ixml.ixml

Tom: No progress report, but a status report; I now work for a company who supports me working on ixml for a half day a week.

Tom: [Describes problems with the code]
… [Too many nested templates]
… people are calling for implementations.
… so I feel a need to produce one

Bug reports / change requests

3.1 done

3.2 done

Steven: And closed

Media type conventions for ixml grammars



Steven: That is how to create a mediatype
… work
… text/... is ASCII based
… application/... is octet based
… or use x.ixml

Tom: Use applicaiton/ixml+xml

Steven: We could use application/ixml
… or we could register +ixml
… and then have eg application/css+ixml

MSM: And then an x. we can use without registering

Steven: Yes

MSM: It's nice to have a story about how it fits in to the web
… only helps if people make grammars available
… even so it's good to have.
… If someone gives me a file of type css, I can look up the mediatype to locate an ixml file that matches and use that.
… other things being equal, it would be good to have a section

Action: Steven draft a mediatypes section

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Policy on punctuation in the xml serialisation

MSM: It messes with indentation behaviour
… I would like a version without all those characters

Tom: Keeping them allows you to roundtrip the document.

Steven: Who really cares?

MSM: We'll come back to it.

Test Suite

MSM: Once my parser is running...

Next meeting

Tom: Daylight Savings will have ended

MSM: Let us move it an hour later.

Tom: Agreed

Steven: So 1500UTC


Summary of action items

  1. Steven draft a mediatypes section
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/with/without/

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