numeral-mode data type

The numeral-mode type specifies the mode similar to the mode type, but with a restricted set of values. The different minor values are used to interpret <numeral-root> values of 6 and 7 when present in a minor key. The harmonic minor value sharpens the 7 and the melodic minor value sharpens both 6 and 7. If a minor mode is used without qualification, either in the <mode> or <numeral-mode> elements, natural minor is used.

Base type: string

Allowed values

harmonic minor Numerals are interpreted relative to a harmonic minor scale with a raised 7th degree.
major Numerals are interpreted relative to a major scale.
melodic minor Numerals are interpreted relative to an ascending melodic minor scale with raised 6th and 7th degrees.
minor Numerals are interpreted relative to a natural minor scale.
natural minor Numerals are interpreted relative to a natural minor scale.

Where is this type used?
