Meeting minutes
Agenda Review & Announcements
TPAC and other conferences
<janina> https://
janina: things are moving forward. Some meetings are already set. I'm very interested in Alan's i18n issue. We may be able to address this at TPAC.
IrfanA: in week one, I didn't see anything for us. In week 2 there are 2 discussions.
janina: a very interesting discussion there is the ability to reference schemas normatively.
<IrfanA> https://
janina: we know where some ARIA folks will be so we want to be in those meetings.
IrfanA: the TAG requested a review of our explainer but the issue was closed. We now have the FPWD. We can wait until we have the final approach or we can show them the FPWD and get their thoughts.
janina: I'm inclined to wait. I'm not sure they'll have much to add. They also don't seem to appreciate wading through the types of public-facing explainers that we publish.
janina: we learned last year not to ask the parsers to change.
Roy: for the TAG review, I discussed with Michael and he thinks we should reopen this issue because TAG is a bridge to WHATWG.
Roy: I also noticed that our explainer is in the TAG format. I think it's okay to use the explainer to talk to them.
Roy: but we should update the document.
<Roy> https://
janina: if we already have it in their format, that's fine
Roy: should we talk to TAG during TPAC?
janina: the argument between AT and browsers needs to be the focus of discussion and solutions
janina: I will send a draft invite message to the list after the long weekend and look for feedback.
mhakkinen: for AITA there was a notification that we were accepted.
mhakkinen: I will have to register for the conf by Sept 7.
mhakkinen: I think we can have virtual co-presenters but someone needs to be there.
mhakkinen: I'll keep everyone posted.
mhakkinen: I'd be willing to do a hybrid presentation for CSUN but I'd rather someone else take the lead.
Action Items i18n writeup
janina: the only thing I'd add is an example of where we can add more specificity to lang.
Alan_: the TTS engines can't figure this stuff out from the context.
janina: I'll provide an example, I'll try to get to this before the weekend
Github Issues
<Roy> https://
<Roy> https://