Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

22 September 2021


janina, jasonjgw, John_Paton, Joshue, Joshue108, scott_h_, SteveNoble

Meeting minutes

Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements: any issues to be coordinated during the publication process.

jasonjgw: Publishing materials for announcing SAUR are in process

janina: just waiting on final OKs

Joshue108: Transmission request has been submitted; Judy needs to OK

jasonjgw: reached out to NCAM about SAUR

Joint working group meetings and break-out sessions planned for TPAC 2021.

<janina> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2021

janina: If listing is marked "confirmed" that that is a go; if not they are still in the works

janina: Looking for other groups to take up our work like the SAUR

<janina> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MDW5ja90OVuCSbirmOLfKcnHdgEKOUvqFy5icPwGsdY/edit?usp=sharing

Scott: still working on Remote Meetings workshop description; thanks for all who have helped

Ted: Taskforce has worked on a best practices wiki on vehicle infomatics accessibility; breakout session for TPCA is in the works

Ted: they have been looking at privacy issues and the need to at times relay information about someone's accessibility needs; they are shifting more to the idea of allowing individuals to set accessibility preferences

Judy: Discussion on privacy; UN convention has affirmed the right of people with disabilities to privacy

Raja: a person should have the right to keep this info confidential; we have similar issues around people requesting captions

janina: Getting a connection to vehicle information for rideshare service is something important; identifying your driver is critical

jasonjgw: It would be good to get all of these questions and issues into the planning for TPAC sessions

Ted: breakout session is on the TPAC wiki

jasonjgw: We probably want to crosslink from the APA page

janina: Reminder there are funds to support signing in the TPAC session, but need to request that

Judy: captioning will be default; registration form for TPAC breakout sessions will need to specifically request this when registering

<janina> https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/

Judy: we have to remember that these meetings are international, so ASL won't be necessarily universal

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to ask about glossary stunning and to

Accessibility of Remote Meetings.

jasonjgw: publications and coordination of Remote Meetings work - touch base

Judy: need to discuss next week

janina: It would be useful to have the publication ready by TPAC

Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements.

jasonjgw: Hoping to publish first draft soon

Joshue108: Going in a good direction; we should be able to publish soon

Flash mitigation and associated video issues.

jasonjgw: not sure if we have an interest; this is an old conversation which periodically resurfaces as new specs are discussed

<Judy> https://groups.csail.mit.edu/infolab/publications/Barbu-Deep-video-to-video-transformations.pdf

jasonjgw: This was a real time communication issues around media manipulation; but the question around media transformation was part of that

Judy: link provided is to an article to frame this discussion

jasonjgw: reviewing the spec would be a starting point

janina: There may be an opportunity for such a spec to find its way to mainstream media devices

janina: We also need to consider the metadata about accessibility options that are available in media before someone pays for it

jasonjgw: EPUB accessibility has done a lot of work in this already; time for other media to look at this

janina: Before APA pays attention to this, RQTF would need to take the lead

Miscellaneous topics.

jasonjgw: reminder that WAI communities of practice has a call for papers

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: Judy, Raja, Scott, Ted