WoT Architecture

22 July 2021


Ben_Francis, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes


Lagally: just one hour time for this call
… focus on the high priority issues on the first hour
… maybe mccool can take over after

McCool: ok


McCool: review f2f minutes deferred to the latter part of the call

<kaz> July-15

Lagally: any concerns on the previous minutes?

Lagally: ok approved

Profile PRs

PR 89

<kaz> PR 89 - Define protocol binding for actions - closes

<kaz> Issue 81 - Action semantics

Lagally: any other people had time to review it?

McCool: I did have look on other design patterns, I want to propose alternative solutions.

Ben: this is a draft for a protocol bindings for actions
… I did not specify update action operation in this draft
… two different action types: sync and asyc
… open issue: should we include input data in the response? now it is not mandatory in the PR
… where to include the created URL? header or body? now it is in the body
… there's no example for output data but it is planned

McCool: is there any difference between actions that "create resources" rather than just an async action?
… we discussed a lot about good design patterns also in discovery
… I read API design patterns book, there is a pointer to google.aip.dev/151
… there is a description for long running operations, maybe can inspire us

<McCool> https://google.aip.dev/151

McCool: actual link above

Ben: interesting do you think it can improve the current status?

McCool: I think so, mostly it is just a checklist that we could follow
… we can do a sanity check
… there are also collections

Lagally: thank you, I suggest to review the current PRs with this new information in mind

<McCool> https://www.manning.com/books/api-design-patterns

Kaz: I am ok with starting with a simple proposal and doing further reviews, but we should consider binding with the exisiting IoT standards, e.g., Echonet, OCF, oneM2M, ...

McCool: I don't really agree with it, profile is for greenfield devices we have to strive to a good api rather

Kaz: in that case, I should have split my comment into two levels, (1) this binding within wot-profile for small devices (we need to think about device level standards) and (2) at some point later, we need to think about specific bindings with the other IoT standards.

McCool: looking at existing standards is good to create a list of requirements

Lagally: I too think we don't have to strictly follow a specific standard but get inspiration from them
… let's look at what we have

McCool: I agree, we just need some sanity checks

Koster: we can collaborate with the Thing-To-Thing group, we are working on the same pattern.

<mjk> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-ace-aif-03.html#table-2

Lagally: what do you mean by collaborate?

Koster: maybe invite in the call or review PRs

Koster: we support getting a status and delete
… sometimes created resources have different owners: coffe process and confee machine

Lagally: we are using http specific features in Ben's proposal

McCool: yeah agree, it is a requirement question: do we want to extend to support to other protocol later?

Lagally: I do prefer to keep our solution open

Koster: we can allow blended solutions. e.g. put location in the header if user want

McCool: so do we merge it now?

Lagally: keep for review for one more week

McCool: we have one more week than vacation hit

Lagally: let's get every comment on the PR before next meeting

Ben: don't focus too much on protocol extensibility. This is good design for HTTP
… for example MQTT design would be completely different.

Lagally: can we use url in the body?

Ben: it is a convention to put it in the headers

Lagally: why do we have two action status?

Ben: one is the status and the other is a link to the status

McCool: one is the header and the other is the payload

Lagally: why don't put the url in the payload

McCool: as Ben said this would have another schema

Kaz: I can ask Matsuda-san about how they handle with this specific situation. BTW, what is the main reason to have sync or async? I personally think it would be useful for a use case that a Consumer talks with a group of Things which collaborate with each other, e.g., an air conditioner and a robot cleaner (robot cleaner cleans first, and then the air conditioner waits until the cleaning is done before it starts)

Ben: the main practical reason is that some actions may exceed the usual HTTP timeout

Kaz: I suggest to design a specific use-case for this description when we ask external SDOs for review.

McCool: the terminology is a little bit confusing

Ben: I agree

McCool: long-running and quick actions?

Ben: mmm not convincing cause you can have sync long-running actions too.

McCool: ok for keeping it

Lagally: maybe it requires one or more lines as introductions

PR 78

<kaz> PR 78 - Restructure WoT Core Profile section

Lagally: this is an old PR

Ben: I rebase it today, it is blocking

Lagally: I have some problems with the current changes
… it is a little bit "ostile" cause is deleting a lot of text

Ben: it is the result of a previous discussion that we had.
… I see removing as a good thing if it is simplify the current situation

mc: I suggest not to block Ben, the text is there in the repo

Lagally: the removed part has significant content that it is useful for other profiles

Ben: I don't indiscriminaly delete it, but it seems that it was a little bit out of scope
… which part of the text do you feel to keep because it contributes to interoperability.

