DXWG meeting

29 June 2021


Ana, AndreaPerego, annette_g, Caroline_, kcoyle, plh, Rachel_
DaveBrowning, Peter, RiccardoAlbertoni

Meeting minutes

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

AndreaPerego: There is an issue with the tracker - not associated with this channel

plh: minutes will be ok; tracker has been retired

<Caroline_> https://www.w3.org/2021/06/15-dxwg-minutes

<Caroline_> +0 wasn't there

<Rachel_> +0 wasnt attending


<Ana> +1

<annette_g> +1

<AndreaPerego> +1

Resolution: approve minutes of last meeting

Caroline_: using github to track issues

plh: tracker tool tracked issues and actions; you can now do this in github

<plh> https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/

plh: track is retired
… need to copy over any you want because cannot close them on old tracker

Caroline_: should move them so we don't lose them

plh: use github issues and assign them to a person

annette_g: is there a way to link them into the minutes?

plh: no
… there is a way to see all of the issues in these multiple repos and their status

<plh> https://www.w3.org/PM/Groups/issueboard.html?gid=99375

plh: may be slow because scanning multiple repos

subgroup reports

AndreaPerego: DCAT subgroup had call last week, discussed what issues to address for next draft
… 1) about series and versioning; some concerns raised about defining inverse properties - some are for and some are against
… still open in recent public working draft; need to find a solution that addresses concerns
… 2) some feature requests related to data services; heard from implementers outside this group
… their use cases need more info about the services; openAPI capabilities description
… some also need available formats and support for query languages
… perhaps not specify in DCAT but use API description
… not clear the timing for completing this

annette_g: saw the requests, and the direction has been to have an identifier for a document
… has anyone given a reason to move toward doing it differently?

AndreaPerego: the reason why we want to have this at level of service description because folks want to be able to search/discover
… data services by their capabilities or technologies
… having this information in the service makes it hard to have it searchable

annette_g: makes sense, services as first class citizens, folks will want to search for different types of them

AndreaPerego: there are some things we don't want to support because there is no API documentation standard that would make that available
… we need a solution that fits more cases
… this is not what DCAT is designed to do

kcoyle: very vague but annette and I can take a look at it

annette_g: we probably would come up with a table of contents after looking at issues and supporting documents

Caroline_: a good idea to come up with a table of contents
… start from github

Caroline_: we will be taking a break for July and August, come back September
… anything else to talk about?

<Zakim> AndreaPerego, you wanted to ask plh about any news on https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1223

<AndreaPerego> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1223

<AndreaPerego> https://api.specref.org/bibrefs?refs=vocab-dcat

<AndreaPerego> https://www.specref.org/?q=vocab-dcat

AndreaPerego: open issue about github TR v API bug
… doesn't point to the correct version of DCAT
… should always point to the latest version in specref but info is mixed up for the citation keys because they get the wrong info
… plh promises to get to this ;-)
… but there is no solution yet

<AndreaPerego> https://github.com/tobie/specref/issues/640

AndreaPerego: I tried to move this forward in the specref repo and was asked to create an issue; did so at beginning of March
… seems to be in a JSON file that introduces the bug

plh: once we fix it the references will change and some people may not like it

plh: will switch this group to using official calendaring in the near future; can synchronize our calendars to that system
… you will see an email when it is activated

Caroline_: another topic: DCAT subgroup decided to use Zoom instead of WebEx; would the plenary also like to move to Zoom?

AndreaPerego: Zoom worked fine for subgroup

<annette_g> +1 for Zoom

+1 also for Zoom

<Ana> +1

<Zakim> annette_g, you wanted to mention accessibility

annette_g: there were accessibility issues with Zoom?

plh: it was security problems at the time, but not so much now.
… recommend WebRTC
… working in the browser

<plh> WebRTC 1.0: Real-Time Communication Between Browsers

proposed: move back to Zoom

<annette_g> +1

<Caroline_> +1


<AndreaPerego> +1

<Ana> +1

Resolution: move back to Zoom

<Rachel> +1

Caroline_: chairs will report out what the dates are in September

AndreaPerego: DCAT subgroup is the 15th of September

plh: Plenary comes back Sept 7

<annette_g> yes, labor day is Sep 6

<Ana> thank you, bye

Summary of resolutions

  1. approve minutes of last meeting
  2. move back to Zoom
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


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