Meeting minutes
(There is some trouble with the W3C Web services including the WoT wiki and Mailinglist archive today...)
McCool: please finalize
open day schedules
… I have issues labeled in a certain way and we
will discuss these today and reach resolutions
… please upload presentations beforehand to the link above
… many editorial changes from last editor's draft
… we have dealt with anonymous TDs, i.e. TDs with no ids
… for extension to other protocols, we have done
JSON based pagination as well. Not clear about long TDs
… and also worked on the event api
… we have labeled issues, for example with 2021-10
… in order to raise awareness for the issues and
get input from the group
… Issue 224
… use of @type. should it be mandatory
… it is important for shacl validation or in the
future having TMs in the TDDs
… we will discuss in detail later
… also issue 209
… issue 208 for read only TDDs
… issue 190 regarding the id field in the TD
… is it the Thing id or TD id
… issue 156. what do we do about jsonpath being a
draft in ietf
… issue 150 about defining error types
Issue 208
Farshid: currently the spec is for read and write and this is about having a directory that can be only read
we still need more discussion
Issue 224
TDDs need to deal with missing @type #224
<Zakim> FarshidT, you wanted to react to mjk
Ege: what does a TDD implementor that doesn't implement all the features do?
McCool: its TD will not have all the affordances
Ege: but that means that I need to look at every TDD TD I get, even if it is full compliant
McCool: we can have an array of @type that lists the capabilities of the directory
Farshid: this makes it difficult as well since we can have a type for each different type
Cristiano: I also understand the problem, this would create fragmentation
McCool: unimplemented affordances should not be listed
Cristiano: it should be a group of capabilities
Ege: yes otherwise it is the list of affordances
McCool: Let's reach consensus on this issue though, we have blown our schedule
McCool: I will just comment this on issue since we don't have time for discussion
Issue 190
McCool: ft and ek have different opinions
Ege: my opinion is that in the beginning I remember getting task of changing all ids in the TD spec to dev urn which point to physical devices
Ege: but this is not a strong opinion
Farshid: but the diagram in the spec is for a document not the Thing
McCool: spec is ambiguous, both cases have use cases, we need to clarify the spec
McCool: could you write this in the comment
Andrea: as cristiano said, the ontology is ambiguous
McCool: we should clarify the text and the ontology as well
Kaz: we need to think what we actually meant by "Thing" or "Web Thing" in our specs.
Thing or Web Thing
An abstraction of a physical or a virtual entity whose metadata and interfaces are described by a WoT Thing Description, whereas a virtual entity is the composition of one or more Things.
we still need more discussion including the one on TD
Issue 156
JSONPath and XPath response data models #156
McCool: IETF JSONPath is
still not a spec yet. We had some options but now given that all
query mechanisms are optional, we can discuss further.
… we need a second xpath implementation for
Ege: another option is to write jsonpath spec inside td dir spec
Klaus: it would be difficult to implement all the features. a subset could be interesting
McCool: we need someone to have a look in the spec
Cristiano: I can but what should I look at
Cristiano volunteers to work on it
Stretch goal issues
Issues labeled as "Stretch goal"
McCool: these are topics that will probably not be in the spec but we can make a last push for some selected ones.
Issue 164
Consider adding "poll hook" to registration (pull keepalive) #164
McCool: Issue 164. Should directory poll the device and check for activity and correctness.
Issue 111
Geolocation query filters for AR #111
McCool: Issue 111. Static and dynamic use cases.
There is an IEEE std for geolocation queries. It would be better if we wait and then take one of these standards.
McCool: I have a proposal at discovery repository/proposals/ that ideally should be a separate note. Maybe a REC track later.
Kaz: I'm OK with this work itself and also splitting this work as a separate GitHub repo, but we should clarify our publication plan for both the original WoT Discovery spec and the possible WoT Geolocation Note given we're getting close to the end of our Charter period.
McCool: let's talk about that during the main call tomorrow
Other issues to be closed
labeled as "2021-10 F2F" and "Propose Closing"
197, 178, 100, 98, 93, 56, 48
Issue 93
Consider using "JSON Lines" for large TDs #93
McCool: can leave this open
Kaz: Farshid mentioned we could close this issue 93 and continue the discussion on 117
McCool: kind of superseded by the new issue
Issue 48
How to avoid duplicates in a directory #48
McCool: we did have
problems related to this issue
… probably we should close this issue itself, and
then think about more detailed issue
Kaz: we've talked about
issues on id already
… so we can close this issue 48 itself
… and continue further discussion on the thread
about id
McCool: would like to close
this issue 48 itself
… and create another issue on anonymous TD,
McCool: introduction and
… big focus is directory service fr
… directory service is the largest part of the
Discovery spec
… three implementations here
McCool: LinkSmart, WoT Hive and Logilab TDD
Andrea: tricky with XPath
for LinkSmart
… JSON doesn't support XPath itself
McCool: if we don't get
sufficient implementations, we can mark the feature as "at
… need to refer to the IETF spec as well
Next meetings
McCool: TD on Thursday, Oct
… Sebastian will chair it
Sebastian: yes
… including the plan for 2.0
McCool: note that we still
have trouble with wiki, etc.
… please upload your slides to the
Other WoT meetings this week
McCool: we'll have the main
call tomorrow
… no TD call
… conflict with the Architecture call, so no
Architecture call
… I've updated the WoT main wiki about the
cancellation, though it's not accessible now
… see you all tomorrow at the main call!