Lagally: do you want to remote core data model?

Ben: yes and the external TD representations

Lagally: we should keep core Data model because we have to keep the separation between data model and protocol bindings

Ben: I agree with keep data model separate from the binding
… but I would put this on Thing Description spec

Ben: which of these constraints do you feel apply to all the bindings but not to all the devices

McCool: it might be sense to label sections with their goal
… title and description mandatory is human-readable
… we want to encourage good design in profile
… do we need a best practice section?
… it is different than targeting interoperability

Lagally: we can have it, but making a normative statement to stress the importance of our goals. (e.g., human readable)

Kaz: my suggestion is to not remove the content but maybe once move to the appendix section, and continue the discussion about which content to be included in the Profile spec. If the data model definition here need within the Profile spec, we can pick up the necessary part back to the main body. On the other hand, if part of the description to be moved to the Thing Description spec, we should do so.

Lagally: why don't we just remove human-readability constraints? so maybe just change the PR to be more fine-grained

Lagally: it is a long discussion, maybe defer to the next call

<benfrancis> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/73

<benfrancis> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/73#issuecomment-805010541

Ben: we had a similar discussion, above links to that
… we haven't talk about added sections, the PR is more about restructuring

McCool: maybe having a feedback on the sections that we should keep it would help future discussions

Lagally: let's look into that together

<kaz> (Lagally leaves and McCool takes over the Chair's role)


<kaz> Cristiano: (mentions wot-thing-description Issue 1195 above)

PR 92

<kaz> PR 92 - Define protocol binding for events - closes #42

Ben: how do you feel about for a protocol binding for SSE?

Cristiano: node-wot has a draft implement of it, so let's do it

Koster: fair choice

McCool: no direct experience with it, but it is a w3c spec so it good.

Ben: thank you

Architecture PRs

PR 602

<kaz> PR 602 - Refactor TD/Discovery Material in Section 8

McCool: refactored building blocks section by adding discovery as a top level

McCool: any comments on the PR?

<kaz> 8.5 WoT Discovery

McCool: I think we can move on and merge it
… updates can be done in the future

PR 601

<kaz> PR 601 - Fixup Device Classes

<kaz> 4. Device Categories (which is added)

McCool: PR adds the device classes
… it mentions also about gateways and hubs
… and fixes minor formatting problems
… we need better category names, nodeMCU is a product

McCool: any objection ?
… ok merged

<kaz> PR 600 - WIP: Add Description and Model Section

PR 604

<kaz> PR 600 and 604 - WIP: Provides text for TM

McCool: PR 600 can cause problems with Sebastian's PR. I can merge it now and provide further work later

Sebastian: you can actually merge PR 604 too, it is marked as wip but I can work on it later

McCool: (reviews the changes in PR 600 and PR 604)
… let's merge PR 604 first, and will work on PR 600

<kaz> (PR 604 merged)

PR 605

<kaz> PR 605 - Add observeallproperties, unobserveallproperties, subscribeallevents and unsubscribeallevents

Cristiano: this came from TD

Ben: yeah, we added subscribeallevents and related operations.
… but the definitions are in the architecture
… so I updated it
… we should move this table in td spec

McCool: right, let's merge it and then add an issue for moving it

McCool: ok for merging it

mm creates the issue about moving operations to TD spec

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/606

f2f minutes

<kaz> vF2f minutes

McCool: we discussed PRs
… canonicalization (but it is now outdated)
… duplicate text

Kaz: they are two proposal

McCool: they look the same

kaz removed the second entry

McCool: spotted another typo
… also there is a fixup entry that did not work
… no other comments?

kaz fixed the issues above

McCool: so day 3 is reviewed

McCool: two typos in day 2
… there's a random character
… missing a capital T
… async https://www.asyncapi.com/
… day 5
… keep in mind that the chapter number in the profile spec are now changed
… no any other issues
… ok everything is done

<kaz> yay!

McCool: AOB?

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).